• For example, changes to taxation of energy will lower inflation this year.

    FORBES: Brazil's B In BRICs Stands For Boring

  • Inevitably, many progressives including such critics as Robert Kuttner and Joseph Stiglitz were bitterly disappointed when Obama, in his first two years in office, backed away from positions they favored in health care, financial regulation, climate change, energy policy, and taxation.

    NEWYORKER: Replay

  • He said the group agreed to assign chief executives to task forces covering those issues in coming weeks, as well as infrastructure, energy, and corporate taxation, a flash point for multinationals, whose executives have fought administration proposals to raise taxes on overseas earnings.

    WSJ: Obama Pushes CEOs on Job Creation

  • Yet mitigating the risk of default is the fact that Ecuador's ability to service its debt has improved in recent months, as high energy prices, increased taxation of the oil sector and the state's take-over of Block 15 previously run by a US company, Occidental Petroleum (Oxy), are boosting the fiscal surplus and foreign reserves.

    ECONOMIST: Ecuador's radical new president promises big changes

  • Sharif might have support in the National Assembly for some of the more difficult reforms, such as taxation and cutting energy subsidies, but the backing of special interest groups, trade unions and provincial governments among others will not always be guaranteed.


  • In June last year, the secretary of state for Scotland, Michael Moore, announced that the UK government was commencing a detailed programme of analysis on issues such as the constitution, the economy, public finances and taxation, defence, energy and welfare.

    BBC: Scotland politics

  • The service is looking for team leaders and editors to oversee coverage of topics such as transportation, trade policy, trade, technology, taxation policy, taxation, labor policy, labor, lobbying, energy and defense.

    FORBES: Details Surface On New Bloomberg Editorial Venture

  • They cover areas including Europe, defence security and foreign affairs, taxation and spending, health, crime and justice, energy and the environment and media and culture.

    BBC: Scottish independence

  • Further improvement is needed in energy efficiency and reducing carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP, with carbon taxation preferable to emissions trading.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Their plan includes efforts to reshape U.S. policies on everything from immigration to the federal fisc, taxation, trade, and regulation, as well as fresh thinking on infrastructure, energy, and trade.

    FORBES: Can America Still Compete? An 8-Step Recovery Plan

  • The taxation issue is on the agenda of the latest EU summit - which will also discuss energy policy - at the request of the UK, France and Germany.

    BBC: David Cameron seeking action on tax avoidance at EU summit

  • Either we continue to grow and innovate and hope that we can find an answer to our energy and resource depletion crises, or we place the matter in the hands of governments and use taxation, rationing, and other anti-growth measures.

    FORBES: Technology and the Great Stagnation: Has All the Low-Hanging Fruit Been Picked?

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