• 厨房餐桌旁我们总会相对,那时痴迷地望着一瓶,赞赏烹饪天赋,他则嘲笑误读了他的心意。

    We would sit opposite each other at the kitchen table, drooling over a bottle of wine and his culinary genius, laughing at my misreading of his intent.


  • 女孩幻想实际上年轻人青蛙男人则幻想实际上一瓶啤酒女孩。

    The girl fantasises about the frog who is really a young man, the man about the girl who is really a bottle of beer.


  • 一瓶普普通通1这里卖10元,3元的桶装方便面的价格了3倍。

    A bottle of water, normally 1 yuan, sells for 10 yuan, while the price of a 3 yuan cup of instant noodles had tripled.


  • 事实上一瓶单独需要全部葡萄

    In fact, it can require up to an entire vine to produce a single bottle of wine.


  • 一个葡萄酒气味雷达探测器解决品酒师们之间任何争论——比如些许轻微潮湿纸板的气味是否意味着价值1000美元的一瓶红葡萄酒因好塞子走味。

    A wine radar would settle any argument between oenophiles as to whether a slight whiff of soggy cardboard indicates that a $1,000 bottle of claret has become corked.


  • 一瓶优质果汁价格可能会比这高一以上。

    A bottle of high-quality juice could cost more than twice as much.


  • 公司标志性香水——香奈儿5售价为100美元一瓶全球热卖的产品。

    The firm’s signature perfume, Chanel No. 5, is the world’s bestselling fragrance, and costs around $100 a bottle.


  • 例如一瓶牛奶佐燕麦片吃商店开门,我可以过去,我有钱

    For example, say I want to go and buy a pint of milk for my cereal, and the shop is open, and I can get there, and I have money.


  • 也没有点550欧元一瓶的伊奎姆酒庄(Chateaud'Yquem)葡萄酒,便宜本地红酒

    I passed up the chance at a bottle of Château d’Yquem (550 euros; about $788 at $1.43 to the euro) for a cheap local wine.


  • 我们通常晚饭时喝一瓶周三晚饭喝酒完全是个过时习惯了,就特地为了晚饭着装一样。

    Well, we usually share a bottle of wine over supper. Drinks before a midweek evening meal seems a totally antiquated custom, rather like dressing for dinner.


  • 一瓶啤酒尽。

    He tossed down a bottle of beer.


  • 或者可以选择热量的品种——譬如低巧克力牛奶一瓶冰冻乳脂软糖汽水不是一大块乳脂软糖。

    Or try a less potent alternative - say, low-fat chocolate milk or a frozen fudge pop rather than a slab of fudge.


  • 对于大型我们建议每天只喝一瓶吉娃娃之类的小型犬,它们只喝一点点就可以了“。

    For large dogs we would recommend one bottle a day and for things like a Chihuahua… well, they prefer shorts.


  • 饭前杯马提尼酒一饮尽;那晚喝光了一瓶白兰地

    He downed three martinis before dinner; She killed a bottle of brandy that night.


  • 魔法部黄金抑或一瓶福灵剂形式那些由于战争受害巫师进行补偿。

    The Ministry of Magic should provide amends, in the form of gold or perhaps a bottle of Felix Felicis, to all those civilian wizards and witches harmed by either side during the war.


  • 它实际上只是一瓶加了酒精草莓也许并不奇怪中国人本来喜欢果酒

    What I got was a bottle of strawberry juice that happened to be alcoholicperhaps not surprising, given Chinese drinkers' preference for fruity, sweet wines.


  • 但是真正目的为了理解一瓶酒,不仅只是拆穿的真实身份。

    But the real goal is to understand a wine, not to unmask it.


  • 空气干爽寒冷我们住处暖和舒适还有一瓶雪利酒我们

    The air is 24 crisp and chilly, but our cottage is25 toasty and there is a bottle of sherry waiting for us.


  • 天天一瓶可乐,喝了20轻度溃疡末,共还誉了尔的

    For 20 years I never miss one bottle daily. Then, ended up with slight ulcer and ruining my kidney as well.


  • 喝水。随身带一些果汁一瓶飞机上,机舱干燥。最好是不是软饮料

    Drink extra fluids. Take some juice or a bottle of water with you. In an airplane, the cabin is very dry. Choose water instead of a soft drink.


  • 口渴,人们优先看见饮水一瓶饮料容易注意到巧克力快餐店招牌

    She says in the case of thirst, items such as a water fountain or a bottle of Coke will be seen favourably, while a chocolate bar or KFC sign would not.


  • 或者可以选择热量的品种--譬如低巧克力牛奶一瓶冰冻乳脂软糖汽水不是一大块乳脂软糖。

    Or try a less potent alternative--say, low-fat chocolate milk or a frozen fudge pop rather than a slab of fudge.


  • 摘要九月尾巴,就是天秤座浪漫舒爽的秋季何不一瓶与天秤座相配葡萄酒呢?

    ABSTRACT: At the end of September, beautiful autumn comes, as well as the days of Libra, then why not choose a wine to drink?


  • 失业德国男子为了一瓶啤酒卖掉女的一头宠物猎犬,因为实在太渴望一瓶啤酒了,可是别人感受的行为,却伤害了小孩子幼小心灵

    An unemployed German man sold his six-year-old stepdaughter's pet beagle for a beer. He was desperate to quench his thirst. But in callous disregard he trampled the tender spirit of a child.


  • 失业德国男子为了一瓶啤酒卖掉女的一头宠物猎犬,因为实在太渴望一瓶啤酒了,可是别人感受的行为,却伤害了小孩子幼小心灵

    An unemployed German man sold his six-year-old stepdaughter's pet beagle for a beer. He was desperate to quench his thirst. But in callous disregard he trampled the tender spirit of a child.


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