• 非消费活动主动而不是被动的。

    Non-consuming activities are active, not passive.


  • 帮助配偶行为协助喂食洗澡穿衣其他身体活动定义'主动',而另外一些行为,例如紧急情况下在场,则被定义为'被动'。

    Acts of helping the ill spouse were defined as' active, 'such as assisting with feeding, bathing, dressing, or other physical activities, or' passive, 'such as being present in case of emergency.


  • 可以主动一些真正价值、能带来变化成功行为活动

    You can also take the initiative to adopt certain behaviors and do some activities that have real value for change and success.


  • 离开竞选活动的确感觉不好,我主动提出康涅狄格州几个星期忙,在那里帮助建立一个竞选机构

    I did feel bad about leaving the campaign, and I offered to go to Connecticut for a couple of weeks to set up an organization there.


  • 我们同时也主动直观化因为很多研究结果表明如果积极地参与,到一些使学习目标具体化,的活动的话,便能真正理解它。

    We also have active visualizations because there's a lot of research showing that if you're actively engaged in something that solidifies the learning objectives we're taking home.


  • 研究显示这两者之间很大程度的样本相关性诚然这可以说早晨活动更积极主动

    The research shows correlations over a large sample, so it's admittedly a simplification to say that morning people are proactive.


  • 希望作为主动出击安全分析师帮助减少组织内部外部这种恶意活动发挥重要作用

    Hopefully, as a proactive security analyst, you can make a difference in helping to slow down this malicious activity within your organizations as well as outside of them.


  • 年龄影响情绪上述照顾活动之间关系所有年龄配偶都从‘主动'的活动中感受到更多正面的情绪。

    Age did not affect the relationship between emotions and caring; spouses of all ages experienced more positive emotions with activity.


  • 正式非正式的勾通互动活动,你是否坚持,避免成为个唐突的、主动进取的交际人呢?

    So when you're at a networking eventformal or informal — do you stick to small talk and shy away from being an assertive networker?


  • 烹饪有人称赞食物么?主动一些活动提供食物帮助,野餐鸡尾酒晚会,或次仅仅坐一坐的聚餐做吃的,一些饼干糕点

    Cook. Do people rave about your food? Offer to cater events. Provide food for a picnic, for a cocktail party, for a sit-down dinner. Sell cookies and cakes.


  • 林的研究小组发现从事主动'的活动可以带动配偶正面的情绪而在从事'被动'活动时,却往往挑起他们更多负面情绪。

    Poulin’s team found that when spouses were engaged in active caring tasks they had an increase in positive emotions, while time spent in passive care tended to provoke more negative emotions.


  • 林的研究小组发现从事主动'的活动可以带动配偶正面的情绪从事'被动'活动时,却往往挑起他们更多负面情绪。

    Poulin's team found that when spouses were engaged in active caring tasks they had an increase in positive emotions, while time spent in passive care tended to provoke more negative emotions.


  • 2变化主动或者波动设计一个单一变化所要采取的重要活动

    Table 2: Essential activities in planning a single change initiative or wave of change.


  • 应对各种压力建议人们进行体育锻炼﹑多参加社交活动必要的时候要积极主动寻求专业心理干预

    To conquer various pressures, he suggests people get more exercise, be more socially involved, and actively seek professional psychological intervention when necessary.


  • 积极主动参与兴趣的活动中来。

    Actively participate in activities that interest you.


  • 主动一些活动提供食物帮助,为野餐,鸡尾酒晚会,或一次仅仅坐一坐的聚餐做吃的,一些饼干糕点

    Provide food for a picnic, for a cocktail party, for a sit-down dinner. Sell cookies and cakes.


  • 主动询问追随者意见,问问他们关于组织正在进行的活动有什么看法。

    Ask followers for their opinions on campaigns your organization is working on.


  • 使犹豫原因就是驱使某人做某事”意义模型本身看来似乎并非主动活动角色

    A reason that makes me hesitate is the meaning which "to make somebody move", but a model itself seemingly is not an initiative or active role.


  • 就意味着很多去学习会议礼节,以便自己公司的商务活动处于主动地位。

    That means most people learn meeting etiquette and how to conduct themselves at business eventson the job.”


  • 培训期间,公司强烈建议参加Toastmaster俱乐部,后来真是交了好运,如果不是公司关系,我估计这辈子都不会主动参加这一改变人生的活动

    Though I didn’t feel so at the time, I was lucky when, as part of my job training, I was “strongly encouraged” to join a Toastmasters club, something I would never have done on my own.


  • 11月8号开始主持一个坐不动积极主动生活方式30天静修活动

    Starting November 8 I will be running a 30-day retreat From a Sedentary to Active Lifestyle in 1 Month.


  • 因为你了解朋友兴趣爱好所以主动找乐趣进行有趣知道对方喜欢不会别人一起进行的活动

    You're aware of your friend's passions, so initiate fun and interesting activities that you know your friend will enjoy but isn't doing with others.


  • 一种主动积极的交际行为心理构成活动

    Listening should be an active communicative behavior and an activity of mental construction.


  • 主动安排自己社交活动然后邀请他人参加

    Take the initiative, arrange your own social events, and invite others to attend.


  • 制作的脸谱活动中,幼儿除了材料拼凑自己可爱有个性以外,他们主动提出想用蜡笔再给自己自画像

    To make my face, except to use the material together in her loving and is in the face, and offered to give himself with some crayons to draw a picture self-portraits.


  • 参加自己孩子运动会朗诵会意义重大主动帮助学校孩子组织活动,充当教练裁判也是极其重要的。

    Attending their own child's sports games and recitals are certainly important. Volunteering to coach, referee or to help organize activities for the school children are also extremely important.


  • 中等程度主动狭窄患儿在手术前可能限制活动例如需要耐力竞争性运动可能要限制

    Activity may be limited in children who have moderate aortic stenosis prior to repair. For instance, competitive sports that require endurance may be restricted.


  • 结论:肌腱II区修复后,主动活动疗法被动活动疗法能达到更大主动活动度,肌腱撕裂的风险并不增加

    Conclusions active motion therapy provides greater active finger motion than passive motion therapy after zone-II flexor tendon repair without increasing the risk of tendon rupture.


  • 结论:肌腱II区修复后,主动活动疗法被动活动疗法能达到更大主动活动度,肌腱撕裂的风险并不增加

    Conclusions active motion therapy provides greater active finger motion than passive motion therapy after zone-II flexor tendon repair without increasing the risk of tendon rupture.


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