• That's because the global combat ship is so named because it's meant to be, well, global.

    BBC: Fog on the Clyde

  • When gas prices finally did fall, it was mostly because the global recession had led to less demand for oil.

    WHITEHOUSE: America��s Energy Security

  • But we want to maximize areas where we can work together because the global challenges will simply not be met if we don't.


  • And even getting up to that deadline poses huge problems for the economy because the global economy begins the possibility of the impossible, the unthinkable, which is a U.S. default.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Because the global demand we need to grow through exports has not materialised, the government's borrowing targets will be missed, and the Bank of England will need to keep interest rates lower for longer.

    BBC: The long run just got longer

  • Richard Perks, director of Retail Research at industry analysis company MINTEL, said Europe's luxury brands have remained relatively unaffected by reduced retail spending because the global consumer base for luxury goods is growing.

    CNN: Luxury goods stay on trend

  • As far as Middle East is concerned, how much President is worried about the flow of oil -- because the global community and the Americans are worried about it -- and also the security of Israel?

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Think for a moment if somebody told you that from now on you were not going to make a living by writing, but that instead you would have to find a manufacturing job because the global market has concluded that it is much cheaper to outsource journalistic work to India.

    ECONOMIST: Letters | The

  • Team boss Ross Brawn sealed their survival with a management buyout in early March, ensuring most employees initially stayed to help rebuild a fresh team after the under-performing Japanese outfit pulled out of the sport because of the global financial crisis.

    BBC: Brawn GP reveal heavy job losses

  • Still, Bluetooth stuck around in the States, partly because of the global supply concerns of American technology companies.

    ENGADGET: Switched On: The Blossoming of Bluetooth

  • But he said the shortage was unlikely to affect the price of bread because of the global nature of the market.

    BBC: Britain 'running out of wheat' owing to bad weather

  • Falling rates come amid sliding volumes, and the resulting oversupply in the shipping industry that went from boom to bust because of the global credit crisis.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Feebly, the candidate echoed the official line: they should vote, he told them, because of the global hostility toward Iran.

    NEWYORKER: Election, Monitored

  • The Brawn team raced as Honda last season but secured their survival only at the beginning of this month following Honda's decision to quit F1 because of the global financial crisis.

    BBC: Virgin to sponsor Brawn F1 team

  • Third, free trade is in for a rough time because of the global economic downturn.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Because of the global population ageing, the number and burden of strokes will increase.

    BBC: Drug 'may prevent stroke damage'

  • Correspondents said budget plans and finances would come under extra scrutiny because of the global economic turndown.

    BBC: Cities make 2016 Olympics pitches

  • Because of the global downturn, U.S. exports took a beating last year.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Respected HBO boxing analyst Jim Lampley disagrees, asserting that "black American boxers are no longer as dominant because of the global rise of others".

    BBC: US boxing faces up to change

  • Early Tuesday, the Mexican and Chinese government sent chartered flights to each other's countries to pick up their respective nationals stranded or quarantined because of the global swine flu outbreak.

    CNN: Second U.S. death linked to swine flu, officials say

  • The advice in Me 2.0 has become more important because the internet is the global talent pool, and if you want to be in that pool, you need an online presence, and if you have an online presence, you need to manage it.

    FORBES: Building Your Personal Brand With Social Media

  • With the composition of the board that we have, we hope that our products will appeal to the majority of Muslims, because we span the global coverage in terms of opinion.

    BBC: Online investing for Muslims

  • The U.S. has a special place in this, not just because it is still the biggest economy, but because it still has the dominant global means of exchange, the dollar.

    FORBES: The Fed, the Bailouts and the Useful Inquest

  • Much the same with global corporations because the plural sector is rooted in community.

    FORBES: Henry Mintzberg On What Is Wrong With Our Economy and How To Begin To Fix It

  • Container traffic provides a window on trade patterns and the state of the global economy because it is the most closely tied to consumer demand.


  • The IMF also published an update to its Global Financial Stability Report said that risks to financial stability in the banking sector had increased in the second quarter of this year because of the continued slow global recovery and fears about the quality of bank assets in Europe.

    FORBES: IMF Says World Economy Getting Worse

  • Because everything in the global markets today is linked together it is cross linked, correlated and traded algorithmically.

    FORBES: Will Another May Day Crisis Hit The Markets?

  • They also repudiated liberal international trade, because the terms of global commerce were deemed exploitative and unfair.

    ECONOMIST: Poverty and inequality

  • Corporations, especially multi-nationals that derive much of their business overseas, are facing slowing demand because of the weakening global economy, weighing on profit margins.

    FORBES: FOCUS: U.S. Corporate Earning May Disappoint; Could Trip Up Stocks, Gold

  • Because the thing about global financial capitalism is that it is very hard for mobile multinational businesses to put patriotism before the preservation of wealth.

    BBC: Could the euro survive a Greek exit?

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