• 一路走来,他们美国(以及随之而来拥有土地的希望)遗弃在路边了,他们受害严峻经济衰退罕见的意外事件以及歇斯底里的暴民。

    Along the way their pursuit of the American Dream (and the attendant prospect of land ownership) falls by the wayside the victim of a harsh economic downturn a freak accident and mob hysteria.


  • “戈纳伊夫局势尤其严峻该市部分城区被水民众暂时栖身避难所,城外一些社区道路不通,外界无法进入”。

    The situation is particularly serious in Gonaives, where parts of the city remain under water, people have taken refuge in shelters and there is no access to some communities outside the city.


  • 极端贫困问题越来越集中发达国家,最不发达国家进一步被边际化我们必须面对严峻现实

    Increasingly fretted with extreme poverty, the least developed countries are being further marginalized. These are the grim facts that are confronting us.


  • 周四华盛顿发布一份综合调查显示,尽管年前国际上就开始保护鲨鱼行动但仍然有30多种鲨鱼面临着严峻灭绝危机

    A decade after the start of international efforts to save sharks, 30 species remain in severe danger of extinction, according to comprehensive research released Thursday in Washington.


  • 希腊债务规模预算赤字比例以及导因国内生产成本货币贬值能力严峻成长远景,都使这个国家十分显眼。

    Greece stands out for the size of its debt stock, the scale of its budget deficit and the grimness of its growth prospects given high domestic costs and an inability to devalue.


  • 收购一个大型手机制造商仍然会给谷歌这个搜索引擎巨擘带来严峻挑战。谷歌之前没有专注制造营销智能手机

    The acquisition of a major handset maker may still pose a significant challenge to the search giant, which has not specialized in manufacturing or marketing of smartphones.


  • 美国运通首席执行官肯尼斯•切诺特说:“尽管经济形势严峻我们依然专注拓展高额借贷业务。”

    "We are focused on expanding premium lending, despite challenging economic times," says Kenneth Chenault, the firm's chief executive.


  • 毕业生就业协会相比去年31:1,0628:1,今年的就业市场竞争严峻平均49个求职者争夺一个岗位。

    The association said the market is becoming far more competitive, with 49 applicants for each vacancy this year, compared to 31 per graduate job advertised last year and 28 in 2006.


  • “末日之1947年设立代表了人类感受到来自核武器生化武器气候变化其它人为灾难等威胁严峻程度

    The clock setting, which has been a staple since 1947, represents the severity of the perceived threat to humanity from nuclear or biological weapons, climate change and other human-caused disasters.


  • 研究结果表明严峻户外环境使用视频分析的话,相较使用VMDDVR可以节省超过50%的存储空间。

    Studies have shown in a difficult outdoor environment that using video analytics enabled results in storage savings of more than 50% as compared to DVRs using VMD.


  • 本杰明(旁白):发现严峻安全威胁,斯科博大使会谈一周上书ueg请求支援,迫切需要支援

    Benjamin (voiceover) : After uncovering a serious security threat one week before the talks, Ambassador Sekibo had petitioned the UEG for support; badly needed support.


  • 目前严峻就业形势下大学毕业生未就业人数逐年增加,致力提高未就业大学毕业生就业竞争力的就业前培训逐渐兴起。

    In the current severe employment situation, the number of unemployed college graduates increase every year while the college graduates' pre-employment training appears gradually.


  • 就是这么一场对决不仅仅使拳振奋,而且位拳手毅力提供了严峻考验并且就是这个“幽灵”第七回合t KO的胜利脱颖而出呈现公众面前。

    It was a bout that not only thrilled fans but also provided a severe test of both fighters' mettle, and it was "The Ghost" who emerged with a seventh round TKO victory.


  • 一个理论好坏不是取决已经获得了多少证据的支持,而是取决的可证程度它所受到的检验严峻程度。

    The criterion of a theory is not the evidence that it has gained, but is the degree of its falsification and the strictness of its testing.


  • 全球经济金融市场面临严峻挑战时,我们20集团领导人2008年115华盛顿进行了初次会谈

    We, the Leaders of the Group of Twenty, held an initial meeting in Washington on November 15, 2008, amid serious challenges to the world economy and financial markets.


  • 目前金融危机严峻形势部分归因银行竞争压力

    The severity of today's financial crisis is blamed by some on the pressure of competition on banks.


  • 一些时尚专家表示设计师应当意识到严峻气氛专注保守风格基本点

    Some fashion experts say that designers should take heed of the sober mood and focus on conservative styles and basics.


  • 但是20世纪大部分时间里英国致力挖掘研究古代文化遗迹考古学面临严峻问题和局限性。

    Yet from most of the twentieth century, the science of archaeology - dedicated to uncovering and studying old cultural artifacts - was faced with serious problems and limitations in Britain.


  • 这种累积测验认为是通常作业一部分,是一种反复核对不是拘泥仪式严峻考验

    This cumulative testing is seen as part of current work, a cross-check and not a ritual ordeal.


  • 考虑到劳动力不断减少老龄化问题日益严峻我国2016年放开“二”政策。 从那时代孕便成了公众大热议话题。

    Surrogacy has been a topic of public discussion since China adopted the second-child policy at the start of 2016, in view of the dwindling workforce and a rapidly aging population.


  • 我们或者应该国际趋势变化新加坡影响作出相应调整勇敢地面对严峻挑战不是一味沉溺悲观的情绪里。

    Rather than just being pessimistic about Singapore's future, perhaps we should adjust to the global trends that will affect Singapore and rise to challenges that we may face.


  • 我们或者应该国际趋势变化新加坡影响作出相应调整勇敢地面对严峻挑战不是一味沉溺悲观的情绪里。

    Rather than just being pessimistic about Singapore's future, perhaps we should adjust to the global trends that will affect Singapore and rise to challenges that we may face.


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