• 嗯,好的,本来

    Originally, I'm from upstate...


  • 2010年,辆双层巴士纽约上州铁路立交桥乘客有4人死亡

    In 2010, a double-decker Megabus crashed into a railroad overpass in upstate New York, killing four on the top deck.


  • 纽约上州弗吉尼亚JamieChigos周内得到了财务分析的工作,她是怎么做到的?

    Relocating to Virginia from upstate New York, Jamie Chigos landed a position as a financial analyst within two weeks. How?


  • 不喜欢离婚出租车社会、纽约上州吉他断弦、过气、40福克斯新闻网声带痛。

    Dislikes: Divorce, taxis, high society, upstate NY, broken guitar strings, selling out, Top 40, Fox News, swollen vocal chords.


  • 纽约上州早就把它丢掉了,很快以后我们又把我们紧急基金200美元送出去了我们开始把分成四份,50美元藏在背包里。

    I discarded it early on in upstate New York, and soon after we gave away a $200 emergency fund we had in the form of four $50 bills hidden in our packs.


  • 一家公司实际垄断整个所有的销售

    One company had a virtual lock on all orange juice sales in the state.


  • 前面一个告示牌写着安全带,伊利诺伊法律”。

    A sign just ahead of me said, "Buckle Up. It's the Law in Illinois."


  • 避免重复设施基础,在地区新建大型医院就是资源浪费

    Building large new hospitals in the bistate area would constitute a wasteful use of resources, on the basis of avoidance of duplicated facilities alone.


  • 实际白宫声称赞成的任何合法法律作废

    In effect, the White House claimed that it could invalidate any otherwise legitimate state law that it disagrees with.


  • 北卡罗莱纳松树稀树草原,对火灾增长抑制使得其他植物生长过快,在它们的自然环境中胜于蝇草。

    In the pine savannah of North Carolina, the increasing suppression of fires is allowing other plants to grow too quickly and out compete the flytraps in their native environment.


  • 世界最大太阳能发电厂位于加利福尼亚克里默枢纽

    The world's largest solar power plant is located in Kremer Junction California.


  • 意思是实际一所公立学校所以这个来说,学费便宜。

    I mean, it's actually a state school. So it's very inexpensive for the people who live in the state.


  • 政府实际声称不想贯彻国会移民诉求因此任何也都应该这样

    The Administration was in essence asserting that because it didn't want to carry out Congress's immigration wishes, no state should be allowed to do so either.


  • 原则美国所有电力需求开发三个——北达科他南达科他得克萨斯——风能潜力可以满足。

    In principle, all the power needs of the United States could be provided by exploiting the wind potential of just three states—North Dakota, South Dakota, and Texas.


  • 一些人只是内获得更大自治权就像许多美国印第安土著教育事务所享有的自治权那样。

    Some just want greater autonomy within the stateas enjoyed by many American Indian natives over matters such as education.


  • 机器人产业协会位于密歇根安娜堡贸易组织,作为该协会的主席,杰夫·伯恩斯坦争辩机器人实际拯救了美国工作

    Jeff Burnstein, president of the Robotics Industry Association, a trade group in Ann Arbor, Mich. argues that robots actually save U.S. jobs.


  • 事实,20世纪70年代的实际福利水平20世纪40年代低,而且大多数四口最高福利低于贫困线。

    In fact, real benefit levels were lower in the 1970s than they were in the 1940s, and in most states the maximum benefit was below the poverty level for a family of four.


  • 1916年,香农出生于密歇根佩托斯基,他很早就显现数学制造小玩意方面的天赋学生时代时就计算机技术基础取得了突破。

    Born in 1916 in Petoskey, Michigan, Shannon showed an early talent for maths and for building gadgets, and made breakthroughs in the foundations of computer technology when still a student.


  • 如果宾夕法尼亚的服务员经常餐馆账单谢谢”,他们从小费中获得的平均收入大大高于其他情况下的平均收入。

    If servers in Pennsylvania regularly wrote "Thank you" on restaurant bills, their average income from tips would be significantly higher than it otherwise would have been.


  • 吉尼斯世界纪录官方2010年10月9日确认一个生长威斯康星巨型南瓜成为世界最重的南瓜

    Guinness World Records confirmed on October 9, 2010 that a gigantic pumpkin grown in Wisconcin was officially the world's heaviest.


  • 最高法院在星期一否决了亚利桑那移民法大部分内容,这是奥巴马政府政策取得的微小胜利

    On a five to three vote, the Supreme Court knocked out much of Arizona's immigration law Monday—a modest policy victory for the Obama Administration.


  • 亚利桑那共和党代表JeffFlake国会花费太多时间算计这些特别专款其他预算案时间不够。

    Arizona Republican Jeff Flake said Congress has spent too much time calculating these earmarks and not enough time on the rest of the budget.


  • 世界最大望远镜一些偏远山区发现,包括智利安第斯山脉,亚利桑那的沙漠山峰以及夏威夷莫纳基亚休眠火山

    The world largest telescopes are found in such remote mountain locations as the Andes Mountains of Chile, the desert peaks of Arizona, and Mauna Kea in Hawaii, a dormant volcano.


  • 但是佐治亚亚特兰大市埃默里大学莎拉·布鲁斯南斯··瓦尔一项研究表明,确实猴子了。这项研究近期发表在了自然》杂志

    But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, which has just been published in Nature, suggests that it is all too monkey, as well.


  • 股陆龙卷风袭击了阿肯色

    A landspout tornado touched down in Arkansas.


  • 现在许多监狱花费教育经费还

    Many states now spend more money on prisons than on education.


  • 那时,它使马萨诸塞成为了美国稳定或者说本质最稳定的,并广好评赞赏。

    It then made Massachusetts the most stable state or essentially the most stable state in the country and it was widely-admired.


  • 那时,它使马萨诸塞成为了美国稳定或者说本质最稳定的,并广好评赞赏。

    It then made Massachusetts the most stable state or essentially the most stable state in the country and it was widely-admired.


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