• 这种气体硫化氢上升石灰岩裂缝地下水氧气混合。

    This gas is hydrogen sulfide, rises up and mixes with oxygen in the underground water that sits in the cracks and fissures in the limestone.


  • 通过排出气体下降通过把水排气囊上升

    It expels gas to descend, and expels water from trim bladders to rise.


  • 一个水池相接时通常会从井里上升,因为与井下密度不同或者因为停留在上方的膨胀气体压力

    When the well reaches a pool, oil usually rises up the well because of its density difference with water beneath it or because of the pressure of expanding gas trapped above it.


  • 20世纪随着化石燃料大量使用温室气体水平持续飙升气温上升更快

    Temperatures climbed more rapidly in the twentieth century as the use of fossil fuels proliferated and greenhouse gas levels continued to soar.


  • 气体温度上升致使气体膨胀

    A rise in the temperature of the gas results in its expansion.


  • 但是,需要怎样关于气体公式数据才能预测温度上升多少呢?

    What are the physics equations and data on gases that predict just how far the temperature will rise?


  • 是因为减少温室气体排放带来附加好处,实则远不止控制气温上升

    This is because of the additional benefits that reducing greenhouse gas emissions could bring, beyond limiting temperature rises.


  • 城市也是温室气体排放主要来源之一,那些沿海的城市也面临气候变化所带来的海平面上升风险。

    Cities are also a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. And those on the coasts face the risk of rising sea levels associated with climate change.


  • 相应地,这一切引起了温室气体浓度急剧上升臭氧损耗洪水泛滥、水产枯竭森林消失物种消亡

    These, in turn, have sparked correspondingly sharp rises in greenhouse gas concentrations, ozone depletion, great floods, depletion of fisheries, loss of forests, species loss.


  • 我们日常固体液体气体它们热量热能是从原子分子它们到处活泼跳跃和相互碰撞、弹上升

    In everyday solids, liquids and gases, heat or thermal energy arises from the motion of atoms and molecules as they zing around and bounce off each other.


  • 托尼伊斯特利澳大利亚科学家警告说,温室气体浓度上升极大改变我们海洋功能

    TONY EASTLEY: Australian scientists are warning that rising concentrations of greenhouse gases are dramatically changing the way our oceans function.


  • 这些粒状斑平均直径为1000千米太阳内部上升高温气体组成。

    On an average size of 1000 km, these cells are made of hot gas rising from inside the Sun.


  • 测试中喷气设备可以60英里小时速度飞行30英里,通过一个气体引擎两个管道风扇,可以上升7,800英尺高度

    In testing, the Jetpack could travel at 60 miles per hour for up to 30 miles, and as high as 7,800 feet using a gas engine and two ducted fans.


  • 测试中喷气设备可以60英里小时速度飞行30英里,通过一个气体引擎两个管道风扇,可以上升7,800英尺高度

    In testing, the Jetpack could travel at 60 miles per hour for up to 30 miles, and as high as 7, 800 feet using a gas engine and two ducted fans.


  • 由于水平面上升植被淹没,开始腐烂,释放出甲烷——一种二氧化碳威力更大温室气体

    The vegetation overwhelmed by the rising waters decays to form methane-a far worse greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.


  • 到2050年时,解决气候变化问题代价进一步上升因为气候变化法案预期到时要将美国温室气体排放量减少80%。

    The costs of dealing with climate change would rise further still by 2050 when the bill envisages an 80% cut in us greenhouse gas emissions.


  • 我们能够哥本哈根达成一个全面公平又雄心勃勃的协议降低温室气体排放全球气温上升限制科学上认为安全程度吗?

    Can we seal a comprehensive, equitable and ambitious deal in Copenhagen that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit global temperature rise to a scientifically safe level?


  • 动物排放甲烷气体上升大气中

    Methane gas from the animals is rising up into the sky.


  • 大多数科学家相信温室气体效应使地球温度上升情况恶化。

    Most scientists believe that a rise in the Earth's temperatures is worsened by the effect of greenhouse gases.


  • 生活方式决定了你每天排放出的二氧化碳数量二氧化碳的排放导致温室气体上升引起全球变暖

    Your lifestyle determines the amount of carbon dioxide emitted on a daily basis, which in turn contributes to the greenhouse gases that are causing global warming.


  • 诺贝尔获得者组成的科学专家组,2015年之前,必须稳定控制碳化物导致气温上升温室气体排放,从而才能防止气候变化带来糟的结果

    The Nobel Prize winning group of scientists says carbon and other heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions must stabilize by 2015 and then decline to head off the worst consequences from climate change.


  • 一次足够火山爆发能够数百万立方气体灰烬上升大气层

    A large enough volcanic eruption can cause millions of cubic tons of gas and ash to be sent high into the atmosphere.


  • 原子两个氧原子相结合组成二氧化碳,数十亿年来保持我们地球温度重要温室气体但是近些年由于人类活动,地球温度不断上升,导致温度过高

    Bound to two atoms of oxygen, it creates carbon dioxide, the chief greenhouse gas that has kept our planet warm for billions of years - and is now, thanks to human activity, making us too warm.


  • 温室气体大气中的增加,会使能量较不容易离开地球,因而导致地表对流层的温度上升

    Adding to those greenhouse gases in the atmosphere makes it harder still for the energy to get out. As a result, the surface and the lower atmosphere warm up.


  • 汽车排气管烟囱排放出大气层里的温室气体导致海洋温度上升到元凶,加大了珊瑚虫的生存压力

    Greenhouse gases pouring into the atmosphere from our tailpipes and chimneys warm the oceans, causing heat stress to corals.


  • 但是RobertKaufmann丝毫怀疑如果温室气体排放量继续上升则气温继续升高

    But Robert Kaufmann is in no doubt that temperatures will pick up if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise.


  • 但是RobertKaufmann丝毫怀疑如果温室气体排放量继续上升则气温继续升高

    But Robert Kaufmann is in no doubt that temperatures will pick up if greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise.


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