• In fact, the supermarkets, to their credit, don't often have the sickliest on the NTF shelf.

    FORBES: Supermarket Sweepstakes

  • Money managers from NTF funds are almost always those invited to Schwab's conferences for financial advisers.

    FORBES: 2004 Mutual Fund Survey

  • The upshot is that supermarkets now constitute a huge percentage of the ownership of many NTF funds.

    FORBES: Supermarket Sweepstakes

  • At least at Fidelity and Schwab, the two biggest supermarkets, NTF bond funds do seem to cost more.

    FORBES: Supermarket Sweepstakes

  • Notably absent from their supermarket NTF shelves (and ubiquitous in our Best Buy rankings): Vanguard's famously cheap bond funds.

    FORBES: Supermarket Sweepstakes

  • Does that mean NTF funds impose higher expenses on shareholders than other funds?

    FORBES: 2004 Mutual Fund Survey

  • For sure, the funds paying the NTF freight are hardly desperate no-names.

    FORBES: 2004 Mutual Fund Survey

  • Once fund sponsors are in the NTF system, it's hard to leave.

    FORBES: Supermarket Sweepstakes

  • For the right fund, an NTF fee is cheaper for the sponsor than advertising, and cheaper for the investor than going through a broker.

    FORBES: Supermarket Sweepstakes

  • Surely that's one reason Schwab could raise NTF fees by 0.05 points to 0.4% early last year, even though funds were still reeling from the bear market.

    FORBES: 2004 Mutual Fund Survey

  • The expense ratio for leading NTF bond funds at these shops averages 0.66%, while the average cost of bond funds on the Forbes Best Buy list is 0.37%.

    FORBES: Supermarket Sweepstakes

  • One in four of those on Morningstar's Picks list are NTF funds, and the group includes such well-respected no-load outfits as Ariel, Artisan, Clipper, Janus, Marsico and Third Avenue.

    FORBES: 2004 Mutual Fund Survey

  • But the question remains: Who actually pays NTF fees?

    FORBES: Supermarket Sweepstakes

  • The move provoked a stare-down with Schwab, which ordinarily mandates that a fund list its cheapest share class with the supermarket, but Schwab let the old Davis fund keep its NTF listing for existing customers.

    FORBES: 2004 Mutual Fund Survey

  • Investors can construct diversified portfolios by accessing some of the best no load, no-transaction-fee (NTF) funds in different categories such as American Century Equity Income (TWEIX), UMB Scout International (UMBWX), and Matthews Asia Pacific Tiger (MAPTX).

    FORBES: Fidelity FundsNetwork Eases Free Fund Trade Rule

  • Several funds told FORBES they follow a convention in which half the NTF fee (up to 0.2%) is charged to investors, just as accounting or legal fees or some marketing fees are, and the other half comes from the fund sponsor.

    FORBES: Supermarket Sweepstakes

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