• 概念画中,这些植物向这个世界天空分泌一种奇特反重力凝胶

    The concept had these bulbous plants ooze a strange form of antigravity gelatin that lined the skies of the world.


  • 他的诗中,屈原提出了关于天空、星星、自然和我们周围世界的问题。

    In his poem, Qu Yuan asked questions about the sky, stars, nature and the world around us.


  • 实上,维库纳的天空如此晴朗,让人们在这里可以看到很多在世界上其他地方只有用先进设备才能看到的星星。

    In fact, the sky is so clear in Vicuna that it is possible to see many stars that can be seen only with advanced instruments in other parts of the world.


  • 向上高于如此世界天空里的颗钻石一样。

    Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.


  • 玛雅他们那个时代别的种族知道更多世界天空的知识。

    They understood more about the world and sky than most other people at the time.


  • 太阳升起的时候,世界全然不同了,我们已经到了加利福尼亚:景色壮阔明亮天空碧蓝,可以看到硬线条的房屋棕榈树

    When the sun rose the world was radically different. We were in California now: big, bright landscapes with busy skies, hard-edged buildings and palm trees.


  • 有种来自天空,来自天上眷顾的感觉;,高高上的天神一点一滴地,眷顾下面的物质世界

    There is this sense of the concerns of the sky somehow, the concerns of the above; the concerns of the transcendent are seeping their way in to the concerns of the material world below.


  • 世界似乎再也不到关于这场战争的消息了,就让告诉你们吧:人员机器坎大哈上方天空来往繁忙,试图完成他们来到完成的目的。

    And while the world doesn't seem to hear so much about this war any more, let me tell you: the skies above Kandahar are alive with men and machines, attempting to finish what they came here to do.


  • 2006年,天空广播公司成为世界第一通过互联网播放电视公司之一

    In 2006 Sky became one of the first companies in the world to distribute television via the Internet.


  • 想到漫游,饱览这个广大世界然而,我渴望小小的隐蔽处所;只飞鸟,拥有一个微小巢穴栖息,也想翱翔于浩瀚的天空

    I want to roam about and see all the wide world, yet I also yearn for a little sheltered nook; like a bird with its tiny nest for a dwelling, and the vast sky for flight.


  • 天空最后一眼,这个壮丽银色世界里,他到了多少东西啊。

    He gave one last look across the sky, across that magnificent silver land where he had learned so much.


  • 高高在天空下面世界确实密不可分。

    The sky, the world above, is really bound up with the world below.


  • 世界偏远群岛之一,每天空粉尘也难得一见

    It's one of the most remote archipelagos in the world and receives very little dust.


  • 美国航天局报告说,从来没有世界各地天空同时出现两个月亮这样事情

    NASA has reported that there is no such thing as two moons showing in the skies over the world.


  • 我们天空世界拥挤的。

    Our skies are the most congested in the world.


  • 过了会儿举起望远镜,转向天空,看到了绵延的群山月球投下的阴影,他猛然意识这个天体一个世界”,地球一样,也被赋予复杂地形地貌

    Shortly afterwards he turned it on the skies. He saw mountains casting shadows on the moon and realised this body was a world, like the Earth, endowed with complicated terrain.


  • 自从来到现代世界各个城市以来,那个已经消失的无影无踪了。在这些城市我们建造高墙屋顶限制我们视觉而且我们点亮天空以便掩饰真正光线

    That dream has being long gone since I came to the cities of modern world where we build walls and roofs to limit our vision where we light up the sky to mask true light.


  • 世界许多大城市相比伦敦天空实在平淡无奇。

    COMPARED with many of the world's great cities, London's skyline is rather dull.


  • 神经天空公司的执行总裁斯坦利表示过去时间,已经有1万个设备制造销往世界各地

    Neurosky Chief Executive Officer Stanley Yang says more than 1 million ThinkGear units have been built and shipped worldwide in the past year.


  • 毫无遮拦天空踯躅,被侵蚀、逐渐败、越来越下面世界背道而驰成为一种过时存在方式残留

    It wandered through the sky naked, corroded, and gray, more and more alien to the world down here, a hangover from a way of being that was now outdated.


  • 因此得出,这本不仅知名历史性回顾作品,展示给读者在海阔天空的文艺世界诗歌独一无二的品位

    In this way the book is not only a sound historical survey, but also gives the reader a powerful taste of poetry's impact upon the wider world.


  • 夜雨下得很大,海滩上制造一个大大的水池变幻天空倒影水面上。这样的景象一度我们觉得在了世界边缘

    It had rained heavily the night before, creating a huge pool of water on the beach whose fantastic reflection of the changing sky made us feel we were standing at the edge of the world.


  • 一些小孩默默地着,凝视天空迷失自己世界其他的在哭喊,前后摇晃

    Some sit mutely, staring into space, lost in a world of their own; others cry out, rocking backwards and forwards.


  • 无论默多克作出何种努力——不管是关闭世界新闻报还是放弃天空电视台收购——都无法阻止形势进一步失控。

    Nothing Mr Murdoch has done-from closing down the News of the World to giving up the bid for bskyb-has stopped the onrush.


  • 折磨自己人民,危害近邻——本国、非洲阿拉伯世界,乃至欧洲天空城市

    He tormented his own people and made mischief far and wide-in his own country, across Africa and the Arab world, and in the skies and cities of Europe.


  • 可以没有世界却活在一个只有你的天空

    You can live in a world without me, but I live in a sky that only you.


  • 可以没有世界却活在一个只有你的天空

    You can live in a world without me, but I live in a sky that only you.


- 来自原声例句

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