• No, I think -- look, there have been reasonable uses of -- so that -- right?

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • We're going to do girl-boy-girl-boy -- (laughter) -- so that there's no accusations of bias.

    WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH

  • In many cases this low-quality content is produced by so-called content-farms that produce it on the cheap.

    FORBES: The Real Value of the Huffington Post's Blogs

  • The most immediate is the mark-to-market, or so-called fair-value accounting, rules that regulators have been enforcing since the early 1990s.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The sense of "you-are-there" was so over- whelming that Jayne Wrightsman immediately asked Kinmonth to redo the rooms when the show ended.

    WSJ: The Ecstasy of Influence | Innovator of the Year 2012 Design

  • Xu's trick: a genetic quirk called a transposon--a so-called jumping gene--that his team stole from the genome of the cabbage looper moth.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • And I know, again, that the Romney team is trying to spin that we are -- that they're so over-confident that -- we hope they are.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • Black churchgoers, of course, often do the same thing at Sunday-morning services, and I suspect that the amenlike responses of black theatergoers are a not-so-distant echo of that old-time religion.

    WSJ: Theatergoers: Can I Get an Amen? | Sightings by Terry Teachout

  • There are 4.5 billion mobile phones in the developing world, according to data compiled by USAID, and many of them are "feature phones" -- not-so-smart devices that only make calls and send text messages.

    CNN: The cell phone revolutionary

  • That said, the Bank of England has tried to take pre-emptive action against this so-called deleveraging - by saying that new lending to households and businesses, under the Funding for Lending Scheme, will not attract any capital charge.

    BBC: How big is the 'material' hole in banks?

  • Nearly two-thirds of Korean mobile phone users have shifted to so-called third-generation handsets that offer speeds up to ten times that of mobiles in the U.S. Here, residential broadband isn't expected to enter 50% of homes until late 2004.

    FORBES: Korea's Weird Wired World

  • Scenes showing Michael Douglas --who plays an executive suing his female boss for sexual harassment--searching through virtual-reality software files came off as so far-fetched that it was tough for any mildly computer-savvy office worker to take the rest of the film seriously.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • He says the burden of proof is now on Pfizer and Novartis (nyse: NVS - news - people )--and other drugmakers that sell or hope to sell so-called cox-2 inhibitors--to prove that their drugs are safe on the heart.

    FORBES: Top Doctor Calls For Vioxx Investigation

  • And so what you end up with in New York City, is a very small number of very good schools that serve largely middle, and upper middle class kids - and then a large number of not-so-good schools that serve mostly poor kids.

    NPR: Is Segregation Undermining NYC Schools?

  • The law was written for two private corporations so that a tax -- so that a corporate raider -- and this happened in the '80s -- would buy one unprofitable corporation, use their tax loss write-off to benefit the profits they were making another corporation.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • We've got to create a pathway for lifelong learning for young people -- and not-so-young people -- so that all American workers are continually upgrading their skills. (Applause.) So we want to put a lot more emphasis on community colleges and how they are working effectively together.

    WHITEHOUSE: Town Hall in Arnold, Missouri

  • Despite his finish, Boit's tenacity impressed gold medallist Bjorn Daehlie -- who with his victory that day became the first man to win six gold medals at the Winter Olympics -- so-much-so that the Norwegian legend delayed the medal presentation ceremony so he could embrace Boit as he crossed the line.


  • One reason it had the market to itself for so long was that indexing was extremely labor-intensive -- so much so that someone long ago suggested that convict labor be used to keep down costs.

    FORBES: Mousetrapped

  • Grab a high-definition television at Best Buy, and the salespeople will recommend that consumers--even non-gamers--buy Sony's console so that they can play high-definition movies on their new displays.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Grab a high-definition television at Best Buy (nyse: BBY - news - people ), and the salespeople will recommend that consumers--even non-gamers--buy Sony's console so that they can play high-definition movies on their new displays.

    FORBES: How Grand Theft Auto IV Threatens The Wii

  • It is the inevitable yea-well-what-about-600-years-ago-in-the-Crusades that hurts the Left and gives so many a bad name and zero credibility.

    FORBES: Google's Islam-Baiting Video Censorship: A Well-Meaning Mistake

  • It's been bailout out after bailout for Wall Street banks that made ill-judged bets on the securities market, but the so-called moral-hazard theory, that banks will be all the more reckless for it, has been discarded by those watching overseas this past week.

    FORBES: What Moral Hazard?

  • Earlier today I spoke with Richard Stephenson, founder of Yudu, a not-so-new start-up from the UK that has an interesting point of view on the future of illustrated digital titles.

    FORBES: A Possible Digital Solution for Illustrated Book Publishers?

  • The national oil companies -- the so-called New Titans that account for 90 percent of global oil reserves and more than one-third of output -- are equally flush.

    CNN: The price of our oil addiction

  • All of those firms--the excellent, the good and the so-so--compete to place their cash into companies that need large venture investments, and that have the potential to multiply them several times over.


  • In that sense, credit applications aren't much different from the so-called stated-income mortgages that came to be called "liar loans" during the subprime crisis.

    WSJ: Cards Return to Campus

  • This in a firm whose boss is so all-for-one that he plays only team sports.

    FORBES: What Makes Cisco Run

  • We are so short-term-oriented that many of us would rather have a fatter paycheck now than set aside some of that happiness, even if the funds will be greater in the future.

    CNN: Commentary: Save more for yourself and America

  • Ref Jones - on the say-so of his touch judge - ruled that Chris O'Young had put his foot out of play a split-second before Thom Evans squeezed in.

    BBC: Glasgow 11-11 Munster

  • Some parents, forced to take time off work to care for their children - or pay others to do so - feel that some schools have been over-reacting.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Snow shuts schools for second day

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