• He tested his muscles, stroked his head thoughtfully, and felt the rest of his body: did he still have the strength for some powerful fame- and prize-winning action?

    NEWYORKER: Among Animals and Plants

  • Instead of an index that uses market capitalization to populate its portfolio (and consequently, overweights the bigger economies), PIE invests in those companies exhibiting what it calls powerful relative strength.

    FORBES: Three Ways To Invest In Emerging Markets Beyond BRIC

  • However, the Pew's media skills meant that they soon found strength in numbers and a powerful voice.

    ECONOMIST: Changing the climate of opinion

  • Should a majority of the latter give Ariel Sharon a mandate, it will be a powerful signal of strength and resolve provided he does not immediately adulterate that message by seeking a national unity government that would assign key portfolios (such as defense and foreign affairs) to failed Labor party figures like Barak and Shimon Peres.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: New Wind Blowing in the Middle East

  • Whoever ends up running things--the recently ousted hard-line Membership First faction or the newly powerful moderate Unite for Strength group--will face limited options at the bargaining table.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • But some of the forces lifting the agriculture economy today are powerful, such as the strength of Asia's appetite for commodities.

    WSJ: Farm Economy Bounces Back

  • Built like an NFL running back, Jeter is a powerful runner who uses her strength to drive her down the track.

    WSJ: Menu

  • Komen Foundation, the initiatives to find a cure for breast cancer have not only regained strength, but have become even more powerful.

    FORBES: In The Pink: A Branding App Strong Enough To Weather Political Storms

  • As the largest city, and home to the majority of national institutions and administrative offices, the strength of Cardiff's bid was powerful.

    BBC: Capital claims - A city's struggle

  • There were so few in existence, from the era before the Mary Rose, you realise these were extremely powerful weapons and required great strength and specialism to use them.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | Just what did the Mary Rose tell us?

  • The Welshman, who built on his fine display in the opening match with another display of powerful running, used all his strength to dot down, with Jones's conversion making it 39-10.

    BBC: Golden Lions 10-74 Lions

  • However, in a beat-em-up he has a fundamental problem, which is that his superpowers are either less powerful versions of Superman powers (strength, tough skin) or hard to implement as other than special attacks (fish telepathy).

    FORBES: Injustice: Gods Among Us - Review

  • The eminent historian Paul Kennedy wrote a book entitled The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers in which he argued that powerful countries typically undercut their economic strength by trying to control too much territory, leading to their decline.

    FORBES: Foreign Policy on a Tighter Budget

  • How fitting it is that we are standing against ethnic cleansing with our wonderful, myriad, rainbow, multi-ethnic military in our increasingly diverse society that involves both the strength of our differences and the even more powerful pull of our shared American values.

    CNN: Transcript: Clinton speaks at Memorial Day Event

  • Africa presents Wall Street a powerful challenge to demonstrate successful leverage of financial strength in a manner befitting our humanity.

    FORBES: Will African Farmland Yield the Elusive Alpha for Portfolios

  • The authors suggest that reduced bone strength in older adults and their ability to buy more powerful bikes may play a part.

    BBC: Older motorcyclists 'more likely to be injured'

  • Powerful structural factors will continue to reinforce the relative strength of the emerging world.

    ECONOMIST: The world economy

  • Judge Lord Drummond Young has ruled in her favour, saying the strength of her family ties in the UK was a "powerful factor".

    BBC: Court of Session sign

  • The currency's strength, in fact, worries some Koreans, who fear a powerful won will decrease the competitiveness of exports and damage corporate earnings.

    CNN: Feeling Young At Heart

  • But there is another crucial factor that adds resilience to Brazil's strength: Its government and leading companies have developed strong ties with multiple powerful partners.

    WSJ: Ian Bremmer on Pivot States

  • Instead of running back to academia, Warren went on to challenge Scott, who had been the surprise winner of the 2010 election to replace the late Senator Ted Kennedy, riding into office on the strength of a telegenic pick-up truck, and the support of the suddenly powerful Tea Party.

    FORBES: Elizabeth Warren: From Consumer Advocate to United States Senator

  • Yesterday, at the signing, we heard the powerful stories of survivors- Diane and Tye who inspired us with their strength and determination.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

  • Paramount chief of the powerful Bangwato clan, General Khama earned a macho reputation by building up the army's strength.

    ECONOMIST: Botswana

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