• So poorly conceived was the legislation that Treasury has repeatedly delayed its full implementation.

    FORBES: Coerced Foreign Tax Compliance Is Killing American Jobs

  • So she conceived her own whimsical response to the eggs, which have come to represent unchecked decadence and an out-of-touch empire.

    WSJ: Kara Hamilton's Sculptures Are Whimsical Riffs on Faberg�� Eggs

  • The heroines, Jess, the fiery, red-headed school teacher, and Mercy, the innocent but feisty teenager, are so well conceived that it comes as a disappointment when the villain is such a stereotype.

    ECONOMIST: Fiction from Australia

  • Roosevelt is stark and elemental but also very lyrical in the careful dialogue it arranges between trees, stone, sky and water (and so well conceived and executed that Superstorm Sandy didn't leave a scratch).

    WSJ: Zaha Hadid, Farshid Moussavi, Louis Kahn and the Best of 2012 in Architecture

  • So poorly conceived was this gambit that the original legislation forgot to even address the issue of the sequester, leaving the Speaker to, at the last minute, introduce Plan B-1 that restored all of the defense cuts the sequester had scheduled to rain down on the Pentagon.

    FORBES: Plan B From Outer Space: The Last Act Of The John Boehner Story

  • The attempt to unseat Boehner was so ill-conceived that a Times reporter dubbed it the Keystone Coup.

    NEWYORKER: The House of Pain

  • Five years ago the government lifted the anonymity granted to donors, so that now any offspring conceived by the donor method, are able to trace their biological parents when they get to the age of 18.

    BBC: The cost of fertility treatment 'tourism'

  • They invest in well-conceived mixtures of stocks and bonds so as to benefit from economic growth while also preserving capital.

    FORBES: Here's A Radical Idea: Fiscal Responsibility

  • So it was entirely fitting that Penn Station and Grand Central were conceived and constructed on the most lavish scale, as triumphal departure points for those travelling great distances across a land of teeming possibilities, and as monumental entrances for those many people who were visiting New York to get a glimpse of the future.

    BBC: Grand Central Station in 1930

  • Doing so can be quite liberating for someone trying to prove a pre-conceived notion.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Never mind that, to some extent, the wrongs resulted from what was ill-conceived regulation from the start--a health care system so convoluted and ripe for gaming that it makes the tax code look elegant.

    FORBES: Healing Thyself

  • It turns out that in addition to being the most convoluted and complex creation ever conceived by JPM which is advising Europe on coming up with structured finance products that are so complex nobody will ask any questions and will automatically assume someone else has done the homework, it is also the quintessential ponzi instrument.

    FORBES: Eurozone Crisis: EFSF Buys its Own Bonds

  • Also because Brent showed so little sign of being like him like Neal and seemed, in fact, so much more like my father that I really wondered about what was going on around the time he was conceived.

    NEWYORKER: Gravel

  • She told him (and the rabbits that sometimes surreptitiously accompanied the riders) that people were becoming more and more unbalanced: studies had proved it, which led the psychiatrist to conjecture that perhaps mental instability was not so much a disease as a stratum of normality, just below the surface of normality as it was commonly conceived.

    NEWYORKER: The Insufferable Gaucho

  • The project was born in this very space, eventually moving to a building in San Francisco's SoMa district a block or so away, the mobile payment company having opted not to travel too far from the place where it was first conceived.


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