• To their amazement, in addition to the window being unlocked, the gates at the front of a long hallway leading to the vault were also wide open, and no external security lights were lit.

    FORBES: How Short Cuts Can Short Circuit Your Career Plan

  • No doubt a few choice expletives lit up the air when she got the news.

    ECONOMIST: More trouble for Yahoo!

  • The company is finding that when it comes to drawing customers these days, small stores with limited selection are no match for big, brightly lit emporiums with the latest name brands.

    FORBES: RadioShack Gets Slammed

  • Just like that night in Menlo Park when Edison and his team knew their bulb would light but had no idea how long it would stay lit, we were staring at the glimmer of our own light bulb moments.

    FORBES: Four Essential Qualities Of Great Teams

  • Meanwhile, London's successful bid for the 2012 Olympics -- despite a rumbling row over costs that shows no sign of abating before the torch is lit and complaints that the project has ridden roughshod over the wishes of local residents and businesses -- will ultimately mean the creation of Europe's largest new urban park in 150 years.

    CNN: London leads climate change fight

  • No freedom to roam anywhere except the fluorescent-lit hallway.

    CNN: Ten cubicle-free jobs

  • As the pope makes his way through the cathedral, lit solely by candlelight, St Peter's no longer feels like a crowded tourist attraction.

    BBC: Easter in Rome

  • There was no one else in the tunnel, which was whitewashed and warm, lit by low-wattage bulbs, and branched off into small closets and locked chambers full of brooms and mops and cleaning solutions.

    NEWYORKER: The Reptile Garden

  • Utahns are thrilled with my "no" vote, as my Facebook and Twitter (jasoninthehouse) accounts were lit up with enthusiastic rejection of this bill.

    CNN: Commentary: We can't spend our way to economic salvation

  • No sooner had she sat down with Mr Aliev in his seaside palace, lit by giant chandeliers, than he vented his anger at Armenia.

    ECONOMIST: America in Russia's back yard

  • At the Tier IV level of nines, you are guaranteed to stay lit roughly 99.99% of the time, which means no more than two minutes a year in the dark.

    FORBES: New York, Black Swans, Blackouts and Anti-Fragile Grids

  • No doubt many of them are looking only to express their unfettered affection when they orchestrate a laser-lit, widely-attended and potentially viral event.

    CNN: What's with public marriage proposals?

  • No matter what happens in the trial of George Zimmerman, those who marched, protested, tweeted, Facebooked, lit candles and wore hoodies know that without all of that collective action, Zimmerman would be walking around free and would have never seen the inside of a courtroom.

    CNN: Trayvon Martin did not die in vain

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