• 虽然没有目击证人,推测打电话手机爆炸右耳遭到严重损害

    Though there are no witnesses to the incident, it was assumed that he was taking over the phone when it got burst, causing serious injuries to his right ear.


  • 对于一事件没有确定解释推测人类繁殖温度季节密切关系。

    No firm explanation has been put forward for this, but speculation is that human reproduction is linked to temperature and season.


  • 各种保护条件固然可能改变但推测变动不大,不可能损害此类债券基本优良地位

    While the various protective elements are likely to change, such changes as can be visualized are most unlikely to impair the fundamentally strong position of such issues.


  • 卡托普利含有一个巯基基团,可锌离子结合,推测由此也带来一些特殊副作用

    Captopril contains a sulfhydryl group that binds zinc but is thought to contribute to certain side effects (taste disturbances and skin rashes).


  • 书中提供了很多这样例子有一些看来有点道听途说推测起来它们整体有统计意义数据支撑的。

    The book provides many examples of this kind, some a bit too anecdotal for my taste, but presumably they are on the whole backed by statistically significant data.


  • 研究组他们并不确切的了解为何用微生物制剂有害推测不知什么原因推动需求恶化原本就减慢血液流动

    The team said it did not know exactly why probiotics may be harmful but speculated the supplements may somehow boost demand for oxygen and worsen already reduced blood flow.


  • 他们起源不确定的,考古学家推测他们迦南人

    Their origin is uncertain, but archaeologists hypothesize that they were Canaanites.


  • 长期以来科学家们推测海浪可以引起冰架的收缩瓦解的,研究者们第一观测海啸拥有着这样效果

    Scientists have long speculated that ocean waves could cause an ice shelf to flex and break, but this is the first time researchers have observed a tsunami having this effect.


  • 认为他们的推测一定理由,这些只是一步的试验着眼于基本过程

    I think their speculation has some legs to it, but these are the first type of experiments that have looked at this fundamental process.


  • 谈到军事选择没有推测

    But he would not speculate when asked about military options.


  • 古尔推测人和类人猿之间巨大差异显而易见可能只是基因发育时间差异结果。

    Perhaps, he speculated, the large visible differences between humans and apes were also a factor of developmental timing.


  • 科学家推测读出认识短语唱出熟悉歌曲也许和没受伤的那部分大脑功能相似,绝对同于普通人自然地说话

    Scientists speculate that speaking commonly known phrases or singing very familiar songs might tap into different, possibly uninjured, parts of the brain than spontaneous speech does.


  • 虽然咖啡避免产生抑郁原因尚未清楚来自哈佛大学的科学家推测咖啡因关键因素

    The reason why coffee could protect people from depression is not clear. But the scientists from the Harvard University speculated that caffeine was the key player.


  • 这些研究人员推测HDL抗炎特性可能解释了这些发现表示进一步研究需要整理具体原因

    The researchers speculate that HDL's anti-inflammatory properties may explain the finding, but say further research is needed to tease out the specific cause.


  • 持续歌声另一个科学家推测澳大利亚种群影响力可能大。

    The consistent eastward movement of the songs is another puzzle, but the scientists speculate that the larger population near eastern Australia might have greater influence.


  • 虽然美国方面在公布数据没有资金都具体来自哪些国家史剑道推测这些增加银行存款相当一部分来自中国

    While the data don't break down which countries that comes from, Mr. Scissors speculates China could be a big part of the increase.


  • 阑尾具体功能目前知道目前研究推测这个肠子延伸出来尾巴里可能藏匿着特殊的、具有保护功能细菌

    Nobody really knows what the appendix is for. Recently it has been speculated that this little extension of the gut may harbour special, protective bacteria.


  • 麦格劳·希尔集团的现任CEO泰瑞·麦格劳已经62的高龄,集团目前尚未公布任何继任方案——甚至推测也没有。

    No succession plan has been announced, or even speculated upon, for McGraw-Hill's 62-year-old CEO Terry McGraw.


  • 最近有人推测Twitter客户端杀死Twitter网站手机上78%用户每月至少登录一次Twitter网站

    Despite the mobile push and recent speculation that Twitter's clients have killed its Web site, 78% of users still access Twitter at least once a month via the Web.


  • 如果孩子表现得很或者个及其糟糕家长或许应该被送到慈善机构培育只是一种极端推测

    If your child is supremely badly behaved or you are a supremely disastrous parent, he may be sent to an institution or taken into care, but that's an extreme scenario.


  • 尽管研究找出饥饿长期影响健康机理柯克帕特里克推测说,心理学生理学的双重因素起作用

    While this study did not delve into the specific mechanism by which hunger affects long-term health, Kirkpatrick speculates that both psychological and physiological factors may be at work.


  • 如果金砖四国都采取正确的政策我们推测的未来世界完全有可能成为现实而非黄粱美梦场。

    If the BRICs pursue sound policies, however, the world we envisage here might turn out to be a reality, not just a dream.


  • 我们可以很容易推测教科书理论出了什么问题,事情的本质需要更多研究发掘。

    One can easily conjecture about what the textbook theory leaves out, but it will take more research to sort things out.


  • 先前加拿大美国其他地方研究已经表明了分析抗苗勒氏管激素可以帮助推测女性进入绝经期的时间,还没有长期性的研究到目前完成

    Previous studies in Canada, the United States and elsewhere have suggested analyzing AMH could help predict when women will go into menopause, but no long-term studies have yet been finished.


  • 巴比伦王国分别公元前597年586年征服了以色列人。推测约柜当时耶路撒冷圣殿之中,之后就历史烟消云散了。

    But in 597 and 586 B.C., the Babylonian Empire conquered the Israelites, and the Ark, at the time supposedly stored in the Temple in Jerusalem, vanished from history.


  • 科学家粗略推测出上述数据,决定性祸端则藏细节中。

    Scientists can make rough guesses of what they may be, but the deterministic devil is in the details.


  • 科学家粗略推测出上述数据,决定性祸端则藏细节中。

    Scientists can make rough guesses of what they may be, but the deterministic devil is in the details.


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