• 这种先期利率周期经常持续大概6个月1之间

    This introductory rate period usually spans somewhere between 6 months and 1 year.


  • 公司企业家来说另一项潜在意外收获利率周期延续

    Another potential windfall for small businesses and entrepreneurs is the continuation of a low-interest rate cycle.


  • 既然美国消费支出增长廉价借贷成本中产阶级收入增长)推动的,利率周期变化时,这种增长就会难以为继。

    Since rising US consumer spending is driven by cheap borrowing costs rather than growing middle class earnings, it is vulnerable to a turn in the interest rate cycle.


  • 过去周期表明经过时间利率之后紧缩阶段十分危险的。

    Past cycles have shown that the tightening phase, after a long period of low rates, can be very dangerous.


  • 英格兰银行行长默文金,将会保持设定利率权力同时,为了金融体系稳定而承担责任并且控制信贷周期

    Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, will assume responsibility for the stability of the financial system and control of the credit cycle, while retaining power to set interest rates.


  • 经济繁荣之前通常个低利率的过程,也是经济繁荣周期转化的一个先决条件。

    Before the economic boom, there is usually a low-interest-rate period, which is also a prerequisite for the economy to boom periodically.


  • 一旦物价回到正常水平联储开始削减利率然后繁荣周期重现

    Once prices return to a favorable level, the Fed begins to reduce rates again and the boom bust cycle repeats.


  • 印度需要一个低水平的增长周期减少这些没有节制的增长。要求更高利率

    India needs a period of slower growth to reduce these excesses and this requires higher interest rates.


  • 随着昨日降息美国联邦基金利率周期高点6.5%降至2%。

    With yesterday's cut, the federal funds rate has fallen from a cyclical peak of 6.5 percent to 2 percent.


  • 他们没有从历史上来考虑低于市场利率造成扭曲这点奥地利商业周期理论关键组成部分

    Historically they didn't consider the distortions caused by below-market interest rates (which of course are the key ingredient in the Austrian theory of the business cycle).


  • 所以,你得为时间贴现,除以(1+r),才是1美元期价当前值,在这儿假设的是1年,实际上不必是1年,利率时间的单位,所以我指定一个时间周期衡量利率

    The interest rate has units of time, so I have to specify a time period over which I'm measuring an interest rate.


  • 经济繁荣之前通常利率过程也是经济繁荣周期转化的一个先决条件

    Before economic boom, there is usually a period of low interest rate, which is a prerequisite for economy to turn for prosperity.


  • 专家表示除了最近出台的措施外,也排除提高利率我们已经进入了加息周期

    Despite the latest move, interest rate hikes cannot be ruled out, said an expert. We have entered an interest rate hike cycle.


  • 由于在央行利率上调之后银行暂缓提高存款利率因此周期内存贷利率有一定幅度加大

    But deposit spreads should widen as rates rise, because Banks can delay passing on some of the extra interest to savers.


  • 这部债务三部曲所有中,周期始于资本洪流跨境流动,它推低了利率刺激信贷增长

    In all three volumes of this debt trilogy, the cycle began with capital flooding across borders, driving down interest rates and spurring credit growth.


  • 在经济繁荣之前通常利率过程也是经济繁荣周期转化一个先决条件。

    Prior to boom period, usually there is a period of low interest rates, which is the precondition for the economy to cycle to boom.


  • 2006年全球股市涨势开局,不过由于市场人士预计美国利率水平可能接近当前加息周期顶点美元汇率美国国债收益率双双走软

    World equity markets began 2006 in bullish mood, while the dollar and Treasury bond yields softened amid expectations that US interest rates could be near to the top of the current cycle.


  • 保持利率不变决定标志着近年缓慢加息周期进入新的一突显出自金融危机以来经济复苏令人失望

    The decision to hold rates marks another chapter in the most glacial rate-raising cycle in recent times, underscoring the disappointing economic recovery since the financial crash.


  • 一运行趋势主要我国经济运行周期宏观经济政策变化利率不平等三个因素所决定。

    This trend is mainly due to the factors of developing circle of national economy, changes on macro economic policy and level of interest rate.


  • 基于这种视角,我们认为,本轮周期不会再次出现全球性储蓄过剩从而推动利率下降因为中美两国都实施刺激内需政策

    With that in mind, we don't foresee a renewed global saving glut that can bring down rates in this cycle, because both Chinese and US policies are aimed at stimulating domestic demand.


  • 滞后指标则指其变动经济周期之后的经济指标,包括劳动力成本利率水平。

    Lagging indicators are economic indicators that follow a change in the economic cycle. They include such things as Labour costs and interest rates.


  • 现时美国利息2.25%,我们预期周期延续至2005直至隔夜利率达到4%。

    With US rates currently at 2.25%, we expect this rate cycle to continue well into 2005 until the overnight rate reaches 4%.


  • 经验常识表明,愈推迟确定扭转利率政策时间经济周期愈加靠近峰顶

    Common sense dictates that the longer the timing for reversing the zero interest policy is postponed, the closer the economic cycle will be to peaking.


  • 相对的,主张实施周期政策以低利率稳定公共支出抵消私人需求的大幅减少。

    He, by contrast, advocated "counter-cyclical policies" -lower interest rates and undiminished public spending, which might offset a collapse in private demand.


  • 相对的,主张实施周期政策以低利率稳定公共支出抵消私人需求的大幅减少。

    He, by contrast, advocated "counter-cyclical policies" -lower interest rates and undiminished public spending, which might offset a collapse in private demand.


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