• 目前而言,亚洲美国命运息息相关,而不是相互抵触。

    For the moment, though, the fates of Asia and the US remain more aligned than opposed.


  • 最后亚洲美国(以及欧洲)的股市关联度处于30年来最高点

    Finally, stock market correlations between Asia and the US (and Europe) are at 30-year highs.


  • 拍《箭》休息时,吴宇森看着上百名工作人员思考着在亚洲美国拍片不同。

    During a break in filming Broken Arrow,... Woo casts his eye over the hundreds of technicians and ponders the contrasts in movie-making between Asia and America.


  • 东亚旅游美国常常亚洲文化习俗美国文化习俗的差异感到惊讶和困惑。

    American visitors to Eastern Asia are often surprised and puzzled by how Asian cultures and customs differ from those in the United States.


  • 一种主题“我爱你”的电脑病毒美国引起了混乱亚洲欧洲政府商业电脑已经先期遭到严重破坏

    A computer virus titled "ILOVEYOU" has caused havoc in the United States after crippling government and business computers in Asia and Europe.


  • 特认为对澳大利亚而言,最好结果美国放弃主导地位,亚洲协调”体系下中国以及其他国家分享权力

    For Australia, he thinks, the best outcome would be for America to relinquish primacy and share power with China and other countries in a "concert of Asia".


  • 然而一个不无矛盾现象是,欧洲亚洲电影业最大成功表现美国对它们的模仿

    Nevertheless, it is one of the paradoxes of the European and Asian cinema that its greatest success was in spawning American imitations.


  • 想法借助仅仅很小调整来把全球各地的运营组织起来满足当地消费者的口味同样可以美国亚洲欧洲出售

    The idea is that by knitting together far-flung operations with only small adjustments for local tastes, the same cars could be sold in America, Asia and Europe.


  • 上所述,尽管亚洲出口并未完全美国脱钩,但是这些经济体遭受的困扰过去小的多。

    Thus even if Asia's exports clearly have not decoupled from America, its economies will be hurt less than in the past.


  • 所以美国设计者这个屏幕上印度软件编程者、亚洲制造者同时直接沟通

    So its American designers could be on the screen speaking with their Indian software writers and their Asian manufacturers all at once.


  • 欧洲亚洲情况美国不同,有关环保创新性理念总是中央萌发,然后逐渐蔓延地方美国,地方各州才是政策变革的“孵化器”。

    But whereas in Europe or Asia new ideas often flow from the centre to the regions, in America the states are the incubators of big shifts in policy.


  • 虽然亚洲一些金融公司美国次级房贷有关债券遭受了一些损失,但是他们认为直接曝光相对

    Although Asian financial firms have suffered some losses from securities linked to American subprime mortgages, their direct exposure is thought to be relatively small.


  • 亚洲付出代价发现自己无法躲开美国欧洲吹来刺骨寒风其中部分原因西方企业在一起的亚洲资本越来越多

    Asia has found out, to its cost, that it cannot isolate itself from icy winds blowing from the us and Europe, not least because increasing amounts of Asian capital are tied up in western companies.


  • 日本首相强调亚洲各国美国联盟关系维护地区稳定中的重要性

    The Japanese PM also stressed the importance of the Asian state's alliance with the United States in maintaining the stability of the region.


  • 亚洲非洲已经禁止进口中国奶制品欧洲各国美国加紧各种检测工作

    Several countries in Asia and Africa have banned imports of Chinese dairy products, and testing has been stepped up in Europe and America.


  • 厄尔尼诺现象非洲澳大利亚亚洲干旱以及美国南美大部分地区雨天多于常规天气的状况有密切关联

    El nino is also strongly linked to droughts in Africa, Australia and Asia, and wetter-than-normal weather in much of the us and South America.


  • 如果我们假设美国相比有着明显文化差异亚洲美国一样思考,我们必须我们自己的邻居作出同样假设

    If we can assume that people in Asia, who have clear cultural differences from Americans, think the same way as people in the United States, we also must make the same assumptions our own neighbors.


  • 印度国防部已经开始一些亚洲国家接触同时稳步扩大美国接触武器采购

    India's Defense Ministry has sought military contacts with a host of Asian nations while steadily expanding contacts and weapons procurements from the United States.


  • 但是认为所有亚洲销售包括日本美国欧洲相比的话可能下降

    But he conceded that sales in Asia overall, including Japan, are likely to cool when compared to the U. S. and Europe.


  • 但是认为所有亚洲销售包括日本美国欧洲相比的话可能下降

    But he conceded that sales in Asia overall, including Japan, are likely to cool when compared to the U.S. and Europe.


  • 更加令人懊恼的是:过去40年间,许多亚洲国家均开始缩小美国人均收入的差距

    Even more galling, over the past four decades many Asian countries have begun to close their income gap with the United States.


  • 6月28日,美国公司Elevance宣布亚洲农业综合集团巨头丰益国际合资印度尼西亚建立世界最大的生物提炼厂,并于2011年前完工。

    And on June 28th Elevance, an American firm, announced a joint venture with Wilmar International, an Asian agribusiness giant, to build the world's largest chemicals biorefinery in Indonesia by 2011.


  • 然而美国亚洲政策(或者说常常缺少亚洲政策)仍然保留着地区“好朋友”反目的权力

    And yet. American policy in asia-or, just as often, the lack of it-retains the power to unsettle its friends in the region.


  • 大多数情况下亚裔美国人采集结果会落欧洲人欧裔美国亚洲的结果之间

    In most cases, the data collected from Asian-American subjects fell in between the results from Europeans or European Americans and Asians.


  • 大多数情况下亚裔美国人采集结果会落欧洲人欧裔美国亚洲的结果之间

    In most cases, the data collected from Asian-American subjects fell in between the results from Europeans or European Americans and Asians.


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