结果表明:我国优秀女子铅球运动员在滑步阶段,左腿有效摆动不足, 右腿蹬伸力量、速度不佳。
The result shows that the effective swinging of left leg is insufficient and extending strength of right leg is not good at the stage of sliding.
The foot bar is that part which differs it from other scooters. Customers just need step on treadle to make it glide, no need drive the ground.
第九届全运会季军曾小玲在跨栏步技术上存在跨栏腿蹬伸不足、下栏距离长、身体总重心起伏大 等问题。
Zeng Xiaoling , the third place , had some problem , such as insufficient stretching , too long S2 , too large alteration of gravity center.