• 详述临时政府将会采取形式

    He didn't enlarge on the form that the interim government and assembly would take.


  • 将会芯片制造商数量减少10以内

    It could, he said, reduce the number of chip makers to less than 10.


  • 但是对于我们目的认为无关的,所以放置一旁

    But for our purposes, I think it's not a contender. So I'm just going to put it aside.


  • 如果白手起家,建立一个大部分依靠公共医疗基金的医疗系统将会大件

    If he were starting from scratch, there would be a strong case (even to a newspaper as economically liberal as this one) for a system based mostly around publicly funded health care.


  • 白宫玫瑰园发表获奖感言时,奥巴马确定接受颁奖,同时表示作为“对个人成就认可”。

    Speaking from the White House's Rose Garden, Obama confirmed that he would accept the award, but said he would not view it as "a recognition of my own accomplishments".


  • 荣获流行天王荣誉之后,迈克尔意识到了光明人类带来灾难。于是就主动联系中情局寻求保护作为交换条件,泄漏一些与光明有关的秘密

    After achieving the rank of King of Pop, Michael began to realize the danger the Illuminati presented to mankind and approached the CIA offering to spill the secrets in exchange for protection.


  • 不过Maroga先生却执意董事收回辞呈,因为之前乐观的认为黑人占多数的董事将会支持

    But Mr Maroga, who had apparently reckoned that the board, on which blacks have a majority, would back him, then "withdrew" his resignation.


  • 我们已经25万名了,”强调,“按这个速度明年的年麦迪逊广场花园举行。”

    "We already have a quarter-million members," he insisted from the stage. "at the rate things are going, this will be at Madison Square Garden next year."


  • 相反认为Expedia可能加强媒体业务,Priceline增加其酒店产品库存寻找区域的并购机,但不其它品牌收入囊中

    Instead, he believes Expedia might be expected to add to its media portfolio while Priceline will look for hotel-inventory and geographic deals rather than seeking out big brands to scoop up.


  • c肖邦音乐的一席之位

    CHOPIN. There will always be a place for him in my concert program.


  • 学生将会和老师一次面谈也许还带上任何证明作业做准备证据。

    The student will be asked to attend an interview and may be asked to bring any evidence of preparation for the assignment.


  • 现在辞退熟练助手愚蠢做法,可能喜欢琼斯本人但是若没有成功将会

    It would be foolish to drop the pilot just now. you may not like Jones as a person, but without him your chances of success would be much reduced.


  • 新年音乐是一块试金石,能在多大程度上接受,完全在于表现。

    The New Year's day concert will be the ultimate test of how far it has taken him to its heart.


  • 补充说,“农民朋友”特殊委员将会未来内向烟农说明一点确保任何地方都未经授权种植的烟草

    Field Friends would make this point clear to the farmers in the next couple of weeks and ensure that no unauthorised tobacco was grown anywhere, he added.


  • 相反者身上, 比较好的名誉正直诚实得体, 愈比较胜利将会最后。

    On the contrary, the better his reputation for integrity, honesty, and decency, the better is chances of victory will be in the long run.


  • 补充说明,扶轮社员大部份超过15,都深信扶轮基金将会继续全世界做出不寻常的贡献。

    He added that the club's members, the majority of whom have been Rotarians for at least 15 years, trust the Foundation to continue to do exceptional work throughout the world.


  • 学生将会和老师进行一次面谈也许带上任何可以证明作业做准备证据。

    The student will be asked to attend an interview and may be asked to bring any evidence of preparation for the assignment .


  • 已经阵中的英格兰国脚德福下了最后通牒,球提供3年的续约合同,而一旦德福选择续约,球队开始接受任何球队的报价

    Spurs will put the squeeze on Jermain Defoe by offering the England striker a new three-year contract - and listen to offers if he does not sign.


  • 已经阵中的英格兰国脚德福下了最后通牒,球提供3年的续约合同,而一旦德福选择续约,球队开始接受任何球队的报价

    Spurs will put the squeeze on Jermain Defoe by offering the England striker a new three-year contract - and listen to offers if he does not sign.


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