• In medieval Europe Jews were persecuted not only because they were not Christians but also because killing them was a quick way to expunge debts.

    ECONOMIST: Schumpeter: The dangers of demonology | The

  • In cyberspace, it is much easier and not only because of gravity, but also because of distance.

    FORBES: Cyber Security Fails As 3.6 Million Social Security Numbers Breached In South Carolina

  • Indeed, it is plausible that Apple kicked out Synaptics not only because of price, but also because it wanted to do its own tinkering.

    FORBES: Asia's Best Under A Billion

  • His message was accepted not only because it was right, but also because it was pure and unencumbered by extraneous issues.

    FORBES: Martin Luther King Day

  • Washington feared the domestic effect of permanent alliance not only because of the faction problem but also because of the problem of militarism.

    FORBES: Benjamin Netanyahu Vs. Barack Obama, Part One

  • This is bittersweet not only because Tim is leaving, but also because Jack has been my Chief of Staff for the last year.

    WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Nominates Jack Lew for Secretary of the Treasury | The White House

  • Cheerier workers are more productive workers, not only because they work better, but also because they identify more closely with the company's interests.

    ECONOMIST: Why wages do not fall in recessions

  • We know this to be true not only because the ACFE told us but also because we, as investors and business-minded people, have lived it.

    FORBES: Gary Foster and How to Predict the Next Financial Scheme

  • The gambit worked, and not only because the marketing was good but also because there was some truth in it: The upright meteorite was aesthetically as compelling as a Hepworth.

    FORBES: Hot Rocks

  • And Apple again has been a clear leader, trumping traditional tech companies like IBM and Microsoft, not only because of its innovative products but also because of its astute business model.

    FORBES: Investing In The Business Of Fun

  • Telecommunications is imploding not only because of unbalanced balance sheets but also because its immensely complicated regulatory structure, involving the federal government and 50 state regulatory agencies, was cobbled together for a pre-Internet era.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • Remittances, which make up 20% of GDP, have soared not only because the war prompted generosity but also because of solid banks that offer 7% interest on the dollar and property prices that have doubled or tripled in four years, and only now show signs of cooling.

    ECONOMIST: Resilient Lebanon

  • Not only because of bureaucracy, but also because of a perceived fear of failure.

    FORBES: Innovation, Failure and Corporate Culture

  • Rimonabant is seen as having potential not only because it takes off pounds, but also because of its effect on cholesterol--it cuts the bad kind and increases the good.

    FORBES: Sanofi Remains Tight-Lipped

  • This project is exciting to us not only because of its size and scale, but also because it uses advanced technology.

    FORBES: Google Continues Clean Energy Spending Spree

  • Hamas is a religious movement, and its formal creed is to reject the possibility of Jewish statehood not only because of Israel's alleged sins but also because there is no place for a Jewish state in a Muslim land.

    ECONOMIST: The Arabs and Israel

  • But that reprieve will be short-lived, not just because it only got a one-year extension but also because those supporting the sector are starting to diverge.

    FORBES: Wind Energy: Twisting and Turning and Getting Bent out of Shape

  • Demand for dollars is huge in Venezuela, not only because of import needs, but also because years of socialist economic policies and political instability have spurred capital flight.

    WSJ: Venezuelan Cabinet Tweak Seen Aiding Economy in Short Term

  • Integrating these audiences is important not only because it provides a better consumer experience, but also because it leads to new and better marketing opportunities.

    FORBES: How To Make Your Website As Social As Your Customers

  • The issue is significant not only because more families are facing creditor problems, but also because more of a typical family's wealth is now in retirement accounts.

    FORBES: Retirement Accounts

  • They argue, therefore, that people with power that they think is justified break rules not only because they can get away with it, but also because they feel at some intuitive level that they are entitled to take what they want.

    ECONOMIST: The psychology of power

  • Oncology is attractive not only because of the huge need for better drugs but also because that's where the impact of the human genome project has been greatest, yielding targeted drugs such as Genentech's Herceptin for breast cancer and Novartis' Gleevec for chronic myeloid leukemia.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • "He will be missed by countless fans not only because he was a popular entertainer and musician but also because he was a highly distinguished astronomer who always prided himself on being 'an amateur' whilst winning the recognition of fellow scientists from across the world, " acting BBC director general Tim Davie said in a tribute.

    BBC: Tributes paid to Sir Patrick Moore

  • This event is important to me not only because I love and believe in this film, but also because I deeply love and believe in all of you.

    WHITEHOUSE: Interactive Film Workshop for Students: Beasts of the Southern Wild | The White House

  • Executives at several American banks said they were reluctant to lend not only because of concerns about creditworthiness, but also because of the heavy paperwork involved in government guaranteed loans, their own weak capital bases, and a desire to limit their already considerable holdings of similar loans to other countries.


  • The decision to cooperate or not cooperate is a difficult one for many people not only because of the stigma attached to it, but also because it often involves testifying against friends.

    FORBES: Why do people have a negative view of cooperators?

  • The directors were nervous, not only because much depended on the reaction of the studio honchos but also because Hollywood executives were not their ideal audience.

    NEWYORKER: Beyond the Matrix

  • The transformations in China are disconcerting not only because of the rapid deceleration of the broader economy, but also because the same thing is said to be happening in the athletic footwear and apparel market.

    FORBES: Nike--Not Apple--Is A Bellwether of China's Economy

  • Many of those are delighted by his fall from grace, not only because they disliked him (though they did), but also because they quietly agreed with William Hague, the Conservative leader, who said this week that the prime minister had become over-dependent on his prince of darkness.

    ECONOMIST: Bagehot

  • He admits that Mr Clinton went easy not only because he sympathised with the predicament of his Israeli friends but also because George Bush senior's harsh confrontation with Israel over settlements in the 1990s was considered later to have taken a serious toll of the president's domestic support.

    ECONOMIST: America and the Middle East

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