• 有趣如果喜欢你的工作充满激情并且工作非常努力就自然而然地挣到手了。

    The funny thing is that if you love what you do and are really passionate about it and work really hard, then money kind of comes automatically.


  • 丹纳,“需要工作世界里,我可能会感觉非常不同”——也许不同到足以让他全身心投入到一个爱好一个充满激情项目中去。

    Danaher says, adding, "In a world in which I don't have to work, I might feel rather different"—perhaps different enough to throw himself into a hobby or a passion project.


  • 公司参与其中那时可没有一家世界上最大公司充满激情的长文站出来表态,就像我们昨天看到蒂姆·库克所做的那样。

    You had a few companies involved, but not one of the largest companies in the world coming out with a lengthy and impassioned post, like we saw yesterday from Tim Cook.


  • 双眼充满激情的火花。

    Her eyes were full of fire.


  • 追求画面的表现力就像画里落日而且创作时充满激情

    He looked for the dramatic, like the sunset in this painting, and painted it with great verve.


  • 一场充满激情活力演出

    It was a performance of verve and vitality.


  • 不禁为这充满激情场面激动不已。

    You couldn't help being thrilled by the drama of the situation.


  • 乐队充满激情地表演了他们唱片中的一首单曲

    The group let rip with a single from their new album.


  • 不想长大成人。”充满激情

    "I don't want ever to be a man," he said with passion.


  • 探戈充满激情舞蹈一种无以用言语表达方式舞者聚集在一起

    Tango is a passionate dance, which brings the dancers together in a way words can't express.


  • 作为一位充满激情音乐家舍伦贝格高兴自己找到了可信证据证明音乐一般智力迁移效应

    As a passionate musician, Schellenberg was delighted when he turned up credible evidence that music has transfer effects on general intelligence.


  • 充满激情充满活力辩论需要愤怒厌恶情绪产生效果。

    Passionate, energetic debate does not require anger and hard feelings to be effective.


  • 十岁的女儿就在我眼前成长、变化,变成了一个充满激情和肩负使命的坚定的人。

    My ten-year-old was growing and changing right before my eyes, into this determined human being with a passion and a mission.


  • 马德里人对他们城市变化充满激情

    Madrilenos have passionate opinions about changes to their city.


  • 如果伦敦充满激情一样这座城市并且想要告诉全世界这座城市发生的很棒故事到官网注册参加活动吧。

    If you are passionate about London, love this city like I do and want the world to know the great story we have to tell here then please register your interest online.


  • 即便是仅仅喜欢事物也不足以使取得到什么成就。 只有你真正做那些你热爱并为之充满激情的事成功才能降临于你。

    You won’t succeed doing something you despise, you won’t even succeed doing something that you like doing, you will succeed when you do what you love, what you’re passionate about.


  • 我们来看一下招聘者标准:“我们想要寻找一些冒险精神,户外活动充满激情,且擅长沟通人来承担此职位。”

    Well, first let's take a look at the criteria of those applying: "We're looking for applicants with an adventurous attitude, passion for the outdoors and good communication skills."


  • KeithWeed,联合利华家庭护理卫生首席长官充满激情的说:“现在到2015年,产生4亿个厕所。厕所越多需要清理的表面越多”。

    Between now and 2015 there will be an extra 400m toilets,” notes Keith Weed, head of home-care and hygiene at Unilever, with enthusiasm: “The more toilets, the more surfaces that need cleaning.”


  • Evans说:“通常来说那些充满激情工作那些仅仅因为工作而工作表现更加优异。”

    "It's generally accepted that people whose job is actually their passion perform incomparably better than those who just do a job because it's a job," Evans says.


  • 虽然这样不会短期内看到收益但是它很容易进入新的领域,开始新的工作,而且这个工作让你充满激情、热情和动力

    While this won't earn you money from your passion in the short run, it could easily lead to a new career in a field that fills your belly with passion, fire, and drive.


  • 除非女人告诉喜欢这样不要一个深入或者充满激情中途开始眼神交流这会使你精神集中而且浪漫

    Unless your lady tells you she likes it, don't initiate eye contact in the middle of a deep or passionate kiss, it breaks concentration and is NOT romantic.


  • 所以开创了自己事务所创造一支充满激情、勤奋刻苦、自己的工作喜欢帮助企业家公司律师团队。

    That’s why I launched my own firm: to create a team of passionate, hard-working corporate lawyers who love what they do and love helping entrepreneurs.


  • 补充说阿富汗不可思议的一经历整个行程都令人难以置信。见到男人人们充满激情十分勇敢有奉献精神

    She added: 'Afghanistan was an unbelievable experience. The whole trip was incredible. The men and women I met out there were inspirational, and so amazingly brave and dedicated.


  • 组织正致力于支持公益自由人筹款吗?那些事业充满激情、支持你自己工作变革者,但是却不知怎么

    Is you're organization looking to support free agent fundraisers and the changemakers who are passionate about your cause, want to support your work, but do it their way?


  • 自己充满激情生活太多枯燥事情等着自己去做如果可以他们变得有趣一点,那我一生所成就的事情就会更多。

    While I try to follow my passions, there are always some "boring" things I must do. If I can learn to make them interesting, I can accomplish much more in my life.


  • 然而如果B计划充满激情你同时又感觉大多数人更好能以之谋生的话为什么放手一搏呢?

    However, if your Plan B is something you’re passionate about and you feel you can do it better than most and make a living at it, why not give it all you’ve got?


  • 去发现任何企业都需要能力寻求合作伙伴——他们有着独特技能充满激情、能力相匹配与你志同道合。

    Discover the competencies that any enterprise needs. Seek out and partner with people whose unique skills, passions and competencies dovetail with your own and who share your purpose.


  • 一旦适当的场合话题上百个参与者,就可以引发充满激情对话造就推动品牌认知和信任增长机遇

    When there’s a place, a topic, and kindred people, there’s an opportunity to engage in spirited dialogue, and a new opportunity for salespeople to grow awareness and trust.


  • 年轻压抑的愤怒通过讲述的故事、趣闻,充满激情又不显突兀地被表达出来,夹杂着讽刺意味怀旧气息

    The anger she had repressed in her youth came out forcefully but smoothly, in anecdotes and epigrams, and was carefully modulated into irony or nostalgia.


  • 年轻压抑的愤怒通过讲述的故事、趣闻,充满激情又不显突兀地被表达出来,夹杂着讽刺意味怀旧气息

    The anger she had repressed in her youth came out forcefully but smoothly, in anecdotes and epigrams, and was carefully modulated into irony or nostalgia.


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