• 这种劫持式媒体恰恰与免费媒体报道相反某项资产活动沦为某个品牌或产品发表负面言论的消费者其他利益相关者或激进分子的“人质”。

    Such hijacked media are the opposite of earned media: an asset or campaign becomes hostage to consumers, other stakeholders, or activists who make negative allegations about a brand or product.


  • 曝光等于免费媒体宣传

    Exposure equals free media.


  • 社区部分要操作告示牌之类付费广告免费媒体包孕人们的各类评述,增强孩子康健糊口方法紧张性意识

    The community component promotes awareness of the importance of healthy lifestyles using paid advertising, such as billboards; and unpaid media, including editorials.


  • 近日Google开源了WebM——用于视频压缩编码免费媒体文件格式,它主要包含如下组件VP8视频codecVorbis音频codec以及Matroska媒体容器

    Google has recently announced WebM, an open source, royalty free media file format consisting of the following components: VP8 video codec, Vorbis audio codec, and the Matroska media container.


  • 只有打破网上新闻内容免费获取神话这样能用电子媒体力量解决自身难题

    That would use the power of electronic media to solve its own riddle, by ending the myth that news content is provided free.


  • 提供这款软件免费主要客户是博客作者媒体公司这些客户可以创建各类互动图表

    It offers a free version of its software, aimed mainly at bloggers and media companies, which use it to create interactive graphics.


  • 媒体公司例,他们现在谷歌签订内容授权合同,网上投放免费内容时,都会三思

    Take media companies, which are now thinking twice before licensing content to Google or making it freely available on the web.


  • 互联网时代几乎所有媒体公司陷入困境,它们网上免费放出它们的印刷视频内容结果眼看着付费用户逐渐流失。

    Almost all media companies have run aground in the Internet Age as they gave away their print and video content on the Web and watched paying customers drift away as a result.


  • 中国媒体报道,这些赌场外联通过免费机票住宿引诱赌客,当他们所有的筹码后,就被拘禁毒打

    Accounts in the Chinese media say that casino recruiters lured gamblers with offers of free travel and hotel rooms, only to be kept captive and beaten when their credit ran out.


  • 网站有时愿意媒体交流会员提供免费积分,这并没什么害处。

    It can't hurt that the site sometimes offers free points to members who will talk to the media.


  • 媒体公司轻松设定免费节目形成挑战

    That leaves the challenge of getting media companies comfortable about setting programming free.


  • 德国媒体报道,奖金外,每位德国奥运会金牌得主每个可以获得50免费啤酒

    Every Olympic gold winner from Germany will be awarded 50 liters of beer every month in addition to their bonus, German media reported.


  • 1995年斯德哥尔摩开始运营的地铁免费报纸这种方式,开始传播世界各地城市四面楚歌的平面媒体业务,呈现罕见成长传奇

    Starting in Stockholm in 1995 with a daily called Metro, free newspapers spread to cities around the world, providing the embattled print media business a rare growth story.


  • 传统媒体模式下出版商免费(几乎免费)消费者提供产品广告客户为此埋单。

    In the traditional media model, a publisher provides a product free (or nearly free) to consumers, and advertisers pay to ride along.


  • 社交媒体电视播放商业广告可以轻松免费信息传达给成百上千乃至数百万

    Social media is like commercials on television for a business; you can get your info on the streams of hundreds, thousands, and even millions of people easily and for free.


  • 口碑营销免费媒体报道应该任何非营利组织网站宣传计划中的重要组成部分

    WOMM (word of mouth marketing) and earned media should be key components of any communications plan to market your nonprofit's website.


  • 新闻集团首席执行官默多克为代表的媒体高层主管一直推动网络付费阅读模式的实现,用户需要过去网上免费阅读的内容,新闻等付费。

    News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch has been leading the charge among media executives to get customers to pay for things they are used to getting for free online, like news stories.


  • 媒体世界已经广告支持免费内容免费增值模式转变免费样本付费服务营销重点在于附加收费部分

    In the media world, this has taken the form of a shift from ad-supported free content to freemium - free samples as marketing for paid services - with an emphasis on the "premium" part.


  • 免费广告支持者们表示技术加强电视这样传统媒体的广告效能

    And new technology will bolster the advertising capabilities of traditional media like television, backers say.


  • 不过越来越多博客群体以及其他免费在线新闻网站主流媒体处于大的竞争之下

    But the rise of blogs and other free online news websites has also exposed the mainstream press to greater competition.


  • lDouble Twist——android系统下自带同步应用免费媒体播放器

    Double twist-a free media player for Android that includes a synchronization app.


  • 受到广大用户抱怨以及众多媒体报道最新版iPhone的掉线问题后,苹果被迫用户提供一项免费维修服务。

    Apple was forced to offer a free fix after consumers complained and numerous media outlets reported a problem with dropped calls.


  • 监测追踪社会性媒体一单大生意Twitter免费推出自己分析产品,这可能让很多业界领军产品感到恐惧

    Tracking social media is big business, and the news that Twitter is set to enter the ring with a free product of its own may strike fear in the hearts of market leaders.


  • 全球Facebook用户可以CNN在线ABC,e !等在线网站观看纪念仪式相关免费媒体同时分享最新更新思想

    Facebook users worldwide will be able to share updates and thoughts while watching free streaming video of the memorial at CNN Live, ABC, and e! Online websites.


  • 组织媒体活动无疑可以获得更多媒体支持,也免费增加了你的公众曝光率。

    Organizing media events is an outstanding way to get multiple media outlets to come to you and give you free exposure.


  • 免费媒体不能拯救商业音乐

    Free streaming will not save the music business.


  • 不一定长远来看,一个免费开端产品对这个社会性媒体巨头来说更加有价值。

    Not necessarily: in the long term, a starting price of free may make better business sense for the social media giant.


  • 不一定长远来看,一个免费开端产品对这个社会性媒体巨头来说更加有价值。

    Not necessarily: in the long term, a starting price of free may make better business sense for the social media giant.


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