• Gore trumpets that he will reduce the marriage penalty by increasing the standard deduction for married couples.

    FORBES: Fact And Comment

  • The marriage penalty only increases as income and the number of children rise.

    FORBES: Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Punishes Marriage

  • This "marriage penalty" has never fully been adjusted for in the tax code.

    WSJ: Review & Outlook: Winning the War Against Women

  • The tax relief package honors marriage and family by reducing the unfair marriage penalty and doubling the credit for children.

    CNN: President Bush speaks on tax cut bill passage

  • The marriage penalty will be dramatically reduced, and the unfair death tax will be completely abolished by the year 2010.

    CNN: President Bush speaks on tax cut bill passage

  • Because of this, Congress closed the marriage penalty allowing married couples to make more money without taking on the penalty.

    FORBES: Why Marriage Makes Financial Sense

  • Two, the poverty trap is also a severe marriage penalty, making it virtually economically impossible for lower income classes to marry.

    CNN: Americans' 90% tax rate

  • Mr Bush wants to encourage family formation by doubling the child tax credit and removing the marriage penalty or even introducing a marriage bonus.

    ECONOMIST: Lexington

  • The Republican cuts have several positive features, including savings incentives, a lowering of the capital gains levy and a reduction in the marriage penalty.

    FORBES: Fact & Comments

  • So in the original article I underestimated the marriage penalty.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Whether you get a marriage bonus (your combined tax bill goes down) or suffer a marriage penalty (you pay more as a couple) depends on various factors.

    FORBES: Connect

  • He also pushed his plan to lower federal income tax rates, make Social Security taxes deductible from federal returns, and eliminate the estate tax and the so-called marriage penalty tax.

    CNN: Hillary Rodham Clinton scores historic win in New York

  • "The Republicans have mostly eliminated the marriage penalty, and a higher-earning spouse can effectively shield his or her income from higher taxes, " says Chris Edwards, tax policy director at the Cato Institute.

    FORBES: The Cost Of Being Married Versus Being Single

  • This tax-cut package must repeal the Bush-Clinton tax increases of the early 1990s, cut the capital gains tax rate by 50% and abolish the marriage penalty, estate taxes and the alternative minimum tax.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • McIntosh recalled that during a December news conference, Clinton said the marriage penalty is "not defensible, " but expressed concern that the government could not afford to give up the revenue from the taxes.

    CNN: Republicans Call For End To 'Marriage Penalty'

  • If you "remove" the marriage penalty by lowering the credits for single taxpayers, you invoke the wrath of those who would say you're "raising" taxes (by reducing their credits) on people who can least afford it.

    FORBES: For The Working Poor, Marriage Is A Costly Luxury

  • Martinez denied that the switch was because of his primary loss and said he was "disappointed" but not "bitter" toward his former Democratic colleagues for failing to support repeals of the so-called marriage penalty and estate taxes.

    CNN: Party switching comes with political risks

  • We applaud the recent efforts of Congress to eradicate or reduce the marriage penalty for those with higher levels of income, but these efforts have overlooked the most at-risk sector of our society: families headed by the working poor.

    FORBES: For The Working Poor, Marriage Is A Costly Luxury

  • Because the threshold for couples is less than double that for singles, the tax imposes a marriage penalty on couples with two high earners but gives a bonus to those with a high earner and a low- or non-earner.

    FORBES: A New Marriage Penalty For High Earning Couples -- And A Bonus For Some

  • Republicans will also attempt to override Clinton's veto of a prized GOP bill that would have repealed the federal estate tax and the so-called "marriage penalty, " but Democrats are confident that they have the votes to sustain the vetoes.

    CNN: Big issues await Congress as budget deadline, campaign loom

  • This year, Republicans have broken apart the contents of that bill, and have attempted to push portions -- such as this estate tax bill and a similar repeal of the marriage penalty tax -- through the chamber as separate bills.

    CNN: House passes estate tax repeal that could meet up with Clinton veto pen

  • Yet another benefit of the Flat Tax Act is that it reforms not just the income portion of the code, but also eliminates federal gimmicks that stymie economic growth such as the Alternative Minimum Tax, capital gains taxes, the estate tax and the marriage penalty.

    FORBES: Death Is Much Less Complicated Than The U.S. Tax Code

  • To increase their odds of getting the tax bill through the Senate, the sponsors scaled back some of Bush's tax-cut priorities, such as the across-the-board rate cut and elimination of the marriage penalty, and added provisions appealing to moderate Democrats, including education tax credits and pension reform.

    CNN: Senate poised for tax bill vote

  • You have doubled the child tax credit from 500 to a thousand dollars, reduced the marriage penalty, begun to phase out the death tax, reduced taxes on capital gains and stock dividends, cut taxes on small businesses, and you have lowered taxes for every American who pays income taxes.

    CNN: Transcript of State of the Union

  • To help families, I'll triple the personal deduction for children and eliminate the marriage tax penalty.

    WSJ: Rick Santorum: My Economic Freedom Agenda

  • And former Congressional Budget Office Director Robert Reischauer says he sees a major GOP dilemma over how to deliver the tobacco bill's promised end to the marriage tax penalty.

    CNN: Streaming Video

  • No more Earned Income Credit, no Minimum Alternative Tax, Child Tax Credit, Marriage Tax Penalty, Employer Plan Covered restrictions, and other pointless regulations that make the system a complete mess.

    FORBES: Guest Post: Tax Reform

  • The committee's questions once again touched on a range of hot-button issues, including gun control, abortion, same-sex marriage, the death penalty, and the role of international law in American jurisprudence.

    CNN: GOP homes in on controversial Sotomayor speeches

  • On a variety of specific issues -- gay marriage, taxes, the death penalty, immigration, faith-based initiatives, school vouchers, school prayer -- many African Americans hold fairly conservative views.

    CNN: Giuliani's responses at the CNN/YouTube debate

  • As for his own politics, Quinn describes himself as ideologically all over the map pro-gun, pro-abortion rights, pro-death penalty and pro-gay marriage.

    WSJ: Colin Quinn has fun with the US Constitution

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