言之有理 百科内容来自于: 百度百科


言之有理 ( yán zhī yǒu lǐ )
解 释 说的话有道理。
出 处明·无心子金雀记·守贞》:“还是左兄言之有理,极是曲体人情。” 清·洪升《长生殿·骂贼》
用 法 主谓式;作谓语、定语;指说的话有道理。
示 例郭澄清《大刀记》第11章:“大婶觉得永生~,点了点头。”
反义词 胡说八道、言不及义、无稽之谈


It stands to reason.;hold water;said with solid judgment;sensibly said;
  1. 但是她那“不是为了选择而选择”的观点还是言之有理的。
    Yet her big point, that choice is not a goal in itself, is well-taken.
  2. 倘若她言之有理,那此次对话将从这里开始而不仅是在某人的电脑上。
    If she has her way, the dialogue will start here-and not just on somebody's computer.
  3. 一刃大师言之有理,平时整理只要备上手术橡胶手套,完事洗净既可不伤肌肤。
    Master yiren what you said is reasonable. It's clean and no harm to skin to put on operation rubber gloves.
  4. 她断定那笔钱用得不是地方,而我们在经济上遇到的困难却也似乎说明她言之有理。
    She claims that money has been wasted and our financial difficulty seems to prove her point.
  5. 如果他们认为那样做就能证明反对撤消经济调节之说言之有理,那么他们就没有抓住问题的要害。
    If they think that that clinches the argument against deregulation of the economy, they miss a crucial point.
  6. 生活富裕的人有道义上的责任帮助那些生活贫困的人,因此把资源从富国输送到穷国初看起来是言之有理的。
    The prosperous have a moral obligation to assist those who live in poverty and there is a prima facie case for a transfer ofresoureces from rich countries to poor.
    Provided by jukuu
  7. 如果以上言之有理,对这些肆无忌惮的暴动者仅通过逮捕拘留来让他们改过是很难平息暴动的尽管这种看法非常普遍。
    If that is right, the rioting is unlikely to be stamped out by rounding up the feral mobs and giving them a good hiding,popular though that might be.
- 来自原声例句

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