• The gap shows, especially in infrastructure such as roads, sea- and airports, and electricity supply.

    ECONOMIST: India and China

  • As well as promising to preserve the popular social programmes, including houses for the homeless, Mr Capriles has pledged a rise in the minimum wage and land titles for peasant farmers along with a lot of investment in infrastructure, especially in electricity and transport.

    ECONOMIST: Venezuela��s presidential election

  • Russia's plans for improving facilities in host cities are also in line with Fifa's long-term ambitions for developing the sport, especially in regions with outdated infrastructure.

    BBC: Russia & Qatar will host the 2018 and 2022 World Cups

  • That and the sense, especially in California, that the public infrastructure is falling to pieces.

    FORBES: California Leavin'

  • To reverse the downturn in growth, Chinese leaders have decided to step up their investment in the economy, especially infrastructure.

    FORBES: The second in a four-part series. See Part One.

  • "If we are going to spend billions and billions of dollars on infrastructure in places like Iraq and Afghanistan especially if we can't get this country to invest a single dime on infrastructure in the United States we have an obligation to show the American people that it works, " Ms. McCaskill said.

    WSJ: U.S. Is Hit on Iraq, Afghan Outlays

  • Billions of dollars in infrastructure investments especially on large, clunky sports facilities don't automatically drive up prices.

    WSJ: London Developers Hope for Olympic-Size Boom

  • The main driver was infrastructure spending by the government, especially in the railway sector, and a stabilizing property market.

    FORBES: China Outlook Improving; Time For A Rebound?

  • Why build new infrastructure in areas of little traffic, especially if incumbent rural providers can immediately make claims to use it?

    FORBES: FCC Mandates Data Roaming, But They (Still) Don't Know the Territory

  • The damages associated with Hurricane Sandy have crept higher and likely will continue to do so in the coming days and weeks, especially given the infrastructure of the Northeast.

    FORBES: One Week Later, The Cost Of Superstorm Sandy

  • Price regulations already dull the incentives for non-incumbent phone companies to invest in the kind of new infrastructure we actually need, especially for mobile backhaul.

    FORBES: The FCC Scores a Hat Trick of Errors on Internet Regulation

  • After all, China is investing heavily across a number of industries, especially those that relate to infrastructure, and the government has a vested interest in ensuring that the money is used most cost effectively.

    FORBES: Is China Overplaying its Hand?

  • In particular, the enormous and growing infrastructure needed to support the Internet poses especially complicated challenges for measuring carbon emissions.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The program, which is especially important to mayors and local leaders, highlights the important role that infrastructure financing can play in catalyzing private investment, and its expansion was a significant step towards more innovative infrastructure financing.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • This would be a bad idea because permanent tax breaks are hard to eliminate once enacted, and it is not clear that we can afford more tax giveaways over the long term, especially if the president-elect is serious about other campaign promises to expand access to health care and invest more in infrastructure and green technology.

    FORBES: Obama's Tax Choices

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