• 认为英国奥林匹克上取得成绩归根结底是由于天赋能力加上长期不懈的勤奋

    Much of Britain's Olympic success, he argues, is down to a combination of natural ability and sheer dedication.


  • 哈佛商学院的教授MichaelPorter研究竞争力方面建树认为英国仍然是“有吸引力的地方”。

    Michael Porter, a professor at Harvard Business School who has made a career out of studying competitiveness, believes that Britain still remains a “very attractive value proposition”.


  • SimonBlackmore英国哈珀亚当斯大学研究农业技术认为轻型自主机器人可能解决这个问题

    Simon Blackmore, who researches agricultural technology at Harper Adams University College in England believes that fleets of lightweight autonomous robots have the potential to solve this problem.


  • 尽管作为世界上杰出自然资源保护论者之一逐渐获得了国际上认可但许多英国仍然认为一个植物对话怪人

    Although he has gradually gained international recognition as one of the world's leading conservationists, many British people still think of his as an eccentric person who talks to plants.


  • 一直利用英国担任G8富国俱乐部主席国机会,对全球领导人大声疾呼,认为必要制定一个接替京都议定书》的条约。

    He has been using Britain's presidency of the G8 rich nations' club to harangue other global leaders on the need for a successor treatyto Kyoto.


  • 一致认为市场周期循环处于接近顶峰尤其是美国英国

    He and others agree that the market cycle is at or near its top, particularly in America and Britain.


  • 律师认为英国美国之间引渡安排不对等的。

    His lawyers argue that extradition arrangements between Britain and the US are imbalanced.


  • 作家身份亦如日中天,有些批评家认为战后优秀英国作家之一。

    His reputation as an author continues to grow, with some critics considering him one of the finest postwar British writers.


  • 奥德松接受电话采访时称,认为的话导致英国采取行动的想法错误的。

    Mr.Oddsson, in a telephone interview, said it was wrong to think his words prompted the British to act.


  • 德国官方认为森林男孩来自英国因为英语但是会一点基本德语

    Officials believe the teenager could be British because he speaks English but only basic German.


  • 认为英国一个很好的理由采用欧元

    He thinks this makes a good case for Britain to adopt the euro.


  • 最近项民意测验显示,欧盟五个最大国家绝大多数人(比率英国77%法国令人吃惊的92%)认为国际事务起到积极影响作用

    In the five biggest EU countries large majorities, ranging from 77% in Britain to a staggering 92% in France, told a recent poll that he would have a positive impact on international events.


  • 现在考古学家发掘出了认为迄今为止英国古老护卫骨架为了保护埋藏在地下宝藏而牺牲了自己

    But now, archaeologists have unearthed the skeleton of what is believed to be Britain's oldest guard dog, which was sacrificed to protect a hoard of buried treasure.


  • 布鲁克斯认为新书是以美国思维方式写就讲述的却是英国问题

    Brooks thinks his book, written with the US in mind, speaks to British problems.


  • 认为,1415标志着条道路紧要关头一年亨利佯装法国议和实际上慢慢地动员英国参战

    He thinks 1415 marks the crucial moment on that path: the year when Henry, pretending to want peace with France, in fact slowly mobilised the whole of England for war.


  • 拉尔夫·沃恩·威廉姆斯 (1872-1958)深受英国民间音乐的影响,比如老歌《绿袖子》的改变(很多人都认为这是个民歌)。

    Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958) was deeply influenced by English folk music, as is shown by his variations on the old tune "Green-sleeves" (which most people consider a folk song).


  • 认为大多数产业工人生产率已经下降,而财政紧缩严重削弱英国生产力这个说法很难人信服。

    He argues that workers' productivity has fallen in most industries, making it hard to maintain that the shrinkage of finance has seriously sapped Britain's capacity.


  • 绝大多数人认为是汤马斯·克拉普(1837-1910)这位英国卫生工程师功劳发明冲水阀门虹吸管成就了我们今天马桶

    Many give credit to THOMAS CRAPPER (1837-1910), an English sanitary engineer, for inventing the valve~and~siphon arangement that made our modern toilet possible.


  • 优秀的英国认为一个很大的恭维

    "He's a classy English car, which I think is a great compliment to me!" -jy.


  • 感到“心寒显露愤怒卡梅伦英国最好技术以及认为最强商业标,并说:“原来这些不够。”

    A ‘bitterly disappointedand visibly furious Mr Cameron said England had the best technical bid and what he believed was the strongest commercial bid, adding: ‘It turns out that’s not enough.’


  • 关于疫苗会导致孤独症胡说是从一篇现在已经丧失名誉的1998年的英国内科医生AndrewWakefield论文开始的,他认为精神失常是与麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹的疫苗有关。

    The nonsense about vaccines causing autism began with a now - discredited 1998 paper by British physician Andrew Wakefield that linked the disorder to the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine.


  • 据说该设计英国因弗格瑞一位钢铁厂老板要求而认为穿方格呢裙的员工工作需要大的肢体自由

    This was reputedly at the behest of an Englishman running an ironworks at Invergarry who felt his kilted employees needed a greater freedom of movement to do their work.


  • 认为外国人,”戈登·普贝尔英国兰赛斯特大学历史学家。

    "He was regarded as a foreigner," says Gordon Campbell, a historian at the University of Leicester in England.


  • 很多英国认为过老派,意大利朋友们赞同的看法。

    Lots of Englishmen think he's old-fashioned, but my Italian friends agree with me.


  • 另一些人则认为这个黑森士兵还不知道附近的查特顿英国人占领,坟墓里出来便是领导黑森士兵向那儿冲锋

    Others claimed that the Hessian soldier rose from the grave to lead the Hessian soldiers in a charge up nearby Chatterton hill, not knowing that the hill had already been taken by the British.


  • 达林决心英国继续保持英国银行实行国家控制监管模式,因为认为最终必须是由英国纳税人解救英国银行。

    Darling is determined to keep control of national supervision of Banks because he believes that ultimately British taxpayers have to bail out UK Banks.


  • 认为英国之所以对境外资源供给依赖不断增强,对气候变化不断缩水发电量忧心忡忡,部分原因就是核能的短缺。

    For him, nuclear power is part of the answer to Britain's growing reliance on foreign supplies, fears about climate change and shrinking generating capacity.


  • 英国大使馆则表示的出现可能招致公众关注”,认为仍然忠于父亲

    The British Embassy said his presence may cause "considerable public concern" and he is "loyal" to his father.


  • 种思想都希望更加一体化欧洲应对全球化,这与英国财政大臣戈登·布朗意见相左认为全球化进程削弱欧盟这样区域集团存在的理由

    Both want "more Europe" in response to globalisation, differing from the British chancellor, Gordon Brown, who thinks that globalisation weakens the case for regional blocks such as the EU.


  • 种思想都希望更加一体化欧洲应对全球化,这与英国财政大臣戈登·布朗意见相左认为全球化进程削弱欧盟这样区域集团存在的理由

    Both want "more Europe" in response to globalisation, differing from the British chancellor, Gordon Brown, who thinks that globalisation weakens the case for regional blocks such as the EU.


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