• The news comes from the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), a private, non-partisan, nonprofit research institute based in Washington, D.

    FORBES: New Study: Working Until Age 70 Isn't Enough

  • According to the latest Employee Benefit Research Institute survey, 7 in 10 workers (69%) said they will work for pay after they retire.

    FORBES: U.S. Retirement Poll: The Big Lie And The Big Fantasy

  • Roughly 63% of all uninsured workers are either self-employed or work for firms with fewer than 100 employees, estimates the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The percentage of workers who have saved for retirement plunged to 66% from 75% in 2009, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute survey.

    WSJ: Workers Saving Too Little to Retire

  • "Individuals underestimate how long they're going to live and overestimate how much they can spend, " says Dallas Salisbury, chief executive of the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

    FORBES: Retirees: Look Out Below

  • The Employee Benefit Research Institute says that the percentage of 401(k) assets held in employers' stock has been halved since 2000, but the numbers are still alarming.

    WSJ: Five Really Dumb Money Moves You've Got to Avoid

  • In plans that allow borrowing, about 21% of participants had outstanding loans in 2011, up from 18% in 2008, according to a December report from the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

    WSJ: Getting Going: When It's OK to Plunder Your 401(k)

  • With 156 million Americans currently enrolled in employer-sponsored health insurance, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, a mass exodus from employer-coverage would represent a sea change in American health care.

    FORBES: Will Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Survive ObamaCare?

  • An increasing number of workers are seriously worried they will not have enough money to retire comfortably, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute 2011 Retirement Confidence Survey that dropped today.

    FORBES: Trouble on the High Seas of Retirement?

  • Women have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to saving through individual retirement accounts, according to a new IRA database released today by the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

    FORBES: Women Need To Play Catch-Up With IRA Savings

  • In fact, the law's stiffer funding requirements for defined-benefit plans will likely push companies with underfunded plans to freeze them, says Jack VanDerhei, a Temple University professor and fellow at the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

    FORBES: Must You Work Until You Drop?

  • And in a new study, the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) laid out just how unprepared many Americans are for even a healthy retirement, to say nothing of one tha includes significant acute medical problems and long-term care needs.

    FORBES: We Are Not Prepared for Long-Term Care

  • Compared to the expenditures of a household headed by a 65-year-old, spending falls off 19% by age 75, 34% by age 85, and 52% by age 98, finds Sudipto Banerjee, a research associate at the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

    FORBES: Why You Might Need Less Retirement Income Than You Think

  • Various types of high-deductible health plans have been around for about a decade, gradually working their way up to covering some 21 million people, or about 12 percent of the privately insured market, in 2011, according to the non-partisan Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI).

    FORBES: 10 Sex Tips for Better Looking Health Insurance

  • According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, workers would pay almost a third more for health insurance as individuals than as part of a firm of 1, 000 workers or more, tempting some to drop coverage altogether and so swell the ranks of America's 46m uninsured.

    ECONOMIST: Corporate health plans

  • America Saves Week (americasavesweek.org), is a campaign coordinated by America Saves (americasaves.org), a program of the Consumer Federation of America and the American Savings Educational Council (choosetosave.org) a program of the Employee Benefit Research Institute, two programs focused on promoting saving, debt reduction, and wealth building.

    FORBES: On Your Mark, Get Set, Save!

  • While the individual market has been relatively small (about 19 million people, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute) compared to those with employer-based coverage (about 156 million), most honest analysts expect millions of employers to drop coverage and dump their employees into the individual market.

    FORBES: The Most Ominous Sign Yet Health Insurance Premiums Will Explode

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