• An appendix listed all nine trademarks that would be handed over and the corresponding countries or territories where they were active, including China.

    WSJ: Apple Pays Small Price in China Case

  • The properties range from 1, 000-year-old fortress ruins to elegant palaces built around the turn of the last century, which were typically occupied by German nobility who oversaw small kingdoms or territories.

    WSJ: Castle, Sweet Castle

  • The darker the blue the higher the fraction of foreign Facebook connections with the imperial power in question. (Facebook has not shared the underlying percentage data, just the ranking.) These closely correspond to countries or territories which were, whether wholly or in part, at one point under British, French, Spanish or Portuguese rule, as seen in the bottom set of maps.

    FORBES: The Facebook Empires

  • This concerns Britain's treatment of its few remaining colonies or dependent territories, as it prefers to call them.

    ECONOMIST: Is it a colony or isn��t it?

  • For these reasons, we believe strongly that the detainees should not be transferred to any locale in the United States or its territories, and should instead be kept at Guantanamo Bay.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Coalition for Security, Liberty and the Law

  • The law that Congress passed and Obama signed in March to keep the government running includes a longstanding provision that prohibits any money for the transfer of Guantanamo detainees to the United States or its territories.

    NPR: Gitmo Closure Elusive, Obama Looks At Other Steps

  • In Comcast, lawyers are trying to sue on behalf of 2 million Comcast customers in Philadelphia, accusing the company of scheming to raise rates by buying out competitors or swapping territories with them to build dominant market share.

    FORBES: Supreme Court Mulls Affirmative Action, Class Actions In Fall Docket

  • What is clear is his death is unmourned by Palestinians, whether in the occupied territories or beyond.

    ECONOMIST: Abu Nidal, terrorist, died on August 17th, aged 65

  • Though the Middle East peace process will be on the agenda when he visits Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Mr Kerry will not visit Israel or the Palestinian Territories.

    BBC: John Kerry urges Syrian opposition to attend Rome talks

  • According to their ministry of agriculture, nearly 500, 000 olive trees have been bulldozed, burnt down or uprooted in the territories since the second intifada (uprising) began in 2000.

    ECONOMIST: Palestinian farmers

  • If it looks like a piece is going to fall in the United States, either continental or one of our territories, like American Samoa, we are the interface between state and local officials.

    CNN: Mir demise causes international high anxiety

  • By 1960, or not very long afterwards, the Ministry for Overseas (or Associated?) Territories could be a fairly small office, dealing with the remaining colonies and those smaller ex-colonies that, for reasons of defence and economy, wanted Britain to continue to represent them abroad.

    ECONOMIST: From the archive

  • In matters this complex, it is never wise to dismiss out of hand the possibility that failing to wage war in hostile regions today leads to the need tomorrow to fight a second war against the same or different enemies in territories closer to home.

    FORBES: U.S. Government: Too Big To Succeed?

  • Aside from clashes between government forces, both countries accuse each other of supporting militia or rebel forces in their territories.

    CNN: Sudan denies report that South Sudan downed its fighter jet

  • Let me repeat that: We do not expect harmful levels of radiation to reach the West Coast, Hawaii, Alaska, or U.S. territories in the Pacific.

    WHITEHOUSE: Standing with Japan

  • But that does not mean they would oppose armed action against Israeli soldiers or settlers in the occupied territories and there are guns by the hundred at large in the self-rule areas.

    ECONOMIST: The Palestinians

  • The evolving demarcation is between Israelis who still want, above all, to end the occupation of the Palestinian territories by negotiation or else by unilateral withdrawal, and those (now apparently including Mr Netanyahu) who prefer to stay put, for religious, nationalist or, as many more middle-of-the-road Israelis see it, security reasons.

    ECONOMIST: Israeli politics

  • Moreover, the automaker plans to roll out 21 new hybrid models by 2015 as well as expand its hybrid offerings in territories which have no or limited options at the moment.

    FORBES: Toyota Rides Hybrid Sales To $91 But Competition Is In Overdrive

  • The counterargument--that the best hope of averting war lies not in attempts to appease unappeasable opponents but in preservation of Israeli military strength, which necessitates Israel's retention of all or most of the strategically valuable territories--has nearly a century of unhappy history to bolster it.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The East Bank: Is Israel a Jewish settlement?

  • Human Rights Commissioner Mary Robinson have accused Israel of consistently using excessive force, and if the findings of Mitchell's commission are consistent with those they may increase pressure on Washington to support calls for an international monitoring or protection force to be deployed in Palestinian territories.

    CNN: Why Barak gambled on an election

  • But beyond, or beneath, these histories is the history of spaces: the history of terrains and territories, a history where plains and rivers and harbors shape the social place that sits above them or around them.

    NEWYORKER: Faces, Places, Spaces

  • Shnaider is still venturing into unknown territories, p.r. lesson or no, throwing money around and staring down rivals.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The United States is squandering international prestige and goodwill and intensifying global anti-American terrorism by unofficially condoning or abetting the Israeli confiscation and colonization of Palestinian territories.

    NPR: Jimmy Carter on Conflict in the Middle East

  • According to Israel's Peace Now movement, Mr Barak, since he came to power, has sanctioned 4, 028 new houses in Jewish settlements in the occupied territories, including 2, 149 in or near East Jerusalem.

    ECONOMIST: Palestinians and Israel

  • There was evidence that British agents had used information obtained through torture, questioned suspects knowing they had been torture and that British overseas territories had been involved in illegal transfer or "state kidnapping" of suspects.

    BBC: Lib Dems call for torture inquiry

  • What other tag can be applied to arguments that wages paid in Federal Reserve notes--currency--aren't income, that "United States" only refers to residents of the District of Columbia and territories like Puerto Rico and Guam, or that only Federal Government employees are liable for federal taxes?

    FORBES: What's Voluntary About Taxes?

  • These can focus on the games themselves or Scotland's links to the 71 nations and territories of the Commonwealth.

    BBC: Celebrate launch

  • Until a state actually exercises recognized sovereignty there, under a peace treaty or otherwise, the rights of Mandate beneficiaries in the territories are preserved.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The East Bank: Is Israel a Jewish settlement?

  • Israel no longer occupies the Sinai or Gaza, but its continued hold over the other territories has stymied efforts to bring comprehensive peace to the Middle East.

    NPR: Six Day War: Land Ownership Disputes Arise

  • Among the obligations of States Parties to the Convention, the one that is expressed in strongest language is the duty to elaborate one or more inventories of the intangible heritage present on their territories with the participation of the communities concerned.

    UNESCO: Patrimoine culturel immat��riel

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