• 喜欢他们喜欢的,向往他们不同的,等同的,属于自己一片天空

    Like they do not like, yearning for their different, but equivalent, is my own piece of the sky.


  • 谢谢公平待遇,”托尼,“真的不能才智我的等同起来。”

    "Thanks for your attempt at equity," Tony said, "but you really can't equate your intellect with mine."


  • 对于任何给定问题语言灵活性允许许多差别很大功能等同解决方案

    The flexibility of the language allows for many vastly different but functionally equivalent solutions to any given problem.


  • 记住虽然着重于眼前并不等同愚蠢、不负责或者不专业

    Remember, though, being intentionally short-sighted is not the same as being stupid, irresponsible, or unprofessional.


  • 有时语义等同采用两种不同方式编写代码可能会使优化器在执行良好寄存器分配花费时间相差巨大。

    At times, semantically equivalent code, written in two different ways, might cause the optimizer to have a more difficult time performing good register allocation.


  • MSIL指令序列也许能够进行优化另一个(语义上等同的)序列却可能抑制优化。

    One instruction sequence of MSIL might be very amenable to optimization, whereas another (semantically equivalent) sequence stifles optimization.


  • 科学家又要求第二人员想象等同重复动作,与吃无关:往衣机里塞东西33次。

    They asked a second group to imagine an activity that was equally repetitive, but less filling: pumping 33 quarters into a clothes dryer.


  • 虽然音乐等同拥有音乐,Spotify提供了一个非法分享文件强有力替代方式

    Although streaming a song is not the same as owning it, Spotify has proved a compelling alternative to illegal file-sharing.


  • 需要提出很重要一点这样的“大多数并不等同与“全部”,少数像丹那样宏大的计划确实成功了。

    A less obvious but more important thing to say is thatmostis not the same as “all”;


  • 追求幸福可能项不可剥夺权利这不等同于把幸福感觉份问卷调查上写出来。

    The pursuit of happiness may be an inalienable right, but that is not the same as reporting blissful feelings on a questionnaire.


  • 不是关心。我所担心的是公共工程被仅仅等同于“提供就业或是视作增加公众财富之必要手段

    I am here concerned with public works considered as a means of "providing employment" or of adding wealth to the community that it would not otherwise have had.


  • 美国农民今年多种更多英亩棉花棉花仍然小麦玉米大豆蓬勃发展作物争夺种植空间

    America's farmers will devote more acres to the crop this year, but cotton still has to compete for space with similarly booming crops such as wheat, corn and soyabeans.


  • 虽然我们经常听到ODBC驱动程序这种说法这不完全等同术语odbcAPI(而且应该那样去解释)。

    While it may be common to hear the phrase ODBC driver, it is not exactly the same as the term ODBC API (and shouldn't be construed as such).


  • 很多男人不曾出柜其中一个原因认为‘同志等同软弱无能’,”,“不知怎么的,我们觉得已经摆脱了观念实际上仍然没有。”

    Many men don't ever come out, in part because of the idea that "being gay is associated with being weak and powerless," he said. "Somehow we think we got away from that, but we still haven't."


  • BP公司支付墨西哥湾海水清理费用,清洁水质并不等同于恢复生态系统功能

    BP will pay to clean the water in the Gulf of Mexico, but cleaning the water and restoring ecosystem function is not the same thing.


  • 当然欧洲东北亚客观现实并不等同欧洲方面经验应该真诚借鉴

    Of course, the objective reality of Europe is not the same as that of Northeast Asia, but Europe's experience in this regard should be sincerely borrowed from.


  • 直到进入二十世纪,这个国家仍然回避来自海外贷款因为这样等同丧失主权

    But until the turn of the 20th century it did so by eschewing foreign loans, which were equated with a loss of sovereignty.


  • 所知OSGi没有等同传输抽象策略的概念,即使企业osgi中一些关联项目情况依旧。

    However, transport abstractions and the policies have no equivalent in OSGi, as far as I know, even though there are some related initiatives within enterprise OSGi.


  • 当然XML空白字符标准化这样问题允许等同文件表示相同Infoset这里指的不是这个。

    Of course, this being XML, issues like whitespace normalization allow non-identical files to represent the same Infoset; but that is not what I mean.


  • 理论上与GDP等同较少普遍使用的标准国内总收入它是工资利润税收的总和。

    A theoretically equivalent but less commonly-cited indicator is Gross Domestic Income, which adds up wages, profits and taxes.


  • 某种程度上,第三问题属于真实问题,更具教学价值或者至少具有等同的教育价值。

    To some extent, type 3 also conforms to this pattern.It could be that such questions are more valuable pedagogically - or at least as valuable!


  • 对于投资者而言有等同微软思科系统CinemaNow,从1999年来提供在线电影至今没有盈利行政总裁CurtMarvis大吃一惊

    CinemaNow, which counts Microsoft and Cisco Systems among its investors, started offering movies online in 1999 and is not yet making a profit, to the surprise of its chief executive, Curt Marvis.


  • 亵渎神明必然等同无神论Meletus将两者搞混了,的确意谓着不敬,甚至是亵渎那些,社会深刻关切旳事务,吧?

    Impiety need not be the same thing as atheism although Meletus confuses the two but it does suggest irreverence even blasphemy toward the things that a society? CARES most deeply about. Yes?


  • 某种程度上第三问题属于真实问题,更具教学价值或者至少具有等同的教育价值。

    To some extent, type 3 also conforms to this pattern. It could be that such questions are more valuable pedagogically - or at least as valuable!


  • 相比Xbox360/PS3等同时代游戏机,任天堂Wii目前为止唯一一款06年推出以来,两年内从未进行降价销量反而有所增长的游戏机产品,价格一直保持250美元。

    Nintendo so far has been the only console maker this generation never to cut its system price to boost sales and has remained firm at $250 since launching in 2006.


  • 此外,尽管工厂安全条件并不一定等同食品安全业内管理人士食品有关任何生产场所问题都会增大食品在加工过程受到污染的风险

    And while poor factory safety doesn't necessarily equate to unsafe food, industry officials say workplace problems of any kind around food raise risks it will be contaminated during processing.


  • 如果娱乐快乐等同幸福的话,那么痛苦必然等同于不幸福事实上相反

    If fun and pleasure are equated with happiness, then pain must be equated with unhappiness, but in fact, the opposite is tree.


  • 饭店餐饮社会餐馆竞争有一些不能等同比较制约条件并不意味着饭店只能望洋兴叹,束手待毙。

    Hotels and restaurants catering to the community and not the same competition although some comparisons constraints, but this does not mean that the hotel will only slide, wait to die.


  • 制造商尚未宣布配置铬金操作系统上网本的出货价谷歌期望其成本能目前的上网本大体等同

    Manufacturers have yet to announce pricing on netbooks shipping with Chrome OS, but Google expects the cost to be about the same as current netbooks.


  • 境界有时大致等同,境有时包含意境在内,境界与意境并不就是一回事情

    Sometimes the boundary and the boundary approximately equate, sometimes the boundary contains the ideal condition, but the boundary and the ideal condition not are a chapter of matter.


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