• In case of a national emergency, Americans are most trusting in local law enforcement in case of a shooting (58%), the FBI in case of a terrorist attack (53%), the Centers for Disease Control in case of a pandemic (49%), and the Federal Emergency Relief Administration in case of a natural disaster (45%).

    FORBES: Americans Neither Worried Nor Prepared In Case of a Disaster: SUNYIT-Zogby Analytics Poll

  • This formation interrupts a previous trend and reaches completion once the resistance (in a bull market) or support (in a bear market) is overcome.

    FORBES: No Need to Pick Bottoms or Tops

  • Exceptions. (a) No individual who is serving in an office listed in section 1(a)-(m) of this order in an acting capacity shall, by virtue of so serving, act as Administrator pursuant to this order.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • Whether won in a lottery, earned in a paycheck or accrued in a 401(k) account, a dollar is supposed to be a dollar.

    FORBES: Bitter Money And Christmas Clubs

  • Other newcomers who chalked up major losses in recent years include Texas Republican Mike Conaway (who lost a special-election primary for a House seat to now-Rep. Randy Neugebauer), Jindal (who was the Republican nominee for Louisiana governor in 2003), Schwartz (who lost a Democratic primary for Senate in Pennsylvania) and Schwarz (who lost a Republican primary for governor in Michigan).

    ECONOMIST: The New Congress

  • One way of looking at these is as if they are a unit trust (in English) or a mutual fund (in American).

    FORBES: Kweku Adoboli: How Did He Lose UBS $2 Billion?

  • Roughly, it works by searching for a specific sort of controller (used in a centrifuge), in a specific sort of situation (running at a certain RPM used for uranium processing), and then inserts a modified operating system that revs up and revs down the machine until it spins itself to pieces.

    FORBES: Stuxnet and the Iranian Nuclear Program

  • A. in Literature, I took a job typing in a typing pool (paid) in a midtown Manhattan law firm.

    FORBES: Exchange Your Unpaid Internship For a Job

  • That Great Britain be accorded (1) the ports of Haifa and Acre, (2) guarantee of a given supply of water from the Tigris and Euphrates in area (a) for area (b).

    BBC: Map detailing the Sykes-Picot agreement

  • But many struggle emotionally or mentally with (1) a significant decrease in earnings and (2) a significant decrease in exposure, visibility, and external adoration.

    FORBES: Olympian-Turned-Call Girl Susy Hamilton Performs No Favors for Her Future Marketability

  • In a 2006 German study judges were asked to roll (rigged) dice between reading the documents in a (hypothetical) case and making their judgment.

    ECONOMIST: Judges�� sentencing is erratic. Safety in numbers?

  • That in area (a) the Baghdad railway shall not be extended southwards beyond Mosul, and in area (b) northwards beyond Samarra, until a railway connecting Baghdad and Aleppo via the Euphrates valley has been completed, and then only with the concurrence of the two governments.

    BBC: Map detailing the Sykes-Picot agreement

  • Simon Leong, prosecuting, said Bellamy was sent a notice after his Audi was caught travelling at 64mph (103kmph) in a 50mph (80kmph) zone along the M62 towards Liverpool on 3 April 2012 at 0300 BST.

    BBC: Craig Bellamy

  • After experimenting with more than a dozen different formulations, drying them with custom-made machinery and heating them in ovens to test shelf life, Nektar hit upon a successful recipe that mixes insulin with glycine (an amino acid), citrate (the salt of an organic acid found in humans) and mannitol (a sugar used in intravenous products).

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • This chart shows that the typical seasonal tendency is for a high around March 6 (in red), then a low around March 14 (in green) followed by another high on the 21st with a low at the end of the month.

    FORBES: Are You Ready For A Vegematic Market?

  • This opinion was bolstered by a statement in the report (in a footnote) that feeding the centrifuge cascades with its input uranium hexafluoride was stopped on November 16.

    FORBES: The New York Times Fails To Deliver Stuxnet's Creators

  • Chart Analysis : The Market Vectors Semiconductor ETF ( SMH) appeared to form a double bottom in July (line a), which set up a good short-term trade.

    FORBES: Chip Makers Not Seasoned Yet

  • That in area (a) France, and in area (b) Great Britain, shall have priority of right of enterprise and local loans.

    BBC: Map detailing the Sykes-Picot agreement

  • The monthly relative performance analysis of KMP shows that it has formed higher highs and higher lows (line b) since it completed a bottom formation in 2008 (line a).

    FORBES: Charts Can Warn of Earnings Misses

  • That in area (a) France, and in area (b) Great Britain, shall alone supply advisers or foreign functionaries at the request of the Arab state or confederation of Arab states.

    BBC: Map detailing the Sykes-Picot agreement

  • The horsemeat discovered on British dinner tables last week was (1) supplied by a Swedish frozen foods marketer that had (2) outsourced meal preparation to a French company that (3) operates a factory in Luxembourg that (4) uses meat imported, (5) via a Dutch agent, (6) from Romania.

    FORBES: Horsemeat for Dinner, Banksters under the Bed, and the Future of the Human Condition

  • Knowing your aid outlook is important, because money in a 529 (unlike assets in a 401(k) or IRA) reduces the aid your child is eligible to receive.

    FORBES: The Financial Aid Factor

  • Once upon a time (2007) in a land far, far away (Thailand) lived the i-mobile 902, a pseudo Sony Ericsson W800 clone featuring a trick five-megapixel autofocus camera with a Sony-made CCD sensor and xenon flash.


  • Mr Hain, 61, was recorded doing 35mph (56kph) in a 30mph (48kph) zone on the A4109 in the Neath Valley at 08:30 GMT on 12 June last year.

    BBC: Neath MP Peter Hain fined for speeding

  • The Blackhawks' four most talented and important players are all homegrown: forwards Patrick Kane (the No. 1-overall pick in 2007) and Jonathan Toews (No. 3 overall in 2006) and defensemen Duncan Keith (a second-round selection in 2002) and Brent Seabrook (No. 14 overall in 2003).

    WSJ: How the Chicago Blackhawks Became Unbeatable

  • For a period of 20 years the existing Turkish customs tariff shall remain in force throughout the whole of the blue and red areas, as well as in areas (a) and (b), and no increase in the rates of duty or conversions from ad valorem to specific rates shall be made except by agreement between the two powers.

    BBC: Map detailing the Sykes-Picot agreement

  • The film focuses on a prisoner (Latifah) who meets a lawyer (Martin) in a chat room and makes her way into his life in the hope that he can exonerate her.

    BBC: Martin's House is UK film hit

  • How strange, then, to find a poison pill being used (seemingly) in a good cause, against somebody who has (apparently) given many shareholders a lousy deal.

    ECONOMIST: A new use for the poison pill

  • He takes on a new assistant, in the shape of Troy (Colin Hanks) a pleasant fellow, who keeps telling us (in a superfluous voice-over) how life-changing the experience has been, although he seems no less dull at the end of it than he did at the start.

    NEWYORKER: The Great Buck Howard

  • Other contributions have come from Frank Stella (another 3.0CSL in 1976), Roy Lichtenstein (a 320i in 1977).

    FORBES: Koons, Cars, And Cold Cash. (And a couple of words about that democracy thing.)

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