• It is easy to imagine Mr Bush replacing Mr Rehnquist with a still more conservative justice and it having relatively little effect on the court's balance.

    ECONOMIST: The Supreme Court

  • He is now considered a liberal on the court, and Mr Obama will not therefore alter the court's balance by picking a liberal to replace him.

    ECONOMIST: The Supreme Court

  • When Mr Stevens retires, the most Mr Obama can hope to do is to keep the court's balance as it is by replacing one liberal with another.

    ECONOMIST: John Paul Stevens's imminent retirement

  • This was not a blow against women, but part of a growing tussle in the court over the proper balance of powers between the federal government and the states.

    ECONOMIST: The Supreme Court: Single-minded | The

  • On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will try to balance the rights of Americans who have not been convicted of a major crime to keep their DNA out of the government's hands against the government's interest in closing cold cases and the rights of crime victims to finally see justice done.

    NPR: Court Takes Up Question Of Arrestee DNA Sampling

  • In the end, the Court will have to balance the alleged lost competitive opportunities the Players are suffering against the (1) reduced injury risk and wear and tear the NFL lockout currently affords, (2) the lack of urgency five months before the season begins, and (3) the fact that Brady v.

    FORBES: The NFL Labor War: Here's What Happens Next

  • In any case, the court may decide that the balance is subject (as Power REIT argues) to interest at the Applicable Federal Rate (AFR).

    FORBES: Timing and Likely Outcomes

  • As a result, the court argued, the political balance would not be unduly shaken so long as the unions continued to have ample funds to pursue their political agenda.

    FORBES: How The Wealthy Plan to Finance The American Aristocracy With Middle Class Dollars

  • I've named two extraordinary women who understand these issues on the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land. (Applause.) And remember, the next President, the next Congress could tip the balance of the Court in a way that turns back the clock for women and their families for decades to come.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event -- Fairfax, VA

  • Environmental regulations, education and the makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court could all hang in the balance of the almost evenly divided Senate.

    CNN: Jeffords' move significant for Supreme Court, education, taxes

  • When the decision comes down, it is equally important that the media and the nation's political leaders show some maturity and balance in appraising the court's action.

    CNN: Supreme Court in a no-win position on Obamacare?

  • When the next President and Congress could tip the balance of the highest court in the land in a way that turns back the clock for women and families for decades to come, you don't want someone who needs to ask for binders of women. (Applause.) You don't want that guy.

    WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at a Campaign Event -- Fairfax, VA

  • Not so, said Mr Sharif afraid, or so his critics argued, that if ever he fell foul of the court these new members could tip the balance against him.

    ECONOMIST: Pakistan

  • "A few misguided appellate court decisions are threatening the imperfect but delicate balance of Hatch-Waxman, one that has yielded enormous benefits for consumers over the past 20-plus years, " Leibowitz said in prepared remarks.

    FORBES: Patent Wars

  • There is now a new and potent issue to be considered in the upcoming election, and that is, which candidate will have an opportunity to shift the precarious balance of the justices on the court.

    CNN: Liberty lost? The Supreme Court punts

  • Syracuse trapped Porter near the sideline and he threw an off-balance pass into the middle of the court that was intercepted.

    WSJ: Syracuse edges Georgetown in OT to reach BE final

  • Mr Anderson says that could be toughened up to the level required in civil court cases, to be proved "on the balance of probabilities".

    BBC: TPims: Terror watchdog urges higher standard of proof

  • On Sunday he went around the ball a lot and when you do that you give up a lot of court space, so your success depends on your balance when hitting that shot as that is what operates the face of the racket.

    CNN: Federer 'is the greatest ever tennis player'

  • In 1992, the Supreme Court was only one justice appointment away from tipping the balance so that Roe v Wade could be overturned.

    FORBES: Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

  • The term refers to the three branches of the U.S. government which serve as a check and balance on each other, or did until the current Supreme Court.

    FORBES: Break Up Citi and Prosecute The CEO?

  • Business distress signals measured in the survey include clubs with serious court actions against them, including winding up petitions and high court writs, clubs issued with striking off notices for late filing of accounts, those with court judgments against them, and those with serious negative balances on their balance sheets.

    BBC: One in eight Scottish football clubs 'in distress'

  • It is this delicate balance which will give the next president a chance to refashion the court in a way few other presidents have had.

    ECONOMIST: The Supreme Court

  • The court has nationwide and even international impact, since many cases relate to the balance of power in Washington and review of actions by federal agencies that affect health, safety and the environment.

    NPR: AP Source: Obama Nominating 3 To US Appeals Court

  • But in its zeal to tilt the balance of political power away from Washington towards the states, the court's majority has embarked on a venture as detached from any constitutional moorings as was the liberal Warren Court of the 1960s in its most activist mood.

    ECONOMIST: The Supreme Court

  • Regarding Napster's claim that its users were not infringing copyright because sharing copyrighted musical compositions and sound recordings via the Napster service is protected by the "fair use" doctrine, the court held that the four fair use factors in the Copyright Act tip the balance in the record companies' favour.

    BBC: Napster ruling: The legal issues

  • Perhaps as a result, few people understand that the Family Court has the power to take away your child, for ever, on the balance of probability, in the absence of any criminal conviction.

    BBC: NEWS | Health | 'Please don't take my baby'

  • When the heavens finally opened above Court Philippe Chatrier moments later, after threatening all day, the tie was in the balance with Federer serving at 6-3 3-6 5-5 (30-15).

    BBC: Robin Soderling stuns Roger Federer at French Open

  • The Court did not believe that she was unaware that her husband was not going to pay the balance due on the delinquent returns.

    FORBES: Joint Returns Need Warning Labels

  • Nearly 10 years ago, I wrote about how the weakness of check-and-balance mechanisms within the high tribunal and the porousness of the structures and procedures that govern the court allowed illicit approaches to justices.


  • If the Supreme Court strikes down part or all of the Affordable Care Act, it will not do much to upset the balance of power between the judicial and elected branches.

    CNN: 'Judicial activism' a convenient bogeyman

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