• 尽管程序代码本身稳定,不过那些使成为便携程序部分不是想要

    Although the program's code itself is stable, the parts of it that make it a portable app are not what you expect.


  • 现在Facebook获知了我们部分社交网络(我们联系人和他们的联系方式email地址),Facebook正经历着越来越多的压力把这些信息变得便携

    Right now our social graph (whom we are connected to and their key information like email addresses) is mostly held captive by Facebook.


  • “渡鸦”无人机控制硬件侧面配有按钮的平板电脑,有点一个便携的游戏机,部分使用者能够几天内掌握使用方式。

    The controlling hardware is a tablet computer with buttons on the side, something like a portable games machine, and most people can get the hang of it in a couple of days.


  • 有关书籍预言耸人听闻电脑替代了铅笔书本货架便携电子设备里,即便如此,阅读仍然人们精神生活的一部分

    And despite the direst predictions, reading continues to be part of the life of the mind, even as computers replace pencils, and books fly into handhelds as well as onto store shelves.


  • 1990年代部分时期,便携电子设备优选,许多应用领域取代镍镉电池

    For much of the 1990s it was the battery of choice for powering portable electronic devices, displacing nickel-cadmium batteries in many applications.


  • 意味着如果给定便携应用只是64版本无法遇到部分电脑使用因为部分的电脑运行是32位版本Windows

    That means that if a given portable app is just the 64-bit version, it won't work on most PCs you encounter as the vast majority of PCs are running 32-bit Windows.


  • QI标准在起步阶段应用于不高于5w能耗设备,这个标准已涵盖部分个人电子产品——手机iPod摄像机甚至便携式电脑

    Initially, the standard will apply only to low-power devices needing five watts or less-a range that covers most consumer gadgets, including mobile phones, iPods, cameras and even laptops.


  • 部分游戏平台支持WiFi连接,可以很容易地使用便携调制解调器58个(视你购买的调节解调器而定)不同设备分享4g连接

    Since most gaming platforms have Wi-Fi connectivity built in, you can easily use the portable modem to share a 4g connection with five to eight different devices (depending on which modem you buy).


  • 便携手提动力工具手柄振动测量第2部分铆钉锤。

    Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 2: chipping hammers and riveting hammers.


  • 系统便携温室环境参数测量数据综合管理系统专家决策咨询系统三部分构成。

    It consists of portable measuring instrument of greenhouse environment parameters, data synthesized management system, expert decision making and consultation system.


  • 介绍了系统部分组成及其便携、易控制特点

    The system composing structures are present and portable and other characteristics are introduced.


  • 便携手持动力工具。手柄部位振动测量第7部分具有冲击冲力棘轮传动动作扳手螺锥螺母拧紧器。

    Hand - held portable power tools. measurement of vibrations at the handle. part 7: wrenches, screwdrivers and nut runners with impact, impulse or ratchet action.


  • 我们决定进行一个专门比赛看谁能先取得100,我们用微型便携棋盘进行对局部分家中进行。

    We agreed on making a special match until someone gets 100 wins. We used his tiny portable board for playing games, most of the times at his home.


  • 介绍一种新型BH- 1型便携式旋流速仪,主要由自主研制流速传感器、手持式主机微机数据回放处理软件部分组成

    A new portable propeller-type current meter BH-1 is introduced, which consists of three parts: flow velocity sensor, signal process circuit and data analysis software.


  • 便携手提电动工具手柄振动测量第5部分:建筑工程用柏油路破碎机平锤。

    Hand-held portable power tools - Measurement of vibrations at the handle - Part 5 : pavement breakers and hammers for construction work.


  • 便携手提电动工具手柄振动测量第3部分岩石钻头旋转

    Hand-held portable power tools. Measurement of vibrations at the handle. Part 3 : rock drills and rotary hammers.


  • 便携轴重主要组成部分传感器台台面仪表接线盒数据线

    Portable axle load meter is mainly composed of sensor, weighing table, meter, junction box, data line.


  • 所述模块(22)固定到所述电话(20)上时,所述连接器部分(30,32)将所述模块印刷电路板(38)便携电话(20)电子电路连接。

    The connector sections (30, 32) couple the module printed circuit board (38) to electronic circuitry of the portable telephone (20) when the module (22) is secured to the telephone (20).


  • 电磁脉冲辐射器便携电磁脉冲电场屏蔽效能测试设备关键部分

    The EMP radiator is the key part of the portable measurement equipment of electric field shielding efficacy.


  • 本文设计基于ARM心电便携检测模块,模块由心电信号采集部分和心电信号处理部分组成。

    This subject has designed a portable detection module which is based on ARM of ECG. The module is composed of the acquisition part of ECG signal and the processing part of ECG signal.


  • 详细介绍一种新型便携原油含水率快速测量仪表原理阐述了仪表主要硬件构成软件功能部分

    Introduces the principle of a new kind of portable fast-measuring instrument on the water ratio of the crude oil, and discusses the main part of the hardware and the software in detail.


  • 收发系统作为便携式战场侦察雷达重要组成部分,其功耗体积、重量、截获改善因子等均为工程设计重点

    The design methods of the transceiver system about integration and modularization, low power consumption, miniaturization, and LPI are presented in this paper.


  • 便携电动工具包括壳体(5),具有一个部分,L形电池组(2)安装在该端部分中。

    A portable electric power tool including a housing (5) having one end to which an L-shaped battery pack (2) is installable.


  • 对于许多便携数据记录系统,虽然系统部分时间处于睡眠状态,这样消耗一定能量

    For many portable data recording systems they are in sleep at most of time but they still consume energy.


  • 系统便携系统一个重要组成部分功能维持航天员的热舒适性状态

    The thermal control system is a important component of the portable life support system. It's function is to keep the astronaut at thermal comfortable state.


  • 便携轨道测试仪检测铁路轨道平顺有效手段,测速模块是其重要组成部分

    The portable track detecting instrument facilitates effective inspection of track smoothness. The speed measuring module is an important component of the system.


  • 便携轨道测试仪检测铁路轨道平顺有效手段,测速模块是其重要组成部分

    The portable track detecting instrument facilitates effective inspection of track smoothness. The speed measuring module is an important component of the system.


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