• 电影片名好比影片门楣

    Film names reflect the contents of films.


  • 骆驼住,门楣增高

    He who houses a camel must make his door higher.


  • 羊羔房屋左右的门框门楣

    You will take the blood of that lamb and strike it on the two side posts and the upper part .


  • 很高,难免撞上低低的门楣

    He is too tall, and has never been able to avoid striking his head on the low doorway.


  • 这个支柱门口举行门楣一个。

    This pillar was used in a brick tomb to hold up the lintel of a doorway.


  • 各家,涂在羊羔房屋左右门框门楣

    Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs.


  • 拿一把牛膝草,的血,打在门楣上和左右门框上。

    Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it into the blood in the basin and put some of the blood on the top and on both sides of the doorframe.


  • 所有雕像各具特色,同花饰浮雕构成一个有机整体

    All special features, spend a ectype to constitute on the pupils of same master lintel an organic whole.


  • 进入门厅两侧砖砌拱门门楣分别书“出孝”、“入悌”。

    Stepping into the hall, you will see "Be filial to parents" and "Be respectful to teacher" on the lintel of brick arches.


  • 而优则仕”以及“光耀门楣思想印记在古宅里随处可见

    Also omnipresent are marks of the idea that "he who excels in study can follow an official career" and that of bringing honor to the family name.


  • 根据生活常识我们可以推断出:太低以至于撞上了“门楣”。

    The door was so low that I hit my head on the lintel .


  • 崖顶释然地长舒了一口气低头避过巨石门楣,才步入修道院

    At the top, I exhaled with relief, then ducked my head under a massive stone lintel and stepped into the monastery site itself.


  • 那么帽子到了门楣他的宽度似乎横跨整个门。

    So tall was he that his hat actually brushed the cross bar of the doorway, and his breadth seemed to span it across from side to side.


  • 哥哥是个律师姐姐是个医生他们门楣因为决定女招待

    Her brother is a lawyer and her sister is a doctor. They say she is the black sheep of the family because she decided to be a waitress.


  • 春联同时一些人家要在屋门墙壁上、门楣上贴上大大小小的

    In the Spring Festival couplet at the same time, some people in the door to, the walls, signage pasted greatly small "f" word.


  • 进球之间仅差线胜利或是失败只是门柱横梁或是门楣厘米距离。

    'There is a thin line between scoring and not, a win and a defeat, it's just a few centimetres of woodwork, the bar or post.


  • 看着一副副整整齐齐放在地砖春联想着它们将要喜气洋洋人们张贴门楣

    Watching a deputy neat to be on the floor tiles on the dry couplets, thinking they will have to be beaming people posted on the lintel.


  • 男孩子背对着摄像机着,靠着大门门楣,抓着门柱手上戴熟悉戒指

    One boy stood with his back to the camera, leaning stooped against a gate lintel, and on the finger of the hand that held the post there was a ring she recognized.


  • 留神脑袋孩子。”德夫尔晚了一点儿,因为沙斯塔前额已经低低的门楣上了。

    "Mind your head, lad," said Duffle a moment too late, for Shasta had already bashed his forehead against the low lintel of the door.


  • 许多民居门楣匾额石刻字迹儒雅隽秀,多出自四书五经匡扶正义吉祥如意,哲理深刻透彻

    Many ancient houses lintel stone plaque writing elegant Juanxiu, from the Four Books and the Five Classics, Kuangfu justice, luck and profound thorough.


  • 窨子屋门窗雕花门楣、楹柱、照壁、窗格家具龙游、云纹动物图案。

    Ancient sub-cellar doors and Windows of many houses painted carved beams. The lintel, Ying-chu, face-to-face walls, panes are decorated with furniture Longyou Fengxiang, cloud animals.


  • 这里大部分家长认为现状不错只要他们照做,他们孩子就能光耀门楣不是成为一个饭桶

    But here, most parents think things are working just fineand, if they follow the formula, their single child will emerge anhonor to the family and not a dreaded deadbeat.


  • 教堂门楣镂空蔷薇花瓣小圆窗,纤秀而优雅,尤为件杰作,好似用花边做成星星

    The little fretted stone rose-window above the door was in particular a master-piece of grace and lightness―a star of lace.


  • 神吩咐摩西指示以色列民羊群选出只无残疾一岁公羊,把牠掉,牠的血涂门框门楣上。

    You know the story of how the lamb was chosen and killed and the blood put on the doorway, forming a cross of blood.


  • 这座房子大门门楣精致图案上正中间八卦图案看出,这房子的主人一个特别迷信风水的巨商。

    This house sat on the door lintel carved with fine patterns, from the middle of the door design of the gossip that the owner of the house is a giant in particular geomantic superstition.


  • 这座房子大门门楣精致图案上正中间八卦图案看出,这房子的主人一个特别迷信风水的巨商。

    This house sat on the door lintel carved with fine patterns, from the middle of the door design of the gossip that the owner of the house is a giant in particular geomantic superstition.


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