• 允许自己感受到阻力,我承认我需要学习不是逃跑

    But rather than running away, I allow myself to feel the resistance and I admit I need to study.


  • 后来允许与她的母亲通话:“莫妮卡哽咽FBI……最后,承认:当时非常混乱”。

    When finally allowed to talk to her mother, "Monica choked out the words: 'the FBI has me."...' She later admitted, 'I was hysterical.


  • 可以允许自己时间承认失望

    You may want to allow yourself a short of time to acknowledge your disappointment.


  • 允许自己光棍感到悲哀承认自己情感能够帮助复元否认不能解决任何问题仅仅推迟那些注定会发生的事情。

    Allow yourself to feel sadness about being single. Acknowledging your feelings helps you recover. Denial never solves anything and only delays the inevitable.


  • 如果弄错了,我们必须承认,必须允许他人质疑

    If we get something wrong we must say so and we must allow ourselves to be challenged.


  • 并行Web承认人和机器不同内容需求允许用于表示用于机器的表示并存,从而区分这些不同的需求。

    The parallel Web acknowledges that humans and machines have different content needs, and it keeps those needs separate by allowing some representations for humans and others for machines.


  • 后来允许与她的母亲通话:“莫妮卡哽咽着FBI……最后,承认:当时非常混乱”。

    When finally allowed to talk to her mother, "Monica choked out the words: 'the FBI has me....' She later admitted, 'I was hysterical.'"


  • 递交调查答卷的科学家都被允许使用匿名,因为很多科学家并不愿意公开承认2c目标实现了的现实,还有好几位科学家警告说,不要直截了当提出这样敏感话题还是小心为妙。

    Survey respondents were promised anonymity. Many scientists are reluctant to admit publicly that the 2c target is unrealistic, and several warned that simply raising the subject was sensitive.


  • 如果相信有人冤枉了你,那么你已经承认一名受害者那么你已经允许快乐抵押某些行为中

    If you believe that someone wronged you, you have identified yourself as a victim, and you are allowing your happiness to be held hostage by someone else's behavior.


  • 比如说许多国家并不承认科索沃,但是却允许持有科索沃护照游客入境。

    For example, lots of countries that do not recognise Kosovo accept travellers bearing its passports.


  • 人们承认他们信仰体系存在上帝但是却允许别人这么对他说。

    People candidly deny the possibility of gods outside of their own belief system, yet become very defensive when someone reciprocates that point of view.


  • 允许主观未经思考想法介入客观设计过程,我承认个人感觉(情绪)工作中的意义

    When I permit subjective and unconsidered ideas to intervene in the objective course of the design process, I acknowledge the significance of personal feelings in my work.


  • 例如如果没有第二个人评审承认这个代码(测试)正确的,允许检入任何文件

    For example, no file will be checked in without a second person reviewing and agreeing that the code (and tests) are correct. 12.


  • 时候黑暗势力承认他们的计划已经挫败了允许你们全部焦点专注在你们提升中

    It really is time that the dark Ones admitted that their plans have been foiled, and allowed you to fully focus on your Ascension.


  • 奥巴马承认卡尔扎伊的会谈往往非常别扭”,但是他坚称必须允许美军帮助阿富汗人自强可以开展自我防卫。

    Obama acknowledged his conversations with Karzai are often "blunt," but insisted U. S. forces must be allowed to protect themselves while helping their Afghan colleagues build up their strength.


  • 保护赛车的轮胎尤为关键既然再次允许比赛中更换轮胎,承认这点的人就少了很多。

    In particular, it is important to preserve the left front tyre, though admittedly slightly less so now that race tyre stops are allowed again.


  • 现在电脑承认2单独配置文件允许用户一个时间

    Now my computer does not recognize the 2 separate profiles and only allows one user at a time.


  • 有些网站承认代码可能过时允许通过邮件注册获得服务。

    Some sites acknowledge that codes may fall out of date, and allow you to register for offers via email.


  • 虽然一切很脆弱但是通过承认失败卡·什维利先生传递给国家胜利的讯号,使伊万尼舍维里大乱阵脚,表示从未允许赢得选举

    It is all still fragile. But by admitting defeat, Mr Saakashvili handed his country a victory and wrong-footed Mr Ivanishvili, who had said that he would never be allowed to win elections.


  • 一个承认允许吸烟晕倒了。

    A hole in the top admitted the light, and allowed the smoke to pass out.


  • 规范规定我们应该事情建立大众承认规则基础之上,允许杀人、偷窃撒谎等

    Norms spell out what actions we should take. They are based on generally acknowledged rules, such as not to kill, steal, or lie.


  • 迫于来自混血美国人及其父母压力人口统计局更改了规定允许人们根据多达五种官方承认种族范畴自己归类。

    Under the pressure from mixed-race Americans and their parents, the census bureau changed its rules to allow people to identify themselves by as many as five official racial categories.


  • 迫于来自混血美国人及其父母压力人口统计局更改了规定允许人们根据多达五种官方承认种族范畴自己归类。

    Under the pressure from mixed-race Americans and their parents, the census bureau changed its rules to allow people to identify themselves by as many as five official racial categories.


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