• The FCC already has tipped its hand about its thinking--or rather, that of Michael Powell, the avowedly free-market chairman, in office since January of last year (and a frequently dissenting commissioner before that).

    FORBES: Free the Airwaves

  • Why, with the case of Smith v United States of 2021, in which, by a 7-2 majority (Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas dissenting), the court decided that Bobbi Mae Smith had been sexually harassed not only by her employer, but by society at large and its agents.

    ECONOMIST: Take a letter, Miss Smith

  • The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), formed in 1957, was perhaps the most important movement to give dissenting voices a new focus.

    CNN: Rolling Stones celebrate 50 years of raucous rock'n'roll

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