• 多老师说学生不应该在学校使用手机,但如果有充分的理由,学生可以把手机留在学校办公室。

    Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there was a good reason, they could leave their phones at school office.


  • 发现拿着一部昂贵手机到处一件很愚蠢的事,因为到处公共电话亭住宅电话办公电话,可以方便使用

    One day you think it's silly to walk around with an expensive phone when there are all these public pay phones, home phones, and office phones at your disposal.


  • 享受日光浴的交易商基金经理发现自己无法离开黑手机和打办公电话

    Traders and fund managers who were catching some sun found themselves glued to their BlackBerrys and on the phone to their offices.


  • 协作工具没有的要有效利用但是这种情况可能因为智能手机作为通讯设备同时用作办公用具而改变

    Collaboration tool are not being heavily used but this could change if smart phones were treated as tools as much as communication devices.


  • 办公对面书柜还有一团杂乱缠绕的连接线用来手机摄像机笔记本电脑MP3播放器之类便携设备充电的。

    On the credenza opposite is another jumbled nest of wires for recharging mobile phones, cameras, netbooks, MP3 players and other portable gizmos.


  • 第二次创业Square,这是一项手机支付服务可以替代传统信用卡读卡机设备、商业银行账户办公电脑

    His new venture is Square, a mobile payment service that replaces the traditional payment apparatus of credit card reader machines, merchant bank accounts and back-office computers.


  • 2009年3月,智联招聘网站曾针对办公室中手机铃声的使用情况了一调查大约有5000名网友参与该调查,回答他们心中难以忍受的铃声类型。

    A survey on “workplace cell phone ring tones” by Zhaopin.com in March, 2009, asked around 5, 000 respondents what ring tones they found most annoying.


  • 很少离开办公很少出差员工那里收回手机寻呼机

    Take away phones and pagers from employees who rarely leave the office or travel on company business.


  • 放弃固定电话答录机,拿回手机重新开始使用语音信箱,通过这种方式做生意可以舍弃这些设备从而节约办公空间

    Lose the landline and answering machine. If you use your cell phone and voice mail to conduct business, you can do away with these devices and save the desk space.


  • 这里输入译文电子商务使人们可以办公深夜购物一样,移动手机人们可以在任何地方购物。

    Just as e-commerce made it possible for people to shop in the office and late at night, mobile phones let them shop anywhere.


  • 其中一个原型系统能自动调整语音邮件优先级,如当用户不在办公手机将自动把朋友的语音邮件设置为优先接收。

    One of his prototype systems shuffles the queue of voice-mail messages to give priority to messages from friends when the phone is out of the office.


  • 现在手机笔记本已经不仅仅办公家庭用来保持交际方式。

    The mobile phone and laptop are not just tools to stay in touch with the office or home anymore.


  • 这个物件起到了无线麦克风的作用,盖恩斯下令叫杰克手机扔出车窗外然后指令驾车反恐组分部办公驶去。

    With this device working as a transmitter, Gaines orders Jack to throw his cell phone out the window, and he has him drive toward the CTU office.


  • 而且我们员工越来越局限于坐在办公内,因此能用平板电脑智能手机参加可视会议非常重要

    And increasingly our people are not in their offices, so being able to participate in videoconferencing using their tablets or smartphones is very important.


  • 尽管手机看起来很棒,好象是解放了通讯工具,使我们摆脱了办公束缚,让我们拥有更多休闲时间往往恰恰相反。

    Though cell phones can be wonderful, liberating tools of communication, freeing us from the confines of an office and providing more leisure time, they often do the exact opposite.


  • 一路上使用自己手机使馆办公打电话,小时内12次线-再说一遍不是我们的编造。

    Along the way the ambassador used his cellphone to call his embassy office, and in one hour he experienced 12 dropped calls - again, we are not making this up.


  • 公司斯德哥尔摩销售办公看到展示的“斯堪的纳维亚”,除了语音通话智能手机任何事几乎都可以在这款电视上实现。

    With the exception of voice calls, the 'Scandinavia' on display in the company's Stockholm sales office allows me to do pretty much anything I would expect in a mobile smartphone.


  • 可以安排每个地方销售员顾客服务团队通过智能手机办公进行协作

    I can arrange for the sales or customer service teams that travel from one place to another to collaborate with the main office from their smartphones.


  • 过去一周没有见过自己女友,只能在吃饭时通过手机联系办公对面咖啡馆窗前互相挥手致意。

    His girlfriend, whom he has barely seen in the past week, calls his mobile from an office block opposite the cafe where he is eating and waves from a window.


  • 工作者自己笔记本电脑智能手机带到办公然后它们连上公司系统

    Workers are bringing their own laptops and smartphones into the office and connecting them to corporate systems.


  • 突然他们听到办公响起短促手机铃声。

    Suddenly, they hear the quiet chirping of a cell phone from inside the office.


  • 无论是喜欢拥有完整键盘手机还是偏爱触摸屏手机现在手机已经足够强大可以处理电子邮件管理联系事务运行基本办公软件

    Whether you prefer a BlackBerry with its full keyboard or are happy with a touchscreen mobile, today’s phones are easily powerful enough to handle email, contacts and basic office software.


  • 七月份美国版权办公裁决绕开制造商保护机制使手机执行软件程序不再违反联邦版权法

    In July, U.S. copyright Office ruled that bypassing a manufacturer's protection mechanisms to allow "handsets to execute software applications" no longer violates federal copyright law.


  • 通过阅读条消息人类能够理解隐藏含义数据提供家庭办公手机号码

    By reading this message, a human knows the latent meaning and that of the data and can tell you what the home, office, and cell Numbers are.


  • 对于拨打家庭办公手机电话,这些号码用作转接号,就像英国的“走”0700转接号码。

    Those can then be used as the destination point for calls made to a home, office or mobile phone - like the 0700 "follow me" numbers used in the UK.


  • 理由确定你要是不是办公桌前的时候一般你都会打手机

    He was making the argument that you call most people on their cell phones because you're not sure if they're at their desk.


  • 城市摩天大楼阻碍无线号,而且办公上班族写字台前面坐着手机妨碍网络信号,因为手机网络原本是暴走族设计

    City skyscrapers block wireless signals, and office workers using cellphones at their desks clog networks originally designed for people on the go.


  • 比如手机就是智能手机,它也是那些想离开家庭办公办公人士们准备流行电子设备之一

    A Blackberry is a smart phone and one of the most popular devices for working away from the home office.


  • 专家们想买手机消费者应该向他朋友们邻居询问他们的手机家里办公信号覆盖情况的好坏。

    Experts said potential phone buyers should ask friends and neighbors about how their cellular coverage fares near their homes and offices.


  • 比如说他们大多数人打电话手机不用公司办公电话线路办公电话线路一般都有通话记录

    Most, for example, make calls on their mobile phones rather than their office lines, which are generally recorded.


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