• Your brain senses trouble and tells your body to release adrenaline-like substances into the bloodstream the so-called fight-or-flight reflex which increases blood pressure, thus the link to sleep apnea and high blood pressure.

    CNN: Sleep apnea: Can it cause heart disease?

  • In particular, when people spend too little time in darkness, it seems that the body suppresses release of the hormone melatonin, which among other things is thought to fight tumor growth and cancers.

    CNN: Unplug! Too much light at night may lead to depression

  • This, she surmised, was what death meant to them: the shedding of the unlamented body and the release of the spirit to a higher, better life.

    ECONOMIST: Obituary

  • An international research team at Oxford University found that when people laugh hard, the kind that leaves them almost physically exhausted with tears in their eyes, the human body triggers the release of endorphins that help reduce the feeling of pain and promote feelings of general well being.

    FORBES: Laugh Your Way To Loving Your Job

  • Anabolic steroids promote the growth of many tissues in the body by stimulating the release of the hormone testoterone.

    BBC: Nandrolone and anabolic steroids

  • He said arrangements must be made to release the body and once that happens a death certificate will be filed and the cause of death made public.

    NPR: Uncle: Family To Claim Boston Bomb Suspect's Body

  • Pfizer has begun human testing of a pill that stimulates growth-hormone release in the body.

    FORBES: Sweet syringe of youth

  • There are also ideas around using the technology to slowly release drugs inside the body or to build sensors for the brain and heart.

    BBC: 'Melt in the body' electronics devised

  • It was found that a reduced-calorie diet cut the activity of genes linked to stress responses in the body that cause inflammation and the release of free radicals.

    BBC: 'Eating less may prevent Alzheimer's'

  • Amato DeLuca, the Rhode Island attorney for his widow, Katherine Russell, said Tuesday that his client had just learned that the medical examiner was ready to release Tsarnaev's body and that she wants it released to his side of the family.

    NPR: Uncle: Family To Claim Boston Bomb Suspect's Body

  • Amato DeLuca, the Rhode Island attorney for his widow, Katherine Russell, said in a statement Tuesday that his client had just learned that the medical examiner was ready to release Tsarnaev's body and that she wants it released to the Tsarnaev family.

    NPR: Uncle: Family To Claim Boston Bomb Suspect's Body

  • The basic headline out of its release was that this body was cleaning up after the "Washington Consensus" of a decade ago, in which economists from developed nations supposedly dispatched the hungry of the planet to "liberalize and privatize" their way up the ladder.

    FORBES: What Works

  • Terrel Harris, a spokesman for the Department of Public Safety, said Tuesday evening that the state had not yet received Russell's request to release her husband's body.

    NPR: Uncle: Family To Claim Boston Bomb Suspect's Body

  • I. (AP) Relatives of the deceased Boston Marathon bombing suspect will claim his body now that his wife has agreed to release it, an uncle said Tuesday.

    NPR: Uncle: Family To Claim Boston Bomb Suspect's Body

  • I. (AP) Relatives of the dead suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing will claim his body now that his wife has agreed to release it, an uncle said as officials in both Washington and Russia deepened their investigations into him and his ties.

    NPR: Uncle: Family To Claim Boston Bomb Suspect's Body

  • But beyond the ventilatory threshold, the release of carbon dioxide begins to exceed the body's intake of oxygen.

    WSJ: Hard-Wired to Hate Exercise?

  • In 1997, members of Abdel Rahman's organization (Gama al Islamiyah, or the Islamic Group, which is designated by the U.S. government as a terrorist organization) murdered more than 60 tourists at Luxor, Egypt, and inserted notes in the body cavities of several victims demanding the Blind Sheik's release.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Will Obama Free the Blind Sheik?

  • Learn Self Myofascial Release techniques to relieve knots and trigger points throughout your body.

    FORBES: Rosewood Little Dix Bay Expands Health and Wellness Retreats

  • Within a year Langer had invented a new plastic that used proteins to burrow holes big enough to release multiple drugs and cancer-fighting chemicals into the body.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The 29-year-old model was alive after she was shot, and Pistorius carried her wounded body downstairs, said the official, who was not authorized to release details to the media.


  • "If you compound losing body parts with losing friends, just getting in the water is a release, " he says, adding that fishing gave him enhanced dexterity because it helped him learn to walk on prosthetics in the water.

    CNN: Wounded warriors go fishing for recovery

  • Tourist body VisitScotland created a multi-million pound tourism campaign to tie in with the release of the film last year.

    BBC: Merida

  • And the BBC understands House of Commons Commission, a supervisory body chaired by Speaker Michael Martin, will meet on Monday to decide whether to release the details of all MPs' claims early.

    BBC: Ministers defend expenses claims

  • This excess release of carbon dioxide is a sign that the muscles have become more acidic, which the body finds stressful.

    WSJ: Hard-Wired to Hate Exercise?

  • Eventually there could be drugs activated by the patient's own body, with, for instance, a chip that could sense when a diabetic has high levels of glucose and release the required dose of insulin.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

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