• They said the move was aimed at avoiding a potentially embarrassing debate on the government's role in the torture of Afghan terror detainees.

    BBC: Canada country profile

  • Prosecutors have stressed how Duch, a born-again Christian, actively participated in the torture and killing of some of the 15, 000 prisoners at the S-21 facility.

    CNN: Attorneys seek to ease Khmer Rouge prison chief detention

  • The two guns were subsequently linked to the suspects in the torture and killing of Mario Gonzalez Rodriguez, the brother of Patricia Gonzalez Rodriguez, who was then attorney general of the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

    FORBES: Operation Fast and Furious Linked to Death of Mexican Attorney

  • Then the press claimed that the city's new chief of the judicial police, in an earlier post, had been involved in the torture and murder of a young man and was linked to drug traffickers.

    ECONOMIST: The sour fruits of victory

  • While the actual number is probably higher, the 27 detention facilities listed in our report are those for which multiple witnesses have indicated the same building and described in detail the torture methods being used there.

    CNN: Tracking down torture in Syria

  • When militant Islamists slit the throat of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, there was not a single al Qaeda member in Guantanamo Bay and the only torture in the Abu Ghraib prison was by order of Saddam Hussein.


  • He was referring to the legal threat confronting some agency operatives for their involvement in the rendition and alleged torture of suspects in the war on terror.

    NEWYORKER: Preparing the Battlefield

  • The explicit message in the film that torture was vital in this instance might encourage its employment by this country in the future perhaps down through history.

    FORBES: Shakespeare, Mozart and Kathryn Bigelow: What Really Happened?

  • And we quite specifically didn't use the word torture in the lecture because there's this debate about this.

    NPR: Doctors Urge U.S. to Stop Force-Feeding Detainees

  • As the king and his entourage were entertained in London, the repression and torture in their own country presumably continued.

    ECONOMIST: Saudi state visit

  • As a nation that played a leading role in the effort to bring this treaty into force, the United States will remain a leader in the effort to end torture around the world and to address the needs of torture victims.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • "Zero Dark" was caught up in a political controversy in which three U.S. senators, along with some activists, criticized it for what they deemed an inaccurate portrayal of the role of torture in the search for Mr. Bin Laden.

    WSJ: 'Argo' Wins Best Picture; Ang Lee Is Top Director for 'Pi'

  • The senators said the "use of torture in the fight against terrorism did severe damage to America's values and standing that cannot be justified or expunged".

    BBC: Bin Laden film attacked for 'perpetuating torture myth'

  • Thus in many places where the death penalty is outlawed, as in the European Union, few would consider the use of torture even in extreme circumstances.

    ECONOMIST: Saying no to torture | The

  • The filmmakers landed themselves in trouble by making the torture of a minor Al Qaeda member by the C.

    NEWYORKER: Zero Dark Thirty

  • His lawyer said he was refusing to listen to the judge in protest at his alleged torture in custody and because he believed the tribunal was unfair.

    BBC: US & Canada

  • He says he was never personally involved in the practice of torture.

    BBC: News

  • It is set in a post-apocalyptic society, there is a massive explosion, fight-to-the-death hand-to-hand combat, all kinds of weapons, and then, later in the series, torture and guerilla warfare.

    FORBES: 'The Hunger Games' and Its Sleeper Fan Base of Men

  • "We've shown these to a doctor who's an expert in the assessment of torture and he's said that the injuries are consistent with the torture that the men described, " she added.

    BBC: Dubai drugs trial: Mother tells of 'torture horror'

  • The kind of cases involved include claims relating to kidnapping and torture in the war on terror.

    BBC: Week ahead

  • Yet, in attempting to show, in a mainstream movie, the reprehensibility of torture, and what was done in our name, the filmmakers seem to have conflated events, and in this they have generated a sore controversy: the chairs of two Senate committees have said that the information used to find bin Laden was not uncovered through waterboarding.

    NEWYORKER: Dead Reckoning

  • Former prisoner of war John McCain weighed in today on the assertions that torture played a role in tracking down Osama bin Laden.

    FORBES: Update - McCain: Torture Didn't Help Locate Bin Laden

  • Holmes built a hotel near the fair complete with a torture chamber in the basement where he killed young women he believed would not be missed.

    FORBES: Can Leonardo DiCaprio Do Good By Playing Bad?

  • Amnesty says the latest incidents of torture in Europe include the death in custody of a member of the Romany community in Portugal, the alleged ill treatment of Afghan asylum-seekers at a detention centre in Hungary and the racist abuse of a teenage Angolan student in Switzerland.

    CNN: Torture report: Many European countries guilty

  • In his ruling, Mr Justice McCombe emphasised that he had not found there was systematic torture in the Kenyan camps nor that, if there was, the UK government was liable for what happened.

    BBC: Suspected Mau Mau activists in a prison camp, Nairobi, 1953

  • Also in the Middle East, the report says torture continued to be permitted in Israel and was systematically used until last September, when the Israeli High Court ruled that such methods of interrogation were unlawful.

    BBC: Amnesty accuses major powers

  • After a damning United Nations report in the fall accused the Afghan government of the systematic torture of prisoners at 47 facilities in 24 provinces, the U.S. and its NATO allies stopped handing over prisoners to Afghan custody in those areas.

    WSJ: U.S. Near Pact to Hand Over Afghan Prison

  • "There are no TV cameras in Saddam's torture chambers or in the darkest corners of Baghdad, but the suffering and oppression are real, " Straw said.

    CNN: Straw praises war reporters

  • Although Mr Cheney has not had the guts to make his case in public, the argument that torture is sometimes justified is not a negligible one.

    ECONOMIST: Torture

  • The decision is the second this month in which US judges have ruled Mr Rumsfeld may be sued by US citizens who alleged torture in Iraq at the hands of US troops.

    BBC: Donald Rumsfeld

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