• Yet his Proyecto Venezuela won only one governorship and about 10% of the congressional vote.

    ECONOMIST: The colonel rides on

  • Mr. Obama has threatened to veto any Congressional vote of disapproval for TARP II, so Treasury will get its cash.

    WSJ: Leadership and Panics

  • As one Turkish columnist has noted, for Turkey to be so touchy about the minutiae of a congressional vote betrays weakness, not strength.

    ECONOMIST: Armenians and Turks

  • In his first term Lula's reluctance to share power with other parties led to a congressional vote-buying scandal that nearly destroyed his presidency.

    ECONOMIST: Brazil: Lula opts for a quiet life | The

  • For proof, just look back to 1992 when a candidate was asked about the congressional vote authorising President George Bush to use troops against Iraq.

    ECONOMIST: Suddenly, a pre-primary electability indicator

  • Some 150, 000 people turned out to support him at a rally in the Zocalo, Mexico City's main square, on the (weekday) morning of the congressional vote.

    ECONOMIST: Politics in Mexico

  • President Bush's legal experts may be right in a narrow sense when they say that he does not need to get a congressional vote to back a war against Iraq.

    BBC: Analysis: Making the case for attack

  • Another congressional vote will come later in the summer, when America must decide whether to grant China permanent normal trading relations as a step towards its entry into the World Trade Organisation.

    ECONOMIST: China’s hop, skip and jump on to Taiwan | The

  • Restitution for Arab Jews is not a hot topic in Israel, where the press largely ignored the congressional vote, though a group of prominent Israelis has started a campaign to publicise the issue.

    ECONOMIST: America and Israel

  • With the congressional vote on Iraq out of the way, much could depend now on how far the Democrats succeed in switching the debate back to domestic issues especially in the areas where the vote will be closest.

    ECONOMIST: Too close to call | The

  • The congressional vote was a foregone conclusion.

    ECONOMIST: Venezuela

  • The second step that might be taken -- again without the need for any congressional vote -- is for the Senate to convene hearings into the practices of the gun industry analogous to those it convened into the tobacco industry in the 1990s.

    CNN: Obama needs a 'Plan B' on guns

  • People familiar with events leading up to Mr. Zelaya's arrest on June 28 say that had the U.S. ambassador not worked behind the scenes to block a congressional vote to remove the president a few days earlier, the dramatic deportation would never have happened.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The US vs. Honduran democracy

  • Last week, the Senate Committee on Health became the first congressional panel to vote to approve a healthcare reform bill.

    BBC: Obama urges action on healthcare

  • In Maine, for example, Kerry is likely to win the electoral vote for the first congressional district while President Bush is expected to win the vote for the second district.


  • Americans by a wide margin now claim they will vote for congressional candidates who oppose him.

    ECONOMIST: George Bush

  • Republicans claim that the administration will manipulate the process by inflating the population estimates in congressional districts that traditionally vote Democratic.

    ECONOMIST: Sampling is wrong: official

  • Just as they did with the stimulus package, Congressional leaders demanded we vote on a bill no one could possibly have read.

    CNN: Commentary: Don't pass bills you don't read

  • Maine and Nebraska already have provisions that award electoral votes based on who wins each congressional district. (And each state's at-large vote-winner receives two additional electoral votes, corresponding to the state's two U.S. senators.) In this instance, Kerry could win Maine, but if he lost in one of the state's congressional districts, Bush would get that electoral vote.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • The court's verdict involved Yidis Medina, a former congresswoman who cast the deciding vote when a congressional committee approved the constitutional change that allowed Mr Uribe to run in 2006.

    ECONOMIST: Colombia

  • What's at stake in this hometown battle is not trivial. 2, 025 delegates are needed to win the nomination, and Illinois offers 153, and candidates get a share if they pick up at least 15 percent of the vote in a Congressional district.

    NPR: Clinton Could Challenge Obama's Deep Illinois Roots

  • According to figures compiled by Polidata Inc. for National Journal and "The Almanac of American Politics" (of which I am a co-author), Mr. Obama won 80% or more of the vote in 27 congressional districts and between 70% and 79% in 34 more.

    WSJ: Michael Barone: The Meaning Inside the Political Numbers

  • In Sarasota, for example, the Democratic candidate in the 13th congressional district is challenging the victory of her Republican opponent because of a discrepancy she attributes to the touch-screen machines: More than 18, 000 ballots cast on the machines registered no vote in the congressional race.

    NPR: Florida Move Would Back Up Electronic Voting

  • In recent years, King has been the lone "no" vote on a congressional resolution apologizing for the use of slaves in building the U.S. Capitol, supported deporting "anchor babies" and, yes, defended Akin's campaign comments by saying he hadn't heard of any young woman getting pregnant from rape or incest.

    CNN: Tea party's anti-Rove 'Nazi ad'

  • All you need do to understand this is take a look at the number of Congressional Democrats who cast their votes in support of the two pieces of legislation that produced the Bush tax cuts and compare those votes to the vote of the Congressional Democrats making those very cuts permanent for approximately 99 percent of all Americans.

    FORBES: Still Believe That Barack Obama Seeks A Permanent American Socialist State?

  • Instead they are pushing states to adopt a system that is now in effect in Nebraska and Maine, where one electoral vote is awarded to the winner of each congressional district (and the state's at-large-vote winner receives two additional electoral votes, corresponding to the state's two senators.) In Minnesota, for instance, Gore won the state's ten electoral votes.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • On Nov. 7, voters will take to the polls to vote on the 468 congressional seats up for grabs.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • He wants a new congressional election to follow a successful vote.

    ECONOMIST: Uribe's hour

  • In a Newsweek poll earlier this month, 27 percent of registered voters said the scandal and how the leadership handled it made them less likely to vote for a Republican Congressional candidate.

    NPR: Dividing the 'Moral Vote' After New Scandals

  • In two-thirds of the states concerned, it got a higher vote than in the 1997 congressional elections.

    ECONOMIST: The institutional evolutionary party

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