• 某种程度精英们把自己力量联系一起

    In some way, the elite had associated themselves with the power of the gods.


  • 希腊发现人类记忆很大程度上是一种联想过程通过事物联系一起运作

    The Greeks discovered that human memory is largely an associative process that it works by linking things together.


  • 这一新的世界很大程度取决于人类创造力创造力人们面对面相聚一起的地方蓬勃发展

    The new world will largely depend on human creativity, and creativity flourishes where people come together face-to-face.


  • 认为幸福至少某种程度,同你的财务状况捆绑一起的吗?

    Do you think your happiness is tied, at least to some extent, to your financial situation?


  • 但是股票商品之间的相关性——它们的价格一起波动程度——许多情况30年来最高

    But the correlations between stocks and commodities-the extent to which their prices move together-are in many cases the highest they have been in nearly 30 years.


  • 如果使用小型计划依赖较高程度自发性采取行动时团队提供线索信息重要的,这样他们才能一起前行

    If you're moving ahead with mini-plans and a higher degree of spontaneity, it's important to provide cues and information to your team so they can move with you.


  • 公司,高层员工们屏幕显示屏旁边看着屏幕上显示表示网站交易量电子商务中国开展程度图表一起见证这次分享的过程。

    Inside, the company monitors how far this sharing has progressed on a bank of screens that chart the ebb and flow of site traffic and the steady spread of e-business across China's map.


  • 环境某种程度可以组合一起,这意味着如果安装基本个环境中就可以使用环境提供的工具

    The environments can be combined to some degree, meaning that tools from one environment can be used on a different one, if the basic libraries are installed.


  • 希望一生当中,我某种程度上把我人生苹果像毛毯一样编织穿插一起

    I hope that throughout my life I'll sort of have the thread of my life and the thread of Apple weave in and out of each other, like a tapestry.


  • 既然时间某种程度空间那样(从一空间维空间都是一起的),一部运转的时间机器就应该象架火箭那样急剧加速飞不是一阵烟雾中消失

    Since time is kind of like space (the four dimensions go hand in hand), a working time machine would zoom off like a rocket rather than disappearing in a puff of smoke.


  • 某种程度上,认识这个问题是国家辅导”,一月二十活动上,来自全国30个辅导机构聚集到了一起

    Created, in part, to recognize National mentoring Month, the event took place on January 20, and it brought together about 30 mentoring organizations from across the country.


  • 抱歉某种程度一起生活悲伤里

    I'm sorry that you will live with me, to some degree, in grief.


  • 人们之所以获得提拔,很大程度是因为其他人特别是(不仅仅是)老板喜欢他们一起工作激情往往会引起同事反感

    People get promoted, he says, in large part because other people - especially, but not only, bosses - like working with them, and passion too often puts colleagues off.


  • 包括它们豢养符合要求的笼子里,允许这样的群居性动物生活一起并且努力降低这些动物生活单调枯燥程度

    This includes keeping them in more suitable cages, allowing social animals like dogs to live together and trying to reduce the boredom that these animals can experience.


  • 所以某种程度上说应该经理一起工作处理困难问题帮助他们成长

    So, in a way, even more, you really have to work with the managers, help them to grow as they are dealing with the very difficult problems.


  • 女性认为缺少幽默感”是一个很大的缺点,她们甚至不会考虑继续段关系,这主要是因为很大程度上,幽默感与智慧联系一起

    Women see 'lacks sense of humor' a very serious negative trait and won't even peruse the relationship, mainly because humor has been linked to intelligence.


  • 农业国内市场国际市场竞争力相当程度上是和农业生产经营规模联系一起

    The competitive strength of agriculture in the markets home and abroad, in a certain degree, connect with the managing scale of agricultural production.


  • 文本定义了一个联网作为何种程度硬件软件数据库可以容易地一起电信网络

    Your text defines an Intranet as the degree to which hardware, software, and databases can be easily linked together in a telecommunications network.


  • 最好壤土中,黏质土理想特性结合到一起它们不利特性减小到最低程度

    In the best loams the most desirable qualities of sand and clay are combined and their undesirable traits are minimized.


  • 各种因素往往结合一起我们自然老化过程中使得我们皮肤的老化程度高于自然老化。

    A number of extrinsic, or external, factors often act together with the normal aging process to prematurely age our skin.


  • 连同继续改良进口俄国武器改进训练提高专业化程度一起中国坚定成为一个可靠地区军事力量道路上。

    Along with the continuing importation of Russian weapons, improved training and rising levels of professionalism, China is now firmly on track to become a credible regional military power.


  • 这种模型适用性强,可以把桩各个结构连接一起形成一个整体有限元模型,很大程度提高有限元分析结构的精度

    The model shows great adaptability, which can join every structure of the frame to form a complete finite element model. This significantly increases the analysis accuracy of finite element structure.


  • 它是通过同镜子组合一起,来解决人们淋浴脸部洗净程度范围难以判断的缺点。

    The soap box solves the problem of difficult judgment about a scope and a washing degree on a face when people take a shower.


  • 意识到我们一起度过所有日子里我们的第一次约会起,我们分开时间从来没有久需要写信程度

    I realize now that, during all our years together, from our first date on, we were never apart long enough to need a letter.


  • 相信那些将我们联系一起并且强化我们关系共同利益很大程度上弱化了我们之间的差异

    I believe our differences are greatly overshadowed by the common interests which bind us and strengthen our relationship.


  • “两人三游戏中,学生家长一起共同向前,很大程度上促进亲子交流。

    In the game of three legs race, the leg of a parent was tied with the leg of his child, so through the activity, parents and their kids may become closer by racing together.


  • “两人三游戏中,学生家长一起共同向前,很大程度上促进亲子交流。

    In the game of three legs race, the leg of a parent was tied with the leg of his child, so through the activity, parents and their kids may become closer by racing together.


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