• Signs of a slowing economy (see article) are adding to the party's woes.

    ECONOMIST: Nationalism online

  • Besides the immediate headaches, there is also a chance as yet hard to gauge that the nationalist criticisms will gain broader support, bringing down Mr Chuan's coalition, shakier than ever after adding a seventh party in October.

    ECONOMIST: Thailand

  • Adding to the party's woes, Mr Sarkozy, who has stayed out of the dispute in public, was questioned for 12 hours on Thursday by an examining magistrate over alleged illegal party donations during his 2007 presidential campaign.

    BBC: UMP rivals Fillon and Cope called to face-to-face talks

  • "I think it would be foolish for any party that has suffered disappointing results not to look at itself ...and look at how it can improve, " she said, adding that the party must extend its appeal to all parts of Wales.

    BBC: Plaid delegates hear 'time to broaden party appeal'

  • Players can sacrifice themselves for the benefit of the rest of the party, adding an interesting layer of self-sacrifice to co-op play.

    FORBES: Is 'Soul Sacrifice' The Video Game The PS Vita Needs To Survive?

  • But the SNP's Westminster leader Angus Robertson accused the UK government of interfering in Scotland's affairs, adding that the Conservative Party "has less members of Parliament that there are giant pandas in Edinburgh Zoo".

    BBC: Cameron: SNP want a 'neverendum', not a referendum

  • Worm-eaten, like the exceedingly old voters who would be disinterred to use them, snorted the rival National Party, adding that even the new list included lots of Nicaraguan immigrants who should not be on it.

    ECONOMIST: Honduras

  • Praising John Swinney, he said the finance secretary had once been the "defeated and devastated ex-leader of his party", adding that there was "hope for us all".

    BBC: Alex Salmond's night at the opera

  • Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman Ed Davey accused Mr Cameron of being "terrified of betraying the Eurosceptic wing of his party", adding he "must come clean on where he now stands".

    BBC: Cameron denies Tory EU 'turmoil'

  • "Koizumi, who relies strongly on high public approval because of weak support within his political party, feared the foreign ministry squabbles could hurt his public image, " it said, adding that the prime minister consulted with senior party members before making the move.

    BBC: Japanese papers see trouble for PM

  • Zachary advocates keeping the Internet distribution model, in which users can download apps off the Apple site, developers' sites or third-party sites, and adding iTunes as another option.

    FORBES: iPhone Apps In The Works

  • Adding to the confusion, the party also has a president, Nitin Gatkari, pushed into his job by a powerful Hindu-revivalist group, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, or RSS, who prance about in khaki shorts.

    ECONOMIST: Indian politics

  • The new album from Southern Culture on the Skids continues their string of party albums by adding a California twist.

    NPR: Country-Fried Rock from Southern Culture : World Cafe

  • "People feel betrayed" in Labour's heartland, she said, adding that their message to the Labour party is "come back to your people".

    BBC: 'People feel betrayed' by Labour in Bradford

  • Penney is going ahead and adding Martha Celebrations areas, which will feature party accessories and stationery designed by the home maven.

    WSJ: Judge: JCP can sell Martha-designed goods for now

  • Adding to the beat was LMFAO and their Party Rock Anthem with Madonna doing the dance moves and a cartwheel or two.

    FORBES: Madonna Rocks The Super Bowl

  • He warned about any review on civil partnerships being "kicked into the long grass", adding that Parliament "was in danger of being party to a last minute stitch-up between the frontbenches".

    BBC: Gay marriage: Deal to allow bill to proceed in Parliament

  • "Early data in the wake of the scandal show a deeper deterioration" for Mr. Berlusconi's party, Mr. Mannheimer said, adding that recent polling data show only one-third of Italian voters plan to back mainstream parties in the April vote.

    WSJ: Scandals Rain on Berlusconi's Party

  • Hill will remain in Seoul, South Korea, but will be meeting with his six-party counterparts shortly, Boucher said, adding that U.S. Special Envoy Joseph DeTrani will continue to be responsible for the day-to-day oversight of issues relating to the six-party talks.

    CNN: U.S. 'won't bargain' over NK talks

  • Mardi Gras organisers said the street party was organised unofficially by a local club adding they were disappointed with the stadium's decision to cancel.

    BBC: Generic Mardi Gras picture

  • By bringing her on, Obama finally gets the keys to the Clinton political franchise, adding it to the Daley, Daschle and Kennedy Democratic party franchises he has already acquired and integrated.

    CNN: Commentary: Clinton pick would be brilliant, but risky, move

  • Ms Davidson said it was now time for her party to turn over a new page, adding that with hindsight, Conservatives were wrong to oppose the idea of a Scottish Parliament during the campaign for devolution, which was delivered in 1999.

    BBC: Ruth Davidson supports more Holyrood financial powers

  • That, and actually adding value to the product with both first and third-party software.

    FORBES: Nintendo: No Plans for a Wii U Price Drop

  • Most pipelines are on a 15-year depreciation schedule and MLPs like Kinder Morgan and Enterprise Products are adding more assets each year, so the tax-deferral party will last for a long time.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Prince said in his testimony that much of the media's reporting on his pay was inaccurate, adding that Citi's Board of Directors uses a third-party consultant to advise the company on its executives' pay.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Yet for a party with such close ties to Hollywood, their efforts at adding TV gloss to their stage show have been strictly public-access cable.

    CNN: Joseph in the technicolor dream factory

  • The party had been right to challenge NHS changes, he said, adding the Human Rights Act was "here to stay" - the Conservatives had pledged to axe when they were in opposition.

    BBC: Nick Clegg warns of 'long, hard road' on economy

  • Judged over the past four years, not the past four weeks, he has done a great deal to modernise his party, stamping out social illiberalism, reducing the Europe-bashing and adding environmentalism.

    ECONOMIST: The British election

  • And he added that the Labour Party 'just want to embarrass the government' over the issue, adding that the matter has already been cleared up and "there isn't any case to answer".

    BBC: Coulson 'has no case to answer' over phone hack claims

  • Margaret Beckett, the Labour leader in the House of Commons, also dismissed the claims as "quite outrageous", adding the selection of candidates was carried out by a democratic process agreed by the party.

    BBC: Stop parachuting candidates, says MP

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