• 跟着因为最近一直感到舒服

    I let him tag along because he had not been too well recently.


  • ,是主动的。

    He was not asked to leave—he went voluntarily.


  • 19世纪一项重要考虑事项即使什么也无法故人,至少的时候孤单安葬的时候有人为哀悼

    This was an important consideration in the 19th century, that even when nothing could be done for the man, he did not die alone, and had a mourner at his interment.


  • 外国人恭喜那位丈夫终于醒悟了啊,但是丈夫告诉妻子前面是因为正在穿越一个雷区

    The foreigners rushed to congratulate the husband on his enlightenment — only to be told that he stuck his wife in front because they were walking through a minefield.


  • 的眼睛中距离凝视着,粉丝描述:“深沉的、人尖叫的步伐”,同时自信的大踏步往前

    His eyes peer into the middle distance, in what one fan described as "a deep and penetrating way", and he strides confidently forward.


  • 跟着往里开始货架上一个又一个盒子,向展示里面的袜子,欣赏

    I followed him to the rear of the shop, and he began to haul down from the shelves box after box, displaying their contents for my delectation.


  • 明白根本不理睬的想法,因此勉强地书房,给这个不合时宜来访者通报主人明天再说。

    I perceived he was bent on refusing my mediation, so very reluctantly I went up to the library, and announced the unseasonable visitor, advising that he should be dismissed till next day.


  • 不再感到疲惫,也不再觉得马吕斯重量钢铁般的力恢复了,不是而是在跑。

    Jean Valjean was no longer conscious of fatigue, he no longer felt Marius' weight, he found his legs once more of steel, he ran rather than walked.


  • 可以承包商脚手架上但是拒绝了,说她高。

    He said he offered to let the inspector walk on the scaffold, but she declined and said she was afraid of heights.


  • 转过身并且做出跟着手势

    He turned and made signs with his hands that I should follow him.


  • 这些礼物觉得分外珍贵,因为知道3英里才能邮局而且挣的也不怎么多。 每当收到这些礼物,我总会想起第一次离开那天早上,邻居跟我说的话。

    Knowing that he must walk three miles to mail these, and knowing how little money he had made the gifts doubly precious.


  • 把捉住旁边电线杆拼命自个停下来但是不可只脚一下电线杆持续

    He caught a telephone pole next to the road, since a desperately want to stop, but can not, at two feet to pull him away from the poles, continued to go forward.


  • 第二邻居又了,并且这回准备使出先发制人的招术你跟着的步子

    The next day he comes back and has decided to bring you into line by using the Withdrawing the Offer Gambit.


  • 意大利巨人认为准备提供三年合同但是前提是能够俱乐部免费

    The Italian giants are believed to be ready to offer him a three-year deal, but only if he manages to secure himself a free transfer from Arsenal.


  • 我们回家或者客人那条亮闪闪的绿裙子系好挂脖吊带腰带

    Then we would come home or our guests would leave, and he would change back to the sparkly green dress, asking me to tie the halter behind his neck and the sash around his waist.


  • 斯佳丽不能!不能!一定办法回来

    Scarlett: I can't let him go! I can't! There must be some way to bring him back.


  • 蒂非常愿意我们一起,于是低低地耳语:“不要跟我们喜欢这个人。”

    Biddy was much against his going with us, and said to me in a whisper, 'Don't let him come; I don't like him.


  • 疼痛如此剧烈差点失手摔下女孩,一瞬间以为这就是的最远的距离了。

    The pain was so bad he almost lost the girl, and for half a heartbeat he feared this was as far as he would go.


  • 过了分钟侍从武官回来特别恭敬地弯腰鞠躬安德烈公爵在前面带领穿过进入军务倥偬军政大臣的办公室。

    Five minutes later the adjutant returned, and with marked courtesy, bowing and ushering Prince Andrey before him, he led him across the corridor to the private room of the war minister.


  • 我们已经询问阿里未来问题,得到的答案绝不会留在这里

    We have asked what is the future of Arjen and they answered to us that there is no way that they will let him move. He is to remain here.


  • 老师什么时候可以

    He asked when the teacher would be allowed to leave.


  • 鞭打快点

    He switched his horse to make it go faster.


  • 哪怕非得段路,还是着打高尔夫球,这并非可以在轮椅上打高尔夫了。

    But, even if it is he still does have to walk, he still plays golf standing up, it's not as if he's playing golf from a wheelchair.


  • 采取没有,我采取母亲房子并且诞生屋子

    I took him by the hands, and did not let him go, till I had taken him into my mother's house, and into the room of her who gave me birth.


  • 如果一个。如果回来值得你去爱

    If you love a person let them go. If they don't come back they weren't worth it.


  • 说服傻子使之明白最佳途径,是自己的途径。

    The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong is to let him have his own way.


  • 没有错,这次的的路程爱上北京

    He was right. My trip with him this time made me fall in love with Beijing!


  • 没有错,这次的的路程爱上北京

    He was right. My trip with him this time made me fall in love with Beijing!


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