• IPT帮助患者理解克服引起抑郁使抑郁糟的人际关系困境

    IPT helps people understand and work through troubled relationships that may cause their depression or make it worse.


  • 结论生物反馈疗法有效降低个体躯体化焦虑水平同时使抑郁水平下降。

    CONCLUSION: the biofeedback therapy can effectually reduce the levels of individual somatization and anxiety. Meanwhile, reduce the depressive level.


  • 当一患上抑郁抑郁症会妨碍到人们的日常生活、正常机能并使抑郁患者照顾患者的人们感到痛苦

    When you have depression, it interferes with daily life and causes pain for both you and those who care about you.


  • 一个患上抑郁症,抑郁症会妨碍人们日常生活正常机能使抑郁患者照顾患者人们感到痛苦

    When a person has a depressive disorder, it interferes with daily life, normal functioning, and causes pain for both the person with the disorder and those who care about him or her.


  • 抑郁作为律师一个静默杀手最近几年揭穿。2004年26岁的律师TristanJepson早逝使抑郁症难逃其咎。

    Depression has been exposed as a silent killer of lawyers in recent years, dragged into the light by the untimely death of 26-year-old solicitor Tristan Jepson in 2004.


  • 阴雨天使心情抑郁

    Wet weather always depresses me.


  • 这项大规模调查发现并不出乎意料而是合乎预测——抑郁显然不仅“加深了绝经期血管缩性症状感受,而且使疾病症状得以加强。

    The findings of this large-scale survey are not unexpected but are relevant-namely that depression seems to "amplify" both the experience and intensity of vasomotor symptoms associated with menopause.


  • 毫无疑问如果妨碍了消除疲劳重振精神睡眠使中断,那么抑郁症状会恶化——人们会因此产生疲惫感、易激惹并缺乏活力

    Certainly, if the sleep interruptions associated with night sweats interfere with refreshing sleep, depressive symptoms will be exacerbated-feelings of fatigue, irritability, and lack of energy.


  • 思维状态音乐可以抵御抑郁焦虑侵袭使保持一种更为积极地心理状态,预防了应激反应对身体造成的巨大伤害。

    State of Mind: Music can also be used to bring a more positive state of mind, helping to keep depression and anxiety at bay.


  • 重度抑郁致残使个人正常机能受损

    Major depression is disabling and prevents a person from functioning normally.


  • 抑郁药物用于使正在发生大脑化学——神经传递变化自然地正常化,著名的递质是血清素去甲肾上腺素

    Antidepressants work to normalize naturally occurring brain chemicals called neurotransmitters, notably serotonin and norepinephrine.


  • 他们一起设法使起床然后谈话之后,医生诊断患了抑郁”。

    Together they got me out of bed and, after talking to me, the doctor diagnosed me withdepression”.


  • 根据定义抑郁使不想参加日常活动。

    By definition, depression keeps you from wanting to engage in everydayactivities.


  • 这种治疗能够使病人认识处理那些可能导致抑郁情绪想法使关注当下感觉非已发生的事件。

    T. This kind of therapy teaches patients to recognize and deal with the thoughts that can result from depression. It centers on current feelings instead of past events.


  • 这种噪声,还有这种忙乱一种疾病真正地我们患病使我们变得紧张抑郁肥胖精疲力竭,最后现代技术投石器箭头残杀

    It's an illness, this noise, this rush. It can literally make us sick. We become stressed, depressed, fat, burnt out, slain by the slings and arrows of technology.


  • 一项研究试图找到使一些抑郁群体可能经历治疗引发的急性狂(TEM)因素

    A new study attempts to identify the factors that make some people with bipolar depression more likely to experience treatment-emergent mania (tem).


  • 同事倾诉自己人际关系方面遇到的棘手问题或许可以帮助减掉5的重量,思想上压力能够使体重增加,引起抑郁高血压

    Resolve to talk to your partner about a troublesome relationship problem and it just may help you lose 5 pounds. Emotional stress can cause weight gain, depression and high blood pressure.


  • 我们一起讨论了抑郁的话题,周围的事物变得可笑使不能正确看待一切,不能做出正确的判断

    We had a discussion about what it must be like to be depressed and how it makes your thinking go funny, so that you are not thinking straight, and can't make proper decisions.


  • 预期目的这样可以减轻抑郁症状并且通过日复一日使使症状越来越好转

    The hope was that this would alleviate the symptoms of depression—and with many day-to-day symptoms it did, spectacularly.


  • 如果患有非常严重偏头痛使作呕,让你卧床不起,有时还会持续好几,实际上你是患上了抑郁

    If you had headaches that were so bad they made you nauseous, landed you in bed and sometimes lasted for days, you'd have a right to be depressed.


  • 在完成临床试验卫生部门批准申请之后公司现在计划在接下去年时间使这项抑郁血液化验在各家医院中广泛开展起来。

    Following clinical tests and application for health ministry approval, the company is aiming to make the depression blood test available to doctors within the next two years.


  • 抑郁引起身体的变化比如使消化过程减慢从而导致胃病

    Depression can cause real changes in your body. For instance, it can slow down your digestion, which can result in stomach problems.


  • 并不一定意味着音乐会让抑郁——一些患有抑郁孩子可通过音乐使自己的症状减轻。

    But that doesn't necessarily mean that music causes depression - for some depressed teens, music may even help.


  • 红色橙色使感觉温暖兴奋愉悦用于治疗抑郁抑郁精神病嗜睡、痴呆症

    Red and orange, with warm feeling, possess the actions of making people excited and joyful. The colors are applicable to depression, depressive psychosis, lethargy, dementia, etc.


  • 最近以来,许多系统研究发现媒体报道特别会影响那些年轻人或是抑郁的人,使他们效仿一些自杀行为

    More recently, many systematic studies have found that media reporting can lead to imitative suicidal behaviors and that young people and those suffering from depression can be especially vulnerable.


  • 下雨天总是使心情抑郁

    A rainy day always gives me the blues.


  • 下雨天总是使心情抑郁

    A rainy day always gives me the blues.


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