• 自从转基因作物进入商业化种植以来14年间衍生物、亲缘植物再混合作物都相继问世,那些高科技水池草一样成倍增加,同时有利可图

    In the 14 years since the first genetically modified crops were planted commercially, their descendants, relatives and remixes have gone forth and multiplied like profitable, high-tech pondweed.


  • 这种植物自己没有亲缘关系的凤仙花共用一个花盆时,它们就会使劲大的叶子,好与这个非亲非故的邻居竞争。

    But when those same impatiens were planted with other impatiens—but not their siblings—they put more energy into growing more and larger leaves that could crowd out the nonrelatives.


  • 为了验证这个想法科研小组们研究了几植物DNA,每一对均由亲缘关系两种植物组成。 而且,其中植物属于热带植物一种则属于靠近极地生长的寒带植物

    To test this idea, the team studied the DNA of pairs of closely related plant species in which one member of the pair was tropical and the other was found closer to the poles.


  • 这种植物北美洲商陆有亲缘关系,它们可以长成参天大树2015米宽。

    It is related to the pokeweed plant found in North America but can grow to a gigantic size: up to 20nbsp; metres tall and 15 metres wide.


  • 例如,对植物而言,栽培品种特性可能偶然转移到其野生亲缘品种去。

    With plants, for instance, there is always the possibility that new traits could be accidentally transferred to wild relatives of domestic species.


  • 但是亲缘物种稻子大麦基因组存在这种基因。因此有可能存在大多数显花植物

    But the gene is also present in the genome of unrelated species such as rice and barley, so it probably exists in most flowering plants.


  • 研究者们它们根系识别周围植物是否和自己存在亲缘关系因为把两株存在“亲戚关系”的凤仙花分别栽种不同花盆里再并排放置,它们并没有认出彼此。

    Researchers say the roots alert plants to the relationship of nearby plants, because when impatiens were planted near siblings but in separate pots, they didn't recognize their kin.


  • 结论同种植物不同居群亲缘关系的远近与地理来源有关;能够通过类分析区分姜黄川郁金;姜黄属郁金植物栽培型和野生产生分化

    Clustering approach could make a distinction between Curcuma longa and C. sichuanensis. The differentiation has happened between the wild and cultivated species of Curcuma L.


  • 方法植物亲缘观点收集筛选

    Methods:to collect and screen with the view of plant relative theory.


  • 核型分析方法AFLP分子标记技术能够有效区分石蒜植物种间亲缘关系远近。

    Both karyotype analysis and AFLP technique were efficient in generating more accurate information on the genetic diversity and relationship of Lycoris.


  • 根据千金植物中所含各种化学结构类型生物分布,结合植物形态学探讨了属内各类群之间异同和亲缘关系

    According to the distribution of alkaloids of 6 types and plant morphology, the relationships among sections in the genus Stephania were discussed in the paper.


  • 研究建立了苏铁科植物RAPD反应体系,进而用于探讨苏铁科苏铁属21个不同种类的亲缘关系。研究结果表明。

    In this paper, the RAPD reaction system in Cycadaceae has been established and applied to discuss the relationships among 21 species.


  • 植物亲缘关系较近,地理分布叶片性状、生长发育特性迥异,引种驯化存在较大差异

    Although they are closely related phylogenetically, there are significant differences in leaf traits and geographical distributions between two genera.


  • NTSYS-PC软件进行分析,结果表明,金柑属植物宽皮柑橘亲缘关系近;

    Cluster analysis via NTSYS-PC software showed that Citrus was close to Fortunella.


  • 是使用共显性标记数据推断亲缘关系的软件。用来计算等位基因频率,确定概率比临界值并分析动物植物种群亲缘关系。

    Cervus represents an easy-to-use and practical tool for scientists seeking to establish parent-offspring relationships even when some genotypes are incomplete, incorrect or missing.


  • 邻近地区的植物区系对比表明紫金山植物区系与安徽板桥浙江龙王植物区系亲缘关系更为亲近,而与泰山植物区系亲缘关系较为疏远。

    Comparing with neighbor flora, it indicated that genetic relation of the flora at Zijinshan is closer to that at Banqiao in Anhui and Longwangshan in Zhejiang than that at Taishan.


  • 毛桃木莲乳源木莲精油成分构成上具有高度一致性而且主要成分上具有相似性, 这可能表明它们具有非常近植物亲缘关系

    The high consistence of composition and similarities in major constituents between the M. moto and M. yuyanensis oils may indicate their close correlation between relatives .


  • CYP93G2与CYP93B亚家族有亲缘关系,CYP93 B双子叶植物酮合ii组成

    CYP93G2 is related to the CYP93B subfamily, which consists of dicot flavone synthase II enzymes.


  • 银杏一个独特的物种亲缘关系其他植物都已灭绝

    G. biloba is a unique tree species with no close living relatives and extracts of its leaves contain antioxidant compounds including glycosides and terpenoids known as ginkgolides and bilobalides.


  • 银杏一个独特的物种亲缘关系其他植物都已灭绝

    G. biloba is a unique tree species with no close living relatives and extracts of its leaves contain antioxidant compounds including glycosides and terpenoids known as ginkgolides and bilobalides.


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