• 然后在第二中,解释了人们关注搜索广告方式关注其它广告的方式显著的不同

    Then, last week, I explained how engagement with search is significantly different than engagement with other types of advertising.


  • 烟草公司利用包装其它广告技术使烟草有吸引力同时使消费者忽视烟草如何破坏健康严酷现实

    Tobacco companies use packaging and other advertising techniques to make tobacco appealing, while distracting consumers from the harsh reality of how tobacco destroys health.


  • 如果公司不满意,其它公司讨说法炒掉自己公司的广告人员容易的多。

    It is also easier for a dissatisfied company to give its account to another agency than it would be to fire its own advertising staff.


  • 参与教育你们同龄人活动中,让他们了解烟草业如何利用广告促销赞助说服吸烟使用其它烟草制品。

    Get involved in a campaign to educate your peers on how the tobacco industry USES advertising, promotion and sponsorship to persuade you to smoke or use other forms of tobacco.


  • 大约200个案例中开发商创建一个追踪设备识别代码方法其它应用程序通过广告追踪软件库使用方法。

    In about 200 cases, the developer created a way to track a device's identifier code; the other apps used this functionality from advertising or tracking software library.


  • 如果阻止其它内容的显示,可以右键菜单中找到阻止内容,从而阻挡一些在线广告

    If you want to block other content, an option in the right-click context menu helps you block certain elements like online advertisements.


  • 结果就是这个公司无限的广告战和其它扩大规模尝试上投入过多而最终它们彻底完蛋

    As a result, the company spends too much on broad-based advertising and other attempts to drive scale. Ultimately, Fader says, they "get crushed."..


  • 那样他们发现基于广告系统或是其它人们带来价值商业模式

    They could have found ad-based systems, or other business models, based on giving value to people.


  • 增加智慧已经许多兜售草药广告信息和其它价格使更聪明产品主题

    Increasing your brainpower has been the subject of many an AD and infomercial touting herbs and other products designed to make you smarter for a price.


  • 其它刚成立公司品牌广告史学到很多东西,重新利用他们技巧期望增加自己生意受众度

    Other start-up companies can learn a great deal from the advertising history of this brand and re-use their strategies to hopefully increase the popularity of their own businesses.


  • 他们浏览报纸时决心找到特定类型招聘广告结果错过了其它类型的工作。

    They look through newspapers determined to find certain types of job advertisements and as a result miss other types of jobs.


  • 一位广告业者告诉判断电视广告还是其它因素引发了流量的提升还有点言之过早

    One advertising exec tells me that it is still too early to tell whether that lift was directly caused by the TV ads or by other factors.


  • 然而其后他又提到雅虎其它针对性业务”,包括广告社交网络以及他们开放性战略”。

    We have become much more focused, ” before taking about other areas of focus at Yahoo, including advertising, social networking and their new open strategy.


  • 是不是想要通过广告、互联网营销、产品销售或者其它的业务创收

    Are you going to generate income from advertising, affiliate commissions, product sales, donations, or something else?


  • 但是来自最大网站公司总裁们对于隐私的担忧多此一举的,他们保护顾客隐私的原则,例如他们不会把顾客的姓名其它私人信息出现广告中。

    But executives from the largest Web companies say that privacy fears are misplaced, and that they have policies in place to protect consumers' names and other personal information from advertisers.


  • 总部位于深圳的华视传媒主要公交车其它场所的数字显示屏上播出广告本地电视节目。

    VisionChina, based in Shenzhen, operates digital-video displays on buses and other locations, delivering advertising and local-television content.


  • 公司并未发布华尔街日报具体业绩情况,那里工作人员表示如同业内其它企业一样,华尔街的广告收入出现大幅减少的态势。

    The company does not disclose details on the Journal's performance, but executives there say that like the rest of the industry, they have seen a significant decline in advertising revenue.


  • 一种媒体失败广告通常也无法其它媒体上取得成功。

    Ads that fail in one medium will usually fail in others.


  • 大多数品牌侵权者单独使用其它公司名称作为关键词广告

    The majority of brand name interceptors used other companies' names solely as keyword triggers.


  • 报纸其它的利润来源- - -广告- - -经济衰退期损失惨重

    Newspapers' other big revenue source-advertising-has suffered mightily in the recession.


  • 今日美国》、《华尔街日报其它美国刊物此前开始在头版广告

    Other US publications including USA Today and the Wall Street Journal have already sold front-page ads.


  • 建议通过广告收入出卖自己的产品其它来做为自己的收入

    I recommend using AD revenue, affiliate income and having your own products for income.


  • 比如说,一家专门提供奶酪商店可以广告,本店相比其它家,可选择奶酪种类要多得多。

    A specialist cheese shop, say, can claim to offer a wider selection of cheeses than anyone else.


  • 尼尔森研究发现旅行者旅游目的地网络广告的印象,其它媒体的旅游广告深刻。

    The Nielsen survey also found that travellers were much more likely to recall seeing Internet advertising for travel destinations, compared to seeing travel advertising on other mediums.


  • 此次交易涉及广告业务但是既然金钱挂钩,难免会发生其它关系

    That deal will only concern AD sales, the company says, but it's hard to believe the money connection won't have at least subtle consequences in other parts of the business.


  • 这家公司人们行踪添加微型帖子(tweet)中,希望这样做使用这些数据广告其它服务导向行踪改变的人们。

    Asking people to add their whereabouts to their tweets, the firm hopes, will enable it to use these data to direct advertising and other services at people as they move from place to place.


  • 客户可以付费移除广告可以安装iPhone其它移动电话上。

    Customers can pay a monthly fee to get rid of the advertisements or to install the application on iPhones and other mobile devices.


  • 客户可以付费移除广告可以安装iPhone其它移动电话上。

    Customers can pay a monthly fee to get rid of the advertisements or to install the application on iPhones and other mobile devices.


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