• 年轻的时候发现自己教书的天赋

    As a youth he discovered a gift for teaching.


  • 本杰明自己天赋的运用让感到惊奇。

    He was amazed at what Benjamin had done with his gift.


  • 很遗憾放弃了自己的运动天赋,但也很自豪后来选择了英国文学。

    I was sorry he gave up his athletic talent but proud that later he chose English literature.


  • 正是这样开始意识到自己真的具备做喜剧演员的天赋

    That’s how he came to recognize his true talent as a comedian.


  • 华伦达觉得自己幸运有着可以很快地掌握技巧天赋

    And he is blessed, he said, with a natural talent for picking up new skills quickly.


  • 从来不曾需要适应什么人因为天赋使可以走到赛场上自己找到答案

    He's never had to adjust to something because he's been so talented he could go out there and figure it out.


  • 有人自己称作,英国最有天赋拉丁文学家的时候,弥尔顿自然是-怎么可能不是呢?

    As someone who would quickly establish himself as the most talented Latinist probably in all of England, Milton is naturallyhow could he not be?


  • 尽管特纳受到表扬,温格也表扬了纳斯里阿尔萨文,温格受说道纳斯里进步的很快,天赋而且开始变得高效,第一就是传给阿尔沙文,而且自己也有一个漂亮的进球

    He has talent and he is starting to be efficient now. He made a great pass to Arshavin for the first goal [which Bendtner scored] and he scored a great goal himself.


  • Renner大学时迷上了表演当时的专业计算机科学犯罪学上了节表演课后发现自己方面很天赋

    Renner fell into acting at college. He was studying computer science and criminology when he decided to try an acting class, and found he had a talent for it.


  • 这位来自东部边上的男孩从来不轻易炫耀学识多才多艺天赋宁愿自己的对手看成是一个个的傻子也不愿意将当成只是有一点点的学术过失学术方面是一知半解的人。

    This East End boy did not wear his learning, or his polyglottal talents, lightly. He tended to dismiss adversaries as fools, rather than as merely mistaken, or half-right.


  • 天赋除了他自己(我们)谁也不知道

    His gift was unknown to any (of us) except himself.


  • 拥有令人难以置信的天赋一种非常有说服力方式介绍了他自己梦想使每个人都凝聚周围

    He has an incredible gift for presenting himself and his dreams in a very compelling way that engages everyone to rally around him.


  • 瓦托看中孩子天赋继续驾驶,感到自己能从中大赚

    Recognizing his talent, Watto let the boy continue his piloting, sensing potential profit from the venture.


  • 是的,邓加耐心的等待了那个可怜的球员,那个随意挥霍自己天赋的罗纳尔迪尼奥3年。 可是没有人真正了解——显然那个洋溢着幸福微笑形象复杂得多。

    No-one seemed to be able to get through to him - he is obviously a much more complex character than the happy, smiley image.


  • 没有原力用于进攻性的活动,而是放弃自己天赋冥想自身与力的内在联系试图寻找答案,让内心归于平静

    Rather than using them offensively, he instead abandoned his talents to contemplate on his inner connection to the Force, to seek out answers to put his mind at ease.


  • 没有原力用于进攻性的活动,放弃自己天赋冥想自身与力的内在联系试图寻找答案,让内心归于平静

    Rather than using them offensively, he instead abandoned his talents to contemplate on his inner connection to the Force, to seek out answers to put his mind at ease.


  • 第二林书豪展示天赋得到机会证明自己帮助球队打败球队,人们开始注意到的第二年仍然没有扬名世界。

    The next year, Jeremy has show his talent, he got the chance to prove himself, he helped the team beat other team, people started notice him, still, his second not makes him a worldwide star.


  • 在接受腾讯娱乐的采访时,自己并不是个特别天赋演员,比如当花费大量时间学习钢琴之后发现自己完全不是块料

    He doesn't consider himself a particularly gifted actor, telling Tencent Entertainment that he spent time practicing on the piano only to later decide he wasn't cut out for the instrument.


  • 汉尼拔•莱柯特发觉自己拥有学术之外天赋就在一刻,成为了死亡预兆

    He discovers he has gifts beyond the academic, and in that Epiphany, Hannibal Lecter becomes death's prodigy.


  • 尽管不认为自己这一代荧幕明星,但无疑已经证明当今中国年轻演员天赋

    Still, though he holds himself apart from his generation of screen stars, he undoubtedly serves as testament to the talent of young actors in China today.


  • 布莱娜说的必须找到自己的魔法天赋

    Sabrina was right: he had to identify his talent.


  • 人类了解自己知道反抗天赋的本能是徒劳无功时,一定赏识这种简单智慧

    When man comes to understand himself better and realizes the futility of warring against his own instincts, with which nature has endowed him, man will appreciate more such simple wisdom.


  • 很高的天赋有一段时间人们期待表现出自己世界最佳球员,”朴智星说。

    "He has great talent, and for a while people have been expecting him to show that he's one of the best players in the world," Park added.


  • 为了金钱出卖了自己艺术天赋

    He prostituted his art talents for money.


  • 另外个孩子的头脑特别灵活:也想一点,以及另外一个孩子运动天赋归功于自己

    Another has an especially nimble mind: he wants credit for that, too, and for another's athleticism.


  • 演绎生涯中自我天赋加入传统人物性格中,形成自己风格并且成立了梅兰芳京剧学校”。

    Over the course of his career, he added his own flair to traditional characters, shaping a style of his own and forming "The Mei Lanfang School".


  • 因此不断努力,使得上神圣恩典美德成为驾驭自己的强势力量。

    Therefore, he must ever strive that the divine bounties and virtues bestowed upon him may prevail and control him.


  • 卡萨诺认为意大利最有天赋球员之一,不羁性格依然无法完全展示自己能力。

    Cassano is widely regarded as one of Italy's most gifted players, but he has still yet to really fulfill his potential due to his rather 'wild' personality.


  • 然而而言,通过目睹埃尔斯先生勇气谦逊,以及自己艺术天赋坚信

    I can, however, speak for myself, I can tell you that by witnessing Mr. Ayers's courage, his humility, his faith in the power of his art.


  • 然而而言,通过目睹埃尔斯先生勇气谦逊,以及自己艺术天赋坚信

    I can, however, speak for myself, I can tell you that by witnessing Mr. Ayers's courage, his humility, his faith in the power of his art.


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