• One of the groups behind the declaration, Germany's Max Planck Society, is now changing its employment contracts to require staff to return the copyright of their work to the society.

    ECONOMIST: Scientific publishing

  • His push to return the Society of Pius X, a Catholic splinter group, to the fold in 2009 stumbled badly when the pope lifted an excommunication ban against group's leadership, only to learn after the fact that one of its bishops had given a television interview denying the scope of the Holocaust.

    WSJ: Pope Defended Church Teachings

  • As Haney observed in a review of research findings, prisoners in solitary confinement must be able to withstand the experience in order to be allowed to return to the highly social world of mainline prison or free society.

    NEWYORKER: Hellhole

  • But firms owe a better return to the society that has granted them limited liability.

    FORBES: The New Corporate Patriotism That Can Bring Back American Jobs

  • It also requires the courage to understand that, while the short-term stock market may require a leader to simply make a return on profits, the society in which they are a member requires much more of them.

    FORBES: A Letter From Davos

  • In Spain, one in four individuals sit on their hands, locked out of the opportunity to participate in mainstream society, while the return on their debt is increased.

    FORBES: Yes, Spanish Crisis Has Triggered the Euro's Endgame

  • Upon coming to power in 1975, Pol Pot, or "Brother No.1" as he was called within the organization, launched Year Zero -- the first year of the country's return to a self-sufficient agrarian society.


  • College is about striving, for a better life and personal goals and in return giving back to society as a whole to better your community and the world in which we live.

    FORBES: For-Profit Colleges Are Not The Problem, State Schools Are

  • Instead of a public investment for a public return, instead of the rationale being to mobilise the most talented members of society for the good of society, for social leadership in a more complex world, the kind of rhetoric we heard in the 1950s, '60s and early 1970s, the emphasis has shifted.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Higher education 'market' warning

  • Given the history of previously-released detainees who return to the battlefield intent on killing American soldiers, releasing these people into our society is a terrible idea.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Tiahrt: No Welfare for Terrorists

  • Seems like a fair deal, doesn't it taxpayers' money from the United States in return for the habits and procedures necessary for a solid society to develop.

    NPR: President Bush's Remarks on the World Agenda

  • Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair has indicated that detainees released in the U.S. would likely receive government assistance to help them return to society one they have never been a part of.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Tiahrt: No Welfare for Terrorists

  • Younger Romanians, who have grown up in a free society and studied and worked in the West, are beginning to return to the land of their birth, bustling with entrepreneurial energy and new ideas.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: From Bucharest to Baghdad

  • However, it appears that the Executive branch is looking at ways to not only reduce costs but also return a better product to society.

    FORBES: Reducing Prison Costs, One Day At A Time

  • Unlike the stiff Federal Sentencing Guidelines, state prisons offer a parole system that lets inmates return to society based on their behavior in prison and their likelihood of returning to society as a better citizen.

    FORBES: Dennis Kozlowski, Won't You Be My Neighbor?

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