如果我打一个愿 If I make a wish
我得到一个打破 I Got A Break
我刚才打破了一个窗口 i've just broken a window
他打我另一个 he me to paly another
打击我一个吻 blow me a kiss
To do that then was really to be severed from your ties. To make a phone call I had to wait in line at a phone place and it was not easy.
So putting back that prototype allows me to compile this, because I'm saying proactively to the compiler hey, you're going to see a function called increment.
Yeah, last week, I was up all night. I took a nap, an hour nap,
What I'm going to do is focus on a couple basic things that turn out to be really important for general applications, and then I'll talk not in too much detail about a few applications of DNA that you're probably familiar with to try to give you a framework to hang this on.