• 感染动物近距离接触发病其它吃了H5N1感染的小鸡的小猫出现了同样的情况。

    Two cats living in close contact with an infected animal also became sick, as did three others that each ate an H5N1-infected chick.


  • 新型慢性病发病随着时间推移增加,患病的夫妻当中,男性女性患上严重健康问题的人数更多

    The incidence of new chronic illness onset increased over time as well, with more husbands than wives developing serious health problems.


  • 此外一些研究表明即使是适度饮酒可能增加乳腺癌结肠癌发病

    Moreover, some studies suggest that even moderate drinking may increase the incidence of breast and colon cancer.


  • 研究期间报告间皮瘤死亡人数报告死亡人数的国家数量均有所增加可能由于有更好疾病识别能力,同时该病的发病再增加。

    The number of mesothelioma deaths reported and the number of countries reporting deaths increased during the study period, probably due to better disease recognition and an increase in incidence.


  • 奇怪是,抑郁症发病似乎提高了。

    Curiously, however, the incidence of depression also seems to rise.


  • 人们发病地区迁移到发病的地区,他们患病的风险随着增加,进一步证实了环境层关系

    This environmental relationship is further confirmed when people migrate from an area of low incidence to high incidence, and increase their risk of developing disease.


  • 因为血小板粘性虽然可以治愈伤口,但同时增加了心脏病发病几率

    Because the stickiness that allow platelets to heal your wounds also raises your risk of heart attack.


  • 此外模型表明艾滋病毒普遍流行的资源匮乏国家艾滋病毒相关发病死亡率显著降低

    Additionally, the model suggests that there could be a significant reduction of HIV-related morbidity and mortality in resource-limited countries with generalized HIV epidemics.


  • 发病早期,黑瘤还局部存在于单一器官,面积还很小,这时候采取简单手术取出肿瘤治疗效果很好

    At an early stage, when the melanoma is localized and thin, there's a good chance that simple surgery to remove the cancer will be an effective treatment.


  • 兴隆是否列入其中还有待全面考察但是面对不断升高癌症发病令人震惊的人口水平当地居民对此取信无疑

    Whether the village of Xinglong will join the list cannot be confirmed without a full study. But rising cancer rates and appalling pollution levels leave locals in little doubt.


  • 19801990年代乳腺癌发病稳定地上升同时,肥胖率激素替代疗法应用增加,激素替代疗法中有涉及到雌激素

    In the 1980s and 1990s, breast cancer rates steadily increased, in parallel with the rise in obesity and the use of hormone replacement therapy, which involves estrogen.


  • 更多工作需要研究其他环境污染——例如塑料添加剂双酚 A——可能同样同样影响了美国激增糖尿病发病问题

    Much more work will need to be done to untangle how other environmental pollutants -- like the plastic additive bisphenol A -- may also contribute to America's ballooning diabetes problem.


  • 研究人员他们没有发现这样会增加中枢系统肿瘤发病风险不会使手机用户更容易罹患其他种类的癌症

    But the researchers said they observed no overall increased risk for tumours of the central nervous system or for all cancers combined in mobile phone users.


  • 随着疟疾发病季度到来,发生疟疾大规模传播风险很大

    With malaria season starting, risks of a large-scale spread of malaria are high.


  • 广西省各个地区在伤寒肠热病发病各不相同

    The incidence of enteric fever varied by region within Guangxi province.


  • 提高CDR结核发病虽可起到显著短期作用保持病例检出率水平甚至将病例检出率保持当前目标水平,未必能使长期发病率每年降低1%–2%。

    While improved CDRs have a dramatic short-term effect on TB incidence, maintaining those rates, even at current target levels, may not reduce long-term incidence by more than 1–2% per year.


  • 素食者往往身体质量指数(BMI)较并且总体癌症发病较低。

    Vegetarians tend to have a lower body mass index (BMI) and lower overall cancer rates.


  • 然而,如果说男性女性容易心脏病至少在65以前如此,之后女性发病赶来了),预防方面他们相对优势

    Still, if men are more likely to be stricken with heart disease-at least until age 65, when women catch up-they have an advantage when it comes to dealing with the problem.


  • 这项研究报告说,吃鱼人群素食者癌症发病比肉食者的要明显的多。

    The study also reported that the total cancer incidence was significantly lower among both the fish eaters and the vegetarians compared with meat eaters.


  • 恰恰相反,我们努力是卓有成效的,这次流感侵袭其他国家地区发病的时间得多。

    On the contrary, our efforts can be seen as a success, since this peak is coming much later than other parts of the world and will be much less serious.


  • 科学家发现伴侣一起睡觉半年以上女性生育的婴儿基本上不会体型而且她们之中先兆子痫(怀孕诱发高血压)的发病大大降低。

    Scientists found that women who had slept with a partner exclusively for at least six months had fewer undersized babies and a lower rate of pre-eclampsia - pregnancy induced high blood pressure.


  • 研究人员发现袭击没有哮喘个体,哮喘发病率出现增加

    The researchers also found an increased incidence of asthma among individuals who did not have the condition prior to the attack.


  • 周二,《美国医学学会杂志》发表研究表明,过量饮酒会提升乳腺癌发病几率而且该研究发现微量饮酒发病几率有所影响。

    The study, published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Assn., reaffirms that heavy alcohol use raises breast cancer risk, and it adds that light drinking matters too.


  • 百岁基因提升有益胆固醇含量标准降低心脏病发病几率看起来能降低痴呆的威胁。

    The 'centenarian' version raises levels of 'good' cholesterol, cutting the risk of heart disease and, it appears, dementia.


  • 接受媒体采访时表示,“我们发现,随着接触增加这些症状发病严重程度在增加。”

    For every increase of exposure, we saw an increase in frequency and severity of the symptoms.


  • 现在还不能断定将属于哪一个组,但是既然老年痴呆症的发病过程早期治疗中能有所缓和,早期的诊断帮助那些处于危险之中的人,同时将帮助那些未处于危险之中的人消除疑虑。

    However, since the progress of Alzheimer's disease can be slowed by early treatment, early diagnosis would help those at risk. It would also let those who were not at risk stop worrying.


  • 它们降低老年白内障发病率有关

    They have also been associated with reducing the likelihood of developing cataracts in old age.


  • 它们降低老年白内障发病率有关

    They have also been associated with reducing the likelihood of developing cataracts in old age.


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