• 问题十分严重,绝不是个短期需求问题保证未来人口付出昂贵代价的问题

    This is not just a question of short-term needs, as important as those are; this is ensuring that future generations don't pay a price too.


  • 任务转换研究,转换代价的问题得到广泛的关注取得了卓有成效的成果,而关于混合代价的研究则比较薄弱。

    While switch costs has received extensive attention and made substantial progress in recent task-switching research, less progress has been made with regard to the study of mixing costs.


  • 问题不是惆怅地回望那些我们人类智力远远超越物种而是含蓄地询问我们智力的真正代价可能什么。

    Instead of casting a wistful glance backward at all the species we've left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly asks what the real costs of our own intelligence might be.


  • 问题不是惆怅地回望那些我们人类智力远远超越物种,而是含蓄地询问我们智力的真正代价可能什么

    Instead of casting a wistful glance 10 at all the species we've left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly asks what the real 11 of our own intelligence might be.


  • 现在问题代价是什么

    The question is, at what price?


  • 这个问题就是为什么会带来代价的原因。

    The problem, he says, is that this comes at a price.


  • 特别德国来说,问题拯救欧元付出这样代价是否值得

    The question for Germany in particular is whether this is a price worth paying to save the euro.


  • 记者说:“漫漫不过相信只要我们能团结一致,达成共识,我们就可以用更小代价更快解决问题。”

    "The path will not be easy but I am convinced the problems will be solved faster and at a smaller cost if there is unity and consensus," he told reporters.


  • 纯粹环境角度来看结果无所作为这会让这个问题严重性风险性以及最终代价与日俱增。

    Purely from an environmental perspective the worst outcome is doing nothing, and every day that we do nothing we increase the magnitude and risk and ultimate cost of the problem.


  • 第一种就是听之任之抗药性所带来问题当做不可避免的代价,因为我们获得了药品高利润

    One is to do nothing, treating the various problems created by resistance as acceptable costs when set against drugs' much greater benefits.


  • 我们可以预见更高代价引发全球更多问题

    We can expect to see higher prices that are going to cause problems around the world.


  • 问题应用耦合总是代价

    The problem is that the application of loose coupling always has a price.


  • 或许美国白人正在黑人长期质疑收入不公问题付出心理代价

    Perhaps white Americans are now paying the psychic price for not answering the basic questions that blacks have long raised about income inequality.


  • 即使再融资这些公司可行的,代价非常昂贵,破产只是时间问题

    Even if refinancing were available for endangered firms, it would be prohibitively dear. It is only a matter of time before some go under.


  • 问题灵活性代价

    The problem with building a flexible design is that flexibility costs.


  • 当然不能忽略这点”,我们可以预见更高代价引发全球更多问题

    "Definitely do not consider shrugging that off," he says. "We can expect to see higher prices that are going to cause problems around the world."


  • 本周处理棘手问题手法可能已经付出导致另一个问题代价

    His way of dealing with one tough problem this week may well have come at the cost of creating another.


  • 问题这个代价是不是可承受的。

    The point is if the price is affordable.


  • 谈到一个人一定一定不能什么的话题时,那么付出代价就是没有公平地、严肃地对待娜的问题

    Talking about what "one" must and must not do and what it costs did not do justice to the seriousness of Hanna's question.


  • 所有事务完成以后可以相关事务的基础上提取拓扑并且系统管理员可以分析统计信息确定代价昂贵问题执行路径在何处

    After all transactions finish, a topology can be drawn from the correlating transactions, and the system administrator can analyze the statistics to find out where the costly or troublesome paths are.


  • 我们教会你们事情之一就是学会辨别不同种类的算法,它们代价怎么样的,以及怎么样问题映射有效的算法种类计算

    One of the things we want to help you do is identify the different classes of algorithms, what their costs are, and how you can map problems into the most efficient class to do the computation.


  • 修复严重问题代价去修复一个问题谁都好处

    Fixing a trivial issue at the cost of a serious one is not good for anyone.


  • 有没有善于浏览整个代码发现普遍问题机会喜欢代价低的调整删改还是第一就把事情做好(但是代价高)?

    Is anyone adept at scanning the whole code base, looking for pervasive issues or opportunities? Are less expensive tweaks and hacks preferable over doing it right (but expensively) the first time?


  • 然而忽视未来代价同样高昂,问题并不在于未来财政赤字,而是之后的若干年

    Yet ignoring the future is also costly. The problem is not the deficits in the next couple of years, but in the years that follow.


  • 这次攻击事件让人印象深刻或许不是安全问题而是为了应对所付出代价

    The most remarkable feature of the episode may not be the breach of security, but the cost of dealing with it.


  • 这种往后推延只能暂时推迟问题解决代价之后问题严重(这种情况发生2001年的危机)。

    This forward escape would only temporarily postpone the solution of the problems at the cost of making them far more serious later (this is precisely what happened in the crisis of 2001).


  • 到2050年时,解决气候变化问题代价进一步上升因为气候变化法案预期到时要将美国温室气体排放量减少80%。

    The costs of dealing with climate change would rise further still by 2050 when the bill envisages an 80% cut in us greenhouse gas emissions.


  • 这种观点问题在于高估了奥巴马克林顿合作好处低估代价

    The trouble with this argument is that it overstates the benefits of an Obama-Clinton partnership and understates the costs.


  • 可笑的是债务激增主要原因并非鼓吹的为金融体系大肆输血所付出的代价即使那确实很令人头痛的问题

    Interestingly, the main reason why debt explodes is not the much ballyhooed cost of bailing out the financial system, painful as that may be.


  • 需求分析需求管理方面进行的多次测试可以说明确定解决错误问题越早解决他们付出代价越低

    Numerous texts on the subjects of requirements analysis and requirements management state that the earlier errors and issues are identified and resolved, the lower the cost to resolve them.


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