• 胚胎第15天,椭圆囊、球囊壶腹初具成熟形态毛细胞和支持细胞也初具雏形,出生时前庭器官已基本发育成熟。

    The shapes of utricle, saccule and crista ampullaris tended to mature at E15, and the shapes of supporting and hair cells also tended to mature. The vestibular organ was mature at P0.


  • 宝宝出生,在切下脐带留在脐带脐道中的血液收集收纳袋里

    After the birth, when the umbilical cord is cut, the blood left in the cord and placenta is drained into a storage bag.


  • 暴露于HIV病毒中的婴儿儿童,应出生4 - 6第一医护人员接触便使用,一直持续相关感染排除。

    HIV-exposed infants and children, starting at 4-6 weeks after birth, or at first contact with health care, and continued until HIV infection is excluded.


  • 许多父母孩子出生就为他们签约,这样等孩子18岁就有可能租套住房。

    Many parents sign up their children when they are born, so they might get a place by the time they are 18.


  • 1977年,对熊姐妹出生美国科罗拉多斯普林斯,在它们还是澳大利亚于1985年来定居。

    The sisters, born in Colorado Springs in the United States in 1977, were tiny cubs when they moved to Australia. They have been in Sydney since 1985.


  • 事实上如果能够选择的话似乎很多英国倾向于把自己归人自己出生时所属的那个阶级不是他们工作人所显示那个阶级。

    In fact, it seems that many Brits, given the choice, prefer to identify with the class they were born into rather than that which their jobs or income would suggest.


  • 委员会认识在对母亲婴儿诊断治疗服务有限的地方很难出生确定婴儿是否已感染HIV

    The committee recognizes the difficulty in identifying infants infected with HIV at birth in settings where diagnostic and treatment services for mothers and infants are limited.


  • 熊猫的胎儿出生大约46盎司重

    Panda cubs can weigh from 4 to 6 ounces at birth.


  • 根据出生婴孩记录,平均100个女孩诞生一般情况下会有103106个男孩出生

    In all societies that record births, between 103 and 106 boys are normally born for every 100 girls.


  • 海地25%新生儿出生体重不足,大大影响婴儿存活率预期寿命。

    In Haiti, 25% of newborns have a low birth weight, affecting the survival of infants and thus the population's life expectancy.


  • 摩根出生时身体并未出现任何紊乱症状所以只有未能正常发育他的父母才意识了问题。

    At birth there are no symptoms of the disorder so it was only when Morgan failed to develop properly that his parents realised there was something wrong.


  • 第一月中四分之一一半死亡发生出生最初24内,75%发生在一周内

    Within the first month, one quarter to one half of all deaths occur within the first 24 hours of life, and 75% occur in the first week.


  • 虽然出生婴儿完全无助的,出生后的几年之内他们就已经能够掌握语言肢体技能一切一个三岁的孩子,每天能学会10个新词走步一类的复杂的身体运动

    Although babies are born utterly helpless, within a few years they've mastered everything from language - a toddler learns 10 new words every day - to complex motor skills such as walking.


  • 尾骨的分布15寸,正常情况下抑制尾骨延长基因已经减少,而人类尾巴停留出生的长度。

    Ranging from one inch to five, the gene that normally stops vertebrae elongation is decreased and the human tail remains at birth.


  • 亚当伊甸园已开始敬拜音乐创世记四章21节,犹八出生开始被提及

    Adam worshiped in the Garden of Eden, but music isn't mentioned until Genesis 4:21 with the birth of Jubal.


  • 大多数婴儿一样,曾晶出生只有3.5kg16体重飙升110kg,许多同学开玩笑

    Born at a regular 3.5 kg, she soared to 110 kg at age 16 and most of her schoolmates took her for a geek.


  • 十年似水年华辞旧迎新即将来临之际,网上出现了段带有病毒视频(视频已经被删除了,译者注),内容是一位娜塔莉(Natalie)的女孩出生10的影像,从视频中我们可以看一份父亲对女儿浓浓的

    A time-lapse decade: Just in time for Old Man Time to make way for Baby New Year, a viral video surfaced of a girl named Natalie from birth to age 10, testimony to a dedicated father's love.


  • 大多数婴儿出生体重68磅之间

    At birth, most babies weigh between 6 and 8 pounds.


  • 出生一个宽吻海豚幼崽90130厘米

    At birth, a bottlenose dolphin calf is about 90 to 130 centimetres long.


  • 伊丽莎白二世出生大英帝国将近四分之一地球纳入了自己版图

    By Elizabeth II's birth, Britain's empire spanned nearly a quarter of the globe.


  • 最初名字出生日期有关开始进入成年一个表现个人特点名字,结婚正式名字。

    His original name was linked with the date he was born. He would get a new name, describing a personal feature, when he was initiated into manhood. On marrying, he would take on his formal name.


  • 研究入组了679人,他们出生一直跟踪10几他们1116检查了他们的肺功能

    Their research involved 679 study participants followed from birth through their teens, whose lung function was tested at age 11 and again at age 16.


  • 意识这孩子出生间是2001年911,我忍不住:“他们真是够倒霉的。”

    When I realized he was born on September 11, 2001, I said, "How horrible for his family."


  • 可以通过母亲婴儿出生

    It can also be passed from a mother to her baby during birth.


  • 可以通过母亲婴儿出生

    It can also be passed from a mother to her baby during birth.


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